Vinayak Sapre Articles

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The question has been haunting me for the last three years since I attended a training program on usage of social media in an IFA’s business. The program covered Facebook, Hoot suite, Quora, Twitter, Linked-in and one more platform which shows...Read More

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I constantly see financial advisors share information about various Funds performances, Funds beating their respective benchmarks by huge margin and funds giving 80-100 times return in X no. of years. That leaves me thinking how does...Read More

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Cricket and the art of fund management have some similarities. Thus, it is interesting to ponder as to why we still remember great cricketers and fund managers who achieved star status in their heyday...Read More

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From working with financial advisors for many years, I have observed many justifications for spending the majority of their workday in the office. Here are six of them...Read More

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Yesterday a good friend who happens to be a prospect as well asked, Vinayak how does it matter that all the products give more or less the same return, then why not only one product i.e. Bank FD for 10 years...Read More

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There are concerns and there are more concerns about the fund performance, sector performance, open ended fund performance, close ended fund performance of Mutual Funds. In all this, what we...Read More
