Retirement Planning Articles

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planning... or start their retirement planning late in life, which may put their financial inRetirement planning is one of the most important life-stage goals especially for salaried people. The financial objective of retirement planning is to accumulate a sufficiently large corpus which can meet cash-flow needs of you and your...Read More

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A survey by IMRB International shows that India’s per capita retirement and pension assets as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is among the lowest compared to other economies like Germany, USA and Brazil. The survey also...Read More

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72641 Viewed

Over the last few decades average income and savings have increased significantly in India. Many of today’s senior citizens are financially independent and are able to maintain their pre-retirement lifestyles, unlike their parents who were financially...Read More

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Retirement or Pension plans offered by Mutual Funds do not get as much of mention compared to the other retirement planning solutions, e.g. PPF, life insurance pension plans etc. These schemes are essentially...Read More

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We all look forward to our retirement days when we will have time on our hands and lazy days stretching ahead. We will finally live life on our own terms without the iron hand of a schedule to intimidate us and to fasten...Read More

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Today’s senior citizens definitely have more savings and investments compared to their parents, when they were retired, but the cost of living has multiplied manifold. Many of today’s retirees, unlike their...Read More

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When it comes to investment related risks or financial risks, we are aware of the risks like credit risk, currency risk, market risk, liquidity risk etc. But the bigger risk in today’s life which we all are facing is almost...Read More

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Retirement planning is one of the most important aspects of financial planning. The fundamental goal of retirement planning is to achieve financial independence in your retirement years. The other important...Read More

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14330 Viewed

Retirement planning is a complex but a very important topic, especially in today’s context as our country is going through a process of economic and social transformation. Some of these changes are...Read More
