Priyanka Chakrabarty Articles

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While investing in Mutual Funds, you go through fund reviews, watch funds performance, track historical performance, find out what experts have to say and based on that decide if you wish to buy the fund. In short, buying a fund is no...Read More

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Investing is not just about investing your saved up money and then forgetting about it. It is a means of generating a second source of income. Just the way you work hard to generate your primary income, at the initial stage even investing will...Read More

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Ask anyone, ‘what financial freedom is?’ they will tell you it is having the financial power and not being answerable to anyone. It is a time when you can say, ‘this is my money and I want to do (anything I wish) with this’ and actually doing...Read More

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As investors you are often told that investments are done with the aim of fulfilling personal financial goals. This is often said with the assumption that you have a financial goal or goals to fulfill. The idea of having personal goals...Read More

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There are many investment options that plague an investor. Wealth management keeps getting increasingly cumbersome with a wide array of investment products. It is at these times that your advisor would probably suggest allocating...Read More

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Investors perpetually suffer from the lack of diversification. Diversification provides an edge to the portfolio which maximizes returns and minimizes risks. While Large Cap funds are considered to be a relatively safe option, the Mid and Small cap Funds...Read More

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You have been investing for a while in large cap funds and have been getting steady returns. While the steady returns keeps your investment from becoming stagnant, your portfolio is still lacking that aggressive edge where you can give it a push and...Read More

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Investors are always plagued by various investing options in Mutual Funds. Everyone seems to have an opinion about these and they all make it sounds either extremely lucrative or the most risky investment options. In a scenario...Read More

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The perpetual question that investors are faced with is: Debt or Equities. As an investor should one opt for the volatility and to get high returns of equities? Or one should seek safety in debts while gathering moderate returns? While it is agreed...Read More

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Advisors and experts often mention that equity mutual funds are idle for investments as they provide long term capital gains and some schemes especially the ones under ELSS category qualify for tax rebate under Section 80C. The dividends received...Read More
