UTI MF Multi Asset Allocation Fund 728x90

Mutual Fund SIP Calculator

To see SIP Returns with Yearly Enhancements scroll down to bottom of the Cash Flow table.


Fund Name AMC Name Launch Date Nav Date Nav Units No of
SIP value as on
SIP value as on
XIRR (%)
as on 28-02-2025
ICICI Pru BlueChip Gr ICICIMF 05-05-2008 28-02-2025 96.31 317.4643 11 33000.0 30574.99 30,575 -14.57

Cash Flow

ICICI Pru BlueChip Gr
Nav Date Nav Cumulative Units Cumulative Invested Amount Market Value
02-04-2024 96.48 31.0945 3000.0 2999.9973600000003
02-05-2024 98.01 61.7036 6000.0 6047.569836000001
03-06-2024 100.81 91.4626 9000.0 9220.344706
02-07-2024 104.03 120.3004 12000.0 12514.850612
02-08-2024 107.3 148.2594 15000.0 15908.233619999999
02-09-2024 110.03 175.5247 18000.0 19312.982741
03-10-2024 109.98 202.8024 21000.0 22304.207952
04-11-2024 105.08 231.3521 24000.0 24310.478668
02-12-2024 106.52 259.5158 27000.0 27643.623016
02-01-2025 105.86 287.8551 30000.0 30472.340885999998
03-02-2025 101.32 317.4643 33000.0 32165.482875999995

Mutual Fund SIP Calculator helps you get returns of any 5 mutual fund schemes of your choice in a category that you select. You can input the SIP amount, select the SIP frequency like monthly, fortnightly and quarterly. You can also select the SIP start and end date and get the results which shows the AMC name, scheme inception date, NAV date, number of SIP instalments, invested value, SIP value as on the selected date and the SIP returns in XIRR (%). Over and above the returns, you can also see the cash flow for the period chosen for each scheme with details like, NAV date, NAV, cumulative units, cumulative investment amount and market value. The results can be downloaded in excel.

Advisorkhoj develops innovative mutual fund research tools and Calculators that may help you in your investments. Mutual Fund Distributors who wish to display MF Research and calculators on their website may write to sales@advisorkhoj.com for APIs.

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