Advisorkhoj Research Team Articles

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HDFC Flexicap Fund, erstwhile HDFC Equity Fund, has a wealth creation track record of over 28 years. The fund was launched in 1995 and is among the oldest diversified equity funds in India. Rs 10,000 invested in the fund at the time of its inception would have grown to more than Rs 13 lakhs as on 31st July 2023...Read More

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Nippon India Mutual Fund has launched a new fund offer, Nippon India Innovation Fund. Nippon India Innovation Fund is a thematic equity fund. The NFO has opened for subscription on 9th August and will close on 23th August 2023. The minimum application amount is Rs 500. Investing in Innovation theme, which...Read More

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How do you select mutual fund schemes for your investments? Most investors only check past performance. While returns are an important consideration for investing in mutual funds, there are other important factors you need to keep in mind to achieve your investment objectives. In this article, we will discuss...Read More

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Small cap funds have been in a rage among retail investors this year. In each of the months of the first quarter of this financial (FY 2023-24), small cap funds attracted the largest net inflows among all actively managed equity mutual fund categories. In April, May and June, small cap funds got net inflows Rs...Read More

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In the investment world, quantitative analysis has revolutionized the way financial decisions are made. Generally, quant funds utilize complex mathematical models and algorithms to make investment decisions. These funds harness the power of data, statistics, and computer programming to identify patterns, trends, and...Read More

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The fund Axis Equity Saver fund was launched on 14-Aug-2015. The Fund invests in equity shares, bonds and arbitrage opportunities. The AUM of Axis Equity Saver Fund is ₹911.57 Cr as of 30-Jun-2023. And its exposure is 39.56% is Net Equity, 28.45% is hedged and 31.99% in Debt. Axis Equity Saver has three fund...Read More

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Canara Robeco Mutual Fund is launching a multicap fund, Canara Robeco Multicap Fund. The NFO opens for subscription on 7th July 2023 and closes on 21st July 2023. Multicap funds are diversified equity mutual fund schemes which invest across market cap segments i.e. large cap, midcap and small caps...Read More

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If you invested Rs 10 lakhs in Axis Focused 25 Fund at the time of its NFO around 11 years back (2012) your investment would have multiplied 4 times (source: Advisorkhoj, as on 26th June 2023). Axis Focused 25 Fund is one of the most popular schemes in its category with Rs 15,680 crores of assets under management...Read More

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Axis AMC has now launched its NFO: Axis Nifty IT Index Fund. The NFO period is from 27-Jun-2023 to 11-Jul-2023. The fund’s objective is to provide returns before expenses that correspond to the total returns of the NIFTY IT TRI subject to tracking errors. The Nifty IT index comprises of the 10 largest IT companies in...Read More

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PGIM India Flexi Cap Fund has been available for investors since March 04, 2015. As equities are a long-term investment product, one must consider at least 3-yrs returns during this period. The PGIM India Flexi Cap Fund’s trailing 3-year returns stand at 27.1% (Regular Growth plan as of 21-Jun-23). The benchmark (Nifty...Read More
