Priyanka Chakrabarty Articles

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A contemporary trend that has captured popular imagination, irrespective of age, is travelling. Social media is flooded with accounts of various places to travels, bloggers have been writing about their travelling experiences, and once in a while we even...Read More

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Your vehicle is probably one of the most expensive things you own in your life. Car Insurance also known asMotor Insurance protects this asset and helps you cope with financial loss caused by accidents, damage or theft of your car. Another reason for...Read More

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ULIP or Unit linked insurance plan is a market-linked Insurance product that combines the very best of two - investments and insurance into one. The exciting feature of combining investments and insurance into ULIPs has brought a revolution in...Read More

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A survey by IMRB International shows that India’s per capita retirement and pension assets as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is among the lowest compared to other economies like Germany, USA and Brazil. The survey also...Read More

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My friend Amit understood the meaning of life Insurance when his colleague Muthu suddenly died in office. Muthu met with a sudden heart attack and declared dead when brought to the hospital. Even though Muthu was earning Rs 65,000 a month, he had...Read More

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"Change is the only constant" applies most aptly in case of insurance buying trend in India. During the time of our parents,traditional plans like whole life insurance, money back, Endowment Insurance and pension plans ruled the roost. However, post launch...Read More

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My friend Sunil understood the meaning of life Insurance when one of his neighbours, Tridib suddenly expired one morning. Tridib met with a sudden heart attack and declared dead when brought at the nursing home. His family had no clueabout his...Read More

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I remember having read recently that the frequency of traffic collisions in India is amongst the highest in the world. Every year more than 135,000 traffic collision related deaths are reported in India (Source: National Crime Records Bureau, India). But...Read More

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The family of Mr. Banerjee was left bereaved when he lost his life due to a sudden heart attack early in the morning. He was only 65 and the sole bread earner of the family and used to make his financial decisions himself. Though the emotional loss...Read More

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When we hear about Health Insurance, we think of an insurance plan which generally covers the cost of treatment when you are admitted in the hospital. The pay outs are made on actual expenses incurred in the hospital during the treatment period. These...Read More
