Priyanka Chakrabarty Articles

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It is often said that the fundamental difference between the rich and the poor is: rich invest their money and spend what is left of it. The poor spend and invest what is left of it. You might already know which of these...Read More

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Mathematical accuracy and performance in real time are different ballgames altogether. The maths and the returns might look perfect on paper but the discrepancies soon show as some investment performances...Read More

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It is already the sixth month of the year and third month of the financial year. This might be the right time to reflect upon all that is going right and not so right. The word budget is not just official government...Read More

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Financially our lives can be divided into long terms goals and short term goals. The short term goals could range from taking a foreign holiday or buying the latest LED television in the market. Long term goals are...Read More

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National Pension Scheme (NPS) is a scheme launched by the Government of Indian in January 2004. The scheme aimed at creating cash flow for the senior citizens post their retirement. India like most other developing...Read More

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The last fifteen sixteen months have been very eventful for India as a new Government came in power with a clear majority which prompted the stock market to take a new high. The two budgets presented...Read More

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A portfolio containing the financial plan of a family, typically has financial goals such as higher education, marriage and savings for the child(ren) of the family. One of the most popular avenues of investment is the...Read More

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It is not enough to bask in the security of your investments. An investment not reviewed is as good as an investment not made. Annual reviewing of investments and assets is of crucial importance...Read More

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It is very hard to let go off the fixed deposits, especially when the interest rates are as high as 9.5%, close to a double digit. An investor might think it is even foolish to consider Debt funds in such a scenario because...Read More

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Ajit was destined for neither fame nor obscurity. He strived to be in the upper middle class strata and his income allowed him and his family to be so. He was told by his financial advisor that his risk appetite is...Read More
