Advisorkhoj Research Team Articles

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Flexicap funds are diversified equity mutual fund schemes which invest across market cap segments i.e. large cap, midcaps and small caps. SEBI does not have segment wise limits for flexicap funds. The fund manager can have any allocation to large, mid and small caps, according to his / her market outlook...Read More

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We are in the third quarter of this tax assessment year (AY 2023-24). If you have not made your tax planning investments in this financial year, now is a good time to plan your 80C investments. You can claim up to Rs 150,000 deduction from your taxable income by investing in schemes eligible under Section 80C of Income...Read More

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Ultra-short duration funds are debt mutual fund schemes which invest in debt and money market instruments such that their Macaulay Duration is between 3 to 6 months. Ultra short duration funds usually invest in commercial papers (CPs), certificates of deposits (CDs), Treasury Bills, overnight securities (TREPs) etc. The...Read More

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Money market funds are debt mutual schemes which invest in debt and money market instruments with residual maturities of up to 1 year. Money market funds usually invest in commercial papers (CPs), certificates of deposits (CDs), Treasury Bills, overnight securities (TREPs) etc. They can also invest in debt market...Read More

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Edelweiss Mutual Fund is launching a Fund of Funds (FOF) which will invest in Gold and Silver exchange traded funds (ETFs). Exchange traded funds are mutual funds schemes which track some market index or price of commodities e.g. gold, silver. ETFs are listed on stock exchanges and are traded like...Read More

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Nippon India Mutual Fund is launching Nippon India Nifty Alpha Low Volatility 30 Index Fund NFO. This is a passive fund which will track the Nifty Alpha Low Volatility 30 Index. The Nifty Alpha Low Volatility 30 Index is multi-factor index, which will comprise of the top 30 stocks based on alpha...Read More

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The debt market has been affected by high inflation over past 12 months or so, with bond yields pushing higher. To cool inflation, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has raised repo rate by 90 bps already this year. As per RBI data (as on 1st July 2022), the 10 year Government bond yield has...Read More

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Quantum Mutual Fund has launched the Quantum Nifty 50 ETF Fund of Fund. The scheme will invest in units of Quantum Nifty 50 ETF. Quantum Nifty 50 ETF has more than 14 years of track record. This fund will provide investors, who do not have Demat accounts, the opportunity to invest in...Read More

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Nippon India Asset Allocator Fund of Funds is a fund of funds (FOF) which invests in mutual funds and exchange traded funds of different asset classes. It aims to provide exposure to multiple asset classes e.g. equity, debt, gold etc. The asset allocation framework of the scheme is...Read More

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The global financial markets have been in extraordinary conditions for the past several months. Commodity prices have been very high across the world; crude oil prices are at 10 year high and expected to go up even further, as war rages in Ukraine. Inflation in United States is at a 40 year...Read More
