Axis MF Balanced Advantage Fund February 2025 728x90

Best SWP in Mutual Fund

Top SWP Funds

Scheme Name AMC Name Launch Date Lumpsum Amount Withdrawal Period No of Mly. Installments Total Withdrawal Amount Current Value Return XIRR % Cash Flow
SBI Equity Hybrid Reg Gr | Invest Online SBIMF 01-12-1995 100000 01-01-2013 to 28-02-2025 68 204000.0 1267.2 22.36
ICICI Pru Equity & Debt Gr ICICIMF 05-11-1999 100000 01-01-2013 to 28-02-2025 65 195000.0 828.55 21.4
Tata Hybrid Equity Reg Gr TataMF 08-10-1995 100000 01-01-2013 to 28-02-2025 64 192000.0 1616.3 21.16
HDFC Hybrid Equity Gr HDFCMF 05-04-2005 100000 01-01-2013 to 28-02-2025 62 186000.0 2456.52 20.56
Nippon India Equity Hybrid Gr NipponIndiaMF 05-06-2005 100000 01-01-2013 to 28-02-2025 62 186000.0 1232.79 20.42
Quant Absolute Fund Gr QuantMF 21-03-2001 100000 01-01-2013 to 28-02-2025 59 177000.0 267.86 19.14
ABSL Equity Hybrid 95 Reg Gr ABSLMF 10-02-1995 100000 01-01-2013 to 28-02-2025 59 177000.0 72.35 19.11
Franklin India Equity Hybrid Gr FranklinMF 10-12-1999 100000 01-01-2013 to 28-02-2025 58 174000.0 2616.75 19.06
Canara Robeco Equity Hybrid Reg Gr | Invest Online CanaraMF 01-02-1993 100000 01-01-2013 to 28-02-2025 57 171000.0 1132.21 18.42
PGIM India Hybrid Equity Gr | Invest Online PGIMIndiaMF 29-01-2004 100000 01-01-2013 to 28-02-2025 55 165000.0 2403.14 17.71
UTI Aggressive Hybrid Fund Reg Gr UTIMF 20-03-1995 100000 01-01-2013 to 28-02-2025 55 165000.0 1056.27 17.49
JM Aggressive Hybrid Gr JMMF 01-04-1995 100000 01-01-2013 to 28-02-2025 54 162000.0 2679.86 17.27
DSP Aggressive Hybrid Fund Reg Gr DSPMF 26-05-1999 100000 01-01-2013 to 28-02-2025 53 159000.0 2919.41 16.82
Edelweiss Aggr Hybrid Reg Gr EdelweissMF 12-08-2009 100000 01-01-2013 to 28-02-2025 52 156000.0 322.36 15.84
LIC MF Aggressive Hybrid Reg Gr | Invest Online LICMF 31-03-1991 100000 01-01-2013 to 28-02-2025 52 156000.0 238.45 15.82
Edelweiss Aggr Hybrid Plan B Gr EdelweissMF 16-06-2009 100000 01-01-2013 to 28-02-2025 52 156000.0 149.31 15.81

Mutual Fund Investors are aware about Systematic Withdrawal Plan or SWP as it is known popularly. What is SWP and how it works can be read here Mutual Fund SWP: Smart investment solution for cash flow needs and wealth creation. In a normal SWP, generally investors can withdraw a fixed amount at a fixed frequency from their investments. However, we can try another innovative way of doing SWP You can call it SWP with Annual increase. The concept is that you can decide to increase the SWP amount annually by a certain percentage / or by increasing the fixed amount. This helps you get higher regular cash flow which helps you keep pace with the increasing inflation. But most of the AMCs do not provide this facility through a standard product. Therefore, if you want to use this innovative option, you should give SWP mandate annually by increasing the amount to the extent you want.

However, whether you want to opt for a normal SWP or SWP with annual increase, the key is to select the good performing funds. Best SWP in Mutual Fund research tool helps you in that. Here we have back tested the SWP results of all the schemes in a category and picked the best SWP funds basis the returns generated in the selected period post withdrawal of the SWP amount. You can check the best SWP Funds by selecting the scheme category that you want to invest in and start SWP, select from and to period and provide the lump sum and fixed withdrawal amounts along with the SWP frequency. You will see the results with scheme names in order of highest to lowest returns. This helps you know which scheme/s did well in the past in the category chosen by you. However, investors should note that past performance of mutual funds are no guarantee or assurance for future returns.

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