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Best Performing Mutual Funds (Trailing returns) - AMC Wise

Scheme Name Category Launch Date AUM (Crore) TER (%) 1-Yr Ret (%) 3-Yrs Ret (%) 5-Yrs Ret (%) 10-Yrs Ret (%) Since Launch Ret (%)
ICICI Pru Flexicap Gr Equity: Flexi Cap 07-07-2021 14,945.89 1.72 3.96 17.16 - - 15.06
Category Average - - - - 6.68 13.96 24.5 12.92 14.9
NIFTY 500 TRI - - - - 6.37 14.43 26.18 13.27 12.34

Mutual Fund Selector is a very dynamic mutual fund research tool that helps you select the best mutual funds or top mutual fund schemes in a category across all AMCs or across 5, 10 and 15 largest fund houses. Therefore, if you want to check the top performing funds in a category across the largest fund houses then this is the perfect tool. By using the filter, you can also see the performance of all schemes of an AMC/ fund house for different periods like 1, 3, 5 and 10 years and since launch period. The XIRR return percentages are highlighted for the chosen period in the above results in the order of highest to lowest XIRR returns. Along with the scheme returns, you also get to see the launch date, AUM (in Crores) and expense ratio of each scheme.

Advisorkhoj develops innovative mutual fund research tools and Calculators that may help you in your investments. Mutual Fund Distributors who wish to display MF Research and calculators on their website may write to for APIs.

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