Most Popular Saving, Investing & Mutual Fund Articles

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Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) were introduced in India almost 20 years back by Franklin Templeton. Since then, SIPs in good funds have generated excellent returns and created wealth for the investors. SIPs offer...Read More

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The Companies Act 2013 passed by the Parliament received the assent of the President of India on 29th August 2013. The Act consolidates and amends the law relating to companies.The Companies Act 2013 was notified...Read More

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Is Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) a better investment option than Lump Sum? This is an old debate and has been going on ever since SIPs were introduced in India. Most financial advisors argue in favour...Read More

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Mutual funds with high dividend income have their own appeal for a certain set of investors, especially those looking for regular income from their investments. These funds are suitable for investors with moderate...Read More

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Over the last few decades average income and savings have increased significantly in India. Many of today’s senior citizens are financially independent and are able to maintain their pre-retirement lifestyles, unlike their parents who were financially...Read More

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When it comes to mutual funds or equity investing, various perceptions are usually at play in the minds of the investors. Share markets are speculative. They can give good returns, but the investor can also...Read More

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A few days back we had reviewed the top large cap funds based on CRISIL’s most recent ranking. In this blog, we will review the top small and midcap funds While, in the last one year the large cap equity mutual funds...Read More

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Balanced Mutual Funds are hybrid equity oriented mutual fund schemes. These funds usually invest 65 – 75% of their portfolio in equity securities and the remaining portion in debt or money market securities. The hybrid portfolio moderates the fund volatility...Read More

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Top performing mutual fund monthly income plans (MIPs) have beaten Post Office Monthly Income Scheme (MIS) in terms of annualized returns over the last 5 years, by investing a small part of the corpus in equities...Read More

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In the first part of this series Top 8 diversified equity mutual funds to invest in 2017, we discussed how we have selected the top funds as given in the list below. We also discussed the key benefits of investing in diversified equity mutual funds...Read More
