Kotak MF Jitne Sapne Utni SIP 728x90

Mutual Fund Benchmark Returns


Benchmark Name SIP Investment Cost SIP Value as on 05-03-2025 Growth Amount Enhanced Growth Amount Enhanced Growth (%) CAGR Returns (%)
NIFTY 50 TRI 72300.00 74795.99 2495.99 3080.44 4.3% 3.52

Cash Flow

Nav Date Nav Cumulative Units Cumulative Invested Amount Market Value
05-04-2023 25553.28 0.1174 3000.0 2999.96
05-05-2023 26308.78 0.2314 6000.0 6087.85
05-06-2023 27168.13 0.3418 9000.0 9286.07
05-07-2023 28365.96 0.4476 12000.0 12696.6
07-08-2023 28699.8 0.5521 15000.0 15845.16
05-09-2023 28714.78 0.6566 18000.0 18854.12
05-10-2023 28671.97 0.7612 21000.0 21825.1
06-11-2023 28519.25 0.8664 24000.0 24709.08
05-12-2023 30646.19 0.9643 27000.0 29552.12
05-01-2024 31903.69 1.0583 30000.0 33763.68
05-02-2024 32007.18 1.152 33000.0 36872.27
05-03-2024 32910.07 1.2432 36000.0 40913.8
05-04-2024 33142.19 1.3428 39300.0 44503.33
06-05-2024 33037.73 1.4427 42600.0 47663.53
05-06-2024 33441.4 1.5414 45900.0 51546.57
05-07-2024 36009.61 1.633 49200.0 58803.69
05-08-2024 35646.37 1.7256 52500.0 61511.38
05-09-2024 37326.99 1.814 55800.0 67711.16
07-10-2024 36808.37 1.9037 59100.0 70072.09
05-11-2024 35982.96 1.9954 62400.0 71800.4
05-12-2024 36737.18 2.0852 65700.0 76604.37
06-01-2025 35113.04 2.1792 69000.0 76518.34
05-02-2025 35277.7 2.2727 72300.0 80175.63

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