Latest Saving, Investing & Mutual Fund Articles

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SBI Magnum Monthly Income Plan balances the need for capital safety with inflation beating returns. The fund achieves the balance by investing around 85% of its portfolio corpus in debt and money market, and around 15% in equity market. The fund has...Read More

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An asset allocation fund invests in a fixed or dynamic mix of three main asset classes, equity, debt and cash equivalents. In a fixed asset allocation fund, the asset allocation percentages of equity, debt and cash equivalents are fixed. The fund manager...Read More

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Investors often have high expectations when investing in stocks or equity mutual funds. Since equity markets are volatile in nature, there are periods of time when your investments are not able to live up to your expectations. When the gap...Read More

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We have discussed the importance of asset allocation a number of times in our blog. Asset allocation ensures that you invest in the right asset class to meet your financial goals. It ensures that, you take the right amount of risk; too...Read More

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When life goes well, everything seems possible. No obstacle is too difficult to surmount, no challenge seems too big. But that is only when life goes well. When it doesn’t, the slightest difficulty assumes mammoth proportions. Every problem...Read More

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Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding fathers of United States of America, in his 1789 letter, shortly after the establishment of the US constitution, wrote that, “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes”. Tax is one of...Read More

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In our post, Understand investment styles to make smarter decisions: Growth Investing, we had discussed that, the name of a mutual fund scheme can reveal useful information with regards to the investment style of the fund...Read More

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Most investors who have invested in mutual funds through Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) over a long period of time vouch for the wonderful benefits of systematic investing. Even a small monthly auto debit from your bank account, which very often...Read More

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Over the past month or two, we have received a number of queries asking whether it is wise to invest in equity mutual funds since “the market is near its peak”. The market has been at its peak many times in the past; peaks are meant to be...Read More

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In our post, Demystifying Derivatives: Margin and risk capital for futures contract, we discussed the margin requirements in futures. We also discussed, how marked to market pricing works, how it affects your margins and your profits...Read More
