Benchmark STP Calculator
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STP - Transferor Scheme : S&P BSE Liquid Rate Index

Total Initial Investment Amount Monthly STP Amount (Rs.) STP Period No of Installments Total Amount Transferred Total No. Units Remaining Value as on 06-09-2017 Current Value as on 25-03-2025 Profit Returns (%)
200000 10000 06-01-2016 to 25-03-2025 21 210000.0 0.71 788.1627107765636 1166.4581 11166.4581 6.39

STP - Transferee Scheme : NIFTY 50 TRI

Monthly STP Amount (Rs.) STP Period No of Installments Total Amount Invested Total No. Units Accumulated Value as on 06-09-2017 Current Value as on 25-03-2025 Profit Returns (%)
10000 06-01-2016 to 25-03-2025 21 210000.0 18.22 246377.05593317072 642885.1472 432885.1472 14.24

STP - Total Returns:

Total Investment Amount Total Current Value Total Profit Total Returns (%)
200000.0 644051.6053 444051.60530000005 13.5

S&P BSE Liquid Rate Index

Nav Date Nav Units Cumulative Units Cash Flow Net Amount Capital Gain/Loss No. of Days
Current Value
01-01-2016 1000.56 199.8881 199.88806268489648 200000.0 200000.0 0 0 200000.0
06-01-2016 1001.12 9.9888 189.89925015493003 -10000.0 190000.0 5.59 5 190111.93731510354
08-02-2016 1007.31 9.9274 179.97181967176198 -10000.0 180000.0 67.01 38 181287.41367356255
08-03-2016 1012.59 9.8757 170.09615429880748 -10000.0 170000.0 118.8 67 172237.66488142946
06-04-2016 1018.05 9.8227 160.27345403850592 -10000.0 160000.0 171.8 96 163166.38988390093
06-05-2016 1023.63 9.7692 150.50429916809375 -10000.0 150000.0 225.37 126 154060.7157574358
06-06-2016 1028.76 9.7204 140.78385902656413 -10000.0 140000.0 274.12 157 144832.8028121681
07-07-2016 1034.15 9.6698 131.11408191492654 -10000.0 130000.0 324.81 188 135591.6278123213
08-08-2016 1039.8 9.6172 121.49684783144895 -10000.0 120000.0 377.38 220 126332.42237514061
06-09-2016 1044.84 9.5708 111.92600444873005 -10000.0 110000.0 423.8 249 116944.7664882111
06-10-2016 1050.25 9.5215 102.4044619588467 -10000.0 100000.0 473.13 279 107550.28617227875
07-11-2016 1055.99 9.4698 92.93467531313982 -10000.0 90000.0 524.91 311 98138.08778392251
06-12-2016 1061.09 9.4243 83.51040404491563 -10000.0 80000.0 570.45 340 88612.05462801953
06-01-2017 1066.68 9.3749 74.1355212309508 -10000.0 70000.0 619.87 371 79078.8777866306
06-02-2017 1071.63 9.3316 64.8039422344688 -10000.0 60000.0 663.2 402 69445.84861672382
06-03-2017 1076.2 9.292 55.51198906591277 -10000.0 50000.0 702.84 430 59742.002632735326
06-04-2017 1081.45 9.2468 46.26514455160328 -10000.0 40000.0 747.98 461 50033.44057533137
08-05-2017 1086.98 9.1998 37.06534326731102 -10000.0 30000.0 795.05 493 40289.28682470173
06-06-2017 1092.11 9.1566 27.908756476603124 -10000.0 20000.0 838.29 522 30479.432035663034
06-07-2017 1097.53 9.1114 18.797388222432396 -10000.0 10000.0 883.53 552 20630.697495766228
07-08-2017 1103.23 9.0643 9.733095191967307 -10000.0 0.0 930.63 584 10737.842608634091
06-09-2017 1108.4 9.022 0.711081478506463 -10000.0 -10000.0 972.93 614 788.1627107765636


Nav Date Nav Units Cumulative Units Cash Flow Amount Current Value
06-01-2016 10302.32 0.9707 0.9706551534023404 10000.0 10000.0 10000.0
08-02-2016 9836.41 1.0166 1.9872862210377888 10000.0 20000.0 19547.762057478318
08-03-2016 9967.99 1.0032 2.9904975003428445 10000.0 30000.0 29809.24917844247
06-04-2016 10159.98 0.9843 3.9747514063544704 10000.0 40000.0 40383.39479353329
06-05-2016 10320.12 0.969 4.943732387195778 10000.0 50000.0 51019.9114837469
06-06-2016 10972.45 0.9114 5.855105872606967 10000.0 60000.0 64244.85643188632
07-07-2016 11192.11 0.8935 6.748592444844016 10000.0 70000.0 75530.98898786317
08-08-2016 11713.58 0.8537 7.60230241224937 10000.0 80000.0 89050.17749007598
06-09-2016 12037.72 0.8307 8.433024509124857 10000.0 90000.0 101514.38779398247
06-10-2016 11730.75 0.8525 9.285484922994389 10000.0 100000.0 108925.70226041642
07-11-2016 11460.08 0.8726 10.158079180626098 10000.0 110000.0 116412.40005630953
06-12-2016 10982.89 0.9105 11.068586342220177 10000.0 120000.0 121565.06625210655
06-01-2017 11118.62 0.8994 11.967978532977664 10000.0 130000.0 133067.40547633613
06-02-2017 11874.73 0.8421 12.810102943385312 10000.0 140000.0 152116.51372490585
06-03-2017 12103.68 0.8262 13.636297951845549 10000.0 150000.0 165049.38679379394
06-04-2017 12525.97 0.7983 14.434639317823592 10000.0 160000.0 180807.85905587877
08-05-2017 12597.5 0.7938 15.228447613120277 10000.0 170000.0 191840.3688062827
06-06-2017 13065.33 0.7654 15.993832031271216 10000.0 180000.0 208964.69345312877
06-07-2017 13147.27 0.7606 16.754446212009878 10000.0 190000.0 220275.2280497711
07-08-2017 13699.21 0.73 17.48441531241786 10000.0 200000.0 239522.67709202785
06-09-2017 13519.3 0.7397 18.22409858004266 10000.0 210000.0 246377.05593317072

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