Latest Saving, Investing & Mutual Fund Articles

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In our Demystifying Derivatives series, we have, through a series of blog posts over the past view months, tried to explain how derivatives (futures and options) work, how much capital (margin) is required to trade in futures...Read More

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Youth is that period of our lives when we are free from almost all responsibilities. We graduate from college, land a good job and become financially free. The next step, which is also the most obvious one, is settling down. After marriage, we own a...Read More

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Every business was once a start-up. Those who survived and built a successful setup are the ones who took that crucial step of business expansion. Many housing and non-housing companies offer loans for business expansion, with which you can do...Read More

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Stock analysts assign target prices to stocks they cover; for example, if a stock is trading at 100 and the analyst gives a buy recommendation with a target price of 130 over a two year horizon, the investor buying the stock at 100...Read More

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We discussed in the first part of this series, how mutual funds are getting popular due to the increasing awareness. The investors are slowly but surely realising that mutual funds are best and probably the only way for wealth creation...Read More

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Most financial advisors will agree with me that getting the first set of clients usually, is quite a big challenge; it takes a huge amount of effort, perseverance and many a times, a dollop of luck also. But once the initial hurdle is overcome...Read More

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In this blog post we will discuss the importance of gross profit margin in fundamental analysis of stock valuation for investment. Before we delve into gross profit margin, let us discuss the importance of fundamental analysis in equity...Read More

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The total number of Mutual Fund accounts (Also known as Folios in the mutual fund industry) as on October 31, 2016 stood at 51 million. Out of these 41 million is from retail investors. Also, Mutual Fund industry’s average AUM (AAUM)...Read More

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ICICI Prudential Value Series 1 and 2 were launched towards the end of 2013 as three year close ended schemes. With the benefit of hindsight, we can say that the timing of subscription to these Value Series schemes were just great. The equity market was...Read More

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One of the most famous quotes of Warren Buffett is “You don't need to be a rocket scientist. Investing is not a game where the guy with the 160 IQ beats the guy with 130 IQ”. Superior emotional quotient (EQ) plays a far more important...Read More
