Suren Kochhar Articles

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An often debate, are Direct Plan better than Regular Plan? Do we really need a Mutual Fund Distributor? In real value terms, it’s a non-debatable topic though. How often we get tempted as an investor to jump in & invest in a product performing well in short term or we have heard about it from a friend etc.? Not realizing if it actually...Read More

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Through this below note and example, we are attempting to simplify the understanding. Hence, we have taken only actively managed equity funds as an example & as it also forms a bulk of the industry AUM today. (The article does not include any information on ETF, FOF & Index Funds & its proposals, if any). Now, will this really...Read More

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Yes, the markets are volatile & hence I call them as “Behavior of the Beast”. I have taken data points from April 2018 till April of 2023. It covers the FII, DII & MFs Gross Purchase, Gross Sales & Net Purchase/Sales and the S&P BSE 500 movement. The FIIs have been Net Negative at...Read More

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Systematic Investment Plans in our Mutual Fund Industry have become a product by itself. The industry has recorded the highest Gross SIP Inflows of INR 14,276 in March 2023, with overall inflows at INR 1,55,972 in FY 2022-23 and SIP Assets Under Management at INR 6,83,296 as on March 2023. The total...Read More

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To begin, let me applaud the huge efforts of all our Mutual Fund Distributor friends for a commendable effort in promoting SIPs as a wonderful tool for their clients to participate in Indian Equity Markets, India Growth Story, their Long-Term Financial Planning linked to Goal setting. Further, the...Read More

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Invest in Equities Instead! as the Rental Yields are Lower than the Mortgage & Opportunity Value Creation through Equity Investment is Huge! “Well, No Graphs, Worm Charts etc & it’s comparison with Equity Holding Performance for similar period can give the Answer”! “You certainly don’t have to become a...Read More
