Bandhan MF Small Cap Fund 728x90

Mutual Fund Volatility Ranking

Scheme Name Launch Date AUM (Crore) TER (%) Standard Deviation Quartile Rank - SD Beta Quartile Rank - Beta
ABSL Flexi Cap Gr Reg 14-08-1998 22,174.08 1.68 13.31 Lower Middle Quartile 0.97 Bottom Quartile
Axis Flexi Cap Reg Gr 10-11-2017 12,883.38 1.72 13.35 Lower Middle Quartile 0.92 Lower Middle Quartile
Bandhan Flexi Cap Reg Gr 14-09-2005 7,180.62 1.87 13.14 Upper Middle Quartile 0.93 Lower Middle Quartile
Bank of India Flexi Cap Reg Gr 05-06-2020 2,096.09 1.99 15.0 Bottom Quartile 1.02 Bottom Quartile
Canara Robeco Flexi Cap Reg Gr 05-09-2003 12,804.68 1.7 12.4 Top Quartile 0.89 Upper Middle Quartile
DSP Flexi Cap Reg Gr 29-04-1997 11,569.47 1.74 14.27 Bottom Quartile 0.99 Bottom Quartile
Edelweiss Flexi Cap Reg Gr 05-01-2015 2,468.59 1.94 13.47 Lower Middle Quartile 0.97 Bottom Quartile
Franklin India Flexi Cap Gr 29-09-1994 17,946.77 1.7 12.72 Upper Middle Quartile 0.91 Upper Middle Quartile
HDFC Flexi Cap Gr 01-01-1995 66,344.4 1.42 12.43 Top Quartile 0.86 Top Quartile
HSBC Flexi Cap Gr 24-02-2004 5,041.56 1.93 13.41 Lower Middle Quartile 0.95 Lower Middle Quartile
ICICI Pru Flexicap Gr 05-07-2021 16,716.76 1.7 11.97 Top Quartile 0.83 Top Quartile
JM Flexi Cap Gr 23-09-2008 5,333.7 1.81 13.61 Bottom Quartile 0.92 Lower Middle Quartile
Kotak Flexi Cap Gr 05-09-2009 50,425.9 1.47 12.89 Upper Middle Quartile 0.92 Lower Middle Quartile
LICMF Flexi Cap Reg Gr 15-04-1993 1,062.01 2.25 12.62 Upper Middle Quartile 0.88 Upper Middle Quartile
Mahindra Manulife Flexi Cap Fund Reg Gr 23-08-2021 1,437.8 2.08 13.31 Lower Middle Quartile 0.96 Bottom Quartile
Motilal Oswal Flexi Cap Fund Reg Gr 08-04-2014 13,162.07 1.72 13.79 Bottom Quartile 0.85 Top Quartile
Navi Flexi Cap Reg Gr 02-07-2018 260.37 2.29 12.98 Upper Middle Quartile 0.92 Lower Middle Quartile
Nippon India Flexi Cap Fund Reg Gr 05-08-2021 8,618.03 1.74 13.31 Lower Middle Quartile 0.94 Lower Middle Quartile
Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Reg Gr 05-05-2013 87,539.41 1.33 10.95 Top Quartile 0.71 Top Quartile
PGIM India Flexi Cap Reg Gr 05-02-2015 6,329.61 1.78 13.09 Upper Middle Quartile 0.91 Upper Middle Quartile
Quant Flexi Cap Gr 01-09-2008 7,182.58 1.78 16.99 Bottom Quartile 1.12 Bottom Quartile
SBI Flexi Cap Reg Gr 05-09-2005 22,092.16 1.67 11.73 Top Quartile 0.84 Top Quartile
Shriram Flexi Cap Reg Gr 05-09-2018 144.96 2.39 13.06 Upper Middle Quartile 0.9 Upper Middle Quartile
Tata Flexi Cap Reg Gr 05-08-2018 2,902.18 1.94 12.17 Top Quartile 0.85 Top Quartile
Taurus Flexi Cap Reg Gr 29-01-1994 367.57 2.64 15.34 Bottom Quartile 1.05 Bottom Quartile
Union Flexi Cap Gr 10-06-2011 2,299.14 2.04 11.95 Top Quartile 0.85 Top Quartile
UTI Flexi Cap Gr 05-08-2005 26,062.33 1.66 14.16 Bottom Quartile 0.94 Lower Middle Quartile

Quartile rankings are a measure of how well a mutual fund has performed against all other funds in its category. The rankings range from "Top Quartile" to "Bottom Quartile" for all time periods covered in our drop down menu above. Mutual funds with the lowest volatility in the chosen time period are assigned to "Top Quartile", whereas those with the highest volatility are assigned to "Bottom Quartile". Volatility of a fund is measured in terms of annualized standard deviation of monthly rolling returns over the period selected by the user (from the drop down menu). Quartile rankings are compiled by sorting funds in ascending order of volatilities. Funds in the top 25% are assigned the ranking of "Top Quartile", the next 25% are assigned a ranking of "Upper Middle Quartile", the next 25% after that are assigned a ranking of "Lower Middle Quartile" and the lowest 25% are assigned the ranking of "Bottom Quartile".

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