Latest Saving, Investing & Mutual Fund Articles

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planning... or start their retirement planning late in life, which may put their financial inRetirement planning is one of the most important life-stage goals especially for salaried people. The financial objective of retirement planning is to accumulate a sufficiently large corpus which can meet cash-flow needs of you and your...Read More

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ESG is an acronym for environmental, social and governance, which form the three pillars of this style of investments. Environmental factors relate to impact (favourable or unfavourable) which companies have on climate change, how they use the natural resources, waste management etc. Social factors relates to how companies...Read More

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Asset allocation is important in achieving your financial goals, whether in bull market or bear market. Many investors ignore asset allocation when the market is favourable but this can be harmful to their financial interests in the long run because they may take more risks than warranted by their risk profiles and financial goals. The stock market...Read More

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Tax planning is one of the most important aspects of financial planning. Tax payers should correctly disclose all income including income from assets e.g. rental income from house property, interest income from bank FDs, capital gains and dividends from mutual funds etc in their income tax returns (ITR) and pay taxes accordingly. Tax...Read More

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We have discussed a number of times in our blog that Systematic Investment Plans is the ideal way of investing for your long term goals. An important factor in wealth creation is investment tenure due to power of compoundingover time. Longer your investment tenure, greater is the effect of compounding. Mutual fund SIPs enable you to...Read More

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The year 2020 was one of the most volatile years for capital market in recent years. With outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic threatening to overwhelm healthcare infrastructure, the stock market saw one of its worst crashes in the month, with the Nifty falling more than 20%. The ensuing lock-down resulted in one of the worst economic...Read More

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Axis Multi-cap Fund completed 3 years in November 2020. 3 year performance period is usually a good horizon to evaluate the performance of a fund. Multi-cap funds invest across different market cap segments i.e. large cap, midcap and small cap. Axis Multi-cap fund is one of the best performers in its category The chart below shows...Read More

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Stories are a part of our lives. Most of us would have memories of sitting with our grandparents or even our parents and listening to exciting stories from the Panchatantra. Many of us have been intrigued by the adventures of Tintin or admired the wisdom of Birbal. Stories have always been a wonderful way to learn about the...Read More

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While disruption conventionally has a negative connotation, it is not always a bad thing. Disruption has changedthe world as we know it. For example, technologies such as cloud computing and the current pandemic situation have changed the way people work. Likewise, eCommerce businesses have changed the way people shop...Read More

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Diversification is the strategy to reduce risk by investing in different types of assets with different risk / return characteristics. If you split your investments among multiple asset classes, the overall impact on your portfolio, if one investment gives lower than expected returns, is significantly lesser. The old idiom, “don’t put all your eggs in one basket”...Read More
