Priyanka Chakrabarty Articles

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The 67th year of Independence begins. One cannot help but continuously question the various aspects of independence. How independent are we as citizens? But even before that the question we need to ask...Read More

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Bhartiya Janta Paryt (BJP) + NDA had an electrifying win this Lok Sabha Election. This win, much predicted and expected had been looked forward by the financial market as it provided the much needed push...Read More

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Shiva trilogy is one such series that has taken India by storm. It is also one of the fastest selling book series in the history of Indian publishing. One of the ideas highlighted in the book is that good and evil...Read More

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There are times when life falls apart. Nothing goes as per plans. The known becomes the unknown and you become a stranger to yourself. We all have gone through this phase at one point of our lives. When we...Read More

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So the next time someone tells you "looks are deceiving", "all that glisters is not gold", "it is not what it looks like", do not dismiss it as a cliche All that is a cliche stems from the truth. Even though we often dismiss...Read More

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The thought of risk is not something we all want to risk. Security is what our lives should be aimed at. As secure job, secure life, secure investments. So when you hear your friend getting great returns on a Mutual...Read More

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Humans are not a rational being but a rationalizing one", this quote by Leon Festinger points out that the foundation of our existence is our ability to rationalize every action. Why do we rationalize? Because we...Read More

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We waited in anticipation for the world to end but it continues to revolve. We anticipated that 2013 was going to wreck havoc on humanity. Here we are, standing at the edge of a new year with a feeling of nostalgia...Read More

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Just got your first salary?! This Christmas season is the ideal opportunity for you to spend it like you wish because you are beyond the limitations of allowances. But then there is so much that you want to do in...Read More

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August is already knocking on your door and once again it is time for you to file your Income Tax Returns for the last financial year. This is usually the time of the year that investors turn their attention to what they have...Read More
