Latest Saving, Investing & Mutual Fund Articles

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Multicap funds are diversified equity mutual fund schemes which invest across market cap segments i.e. large cap, midcap and small caps. Multicap funds have historically been one of the most popular mutual fund categories among investors in India. In November 2020, the market regulator SEBI introduced a new fund category called...Read More

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Most investors associate mutual funds mainly with equity investments. While equity as an asset class has an important role to play in your financial plan, fixed income or debt also has an equally important role. Traditionally fixed income investments have been associated with bank deposits, Government small savings schemes etc. However...Read More

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If you had invested Rs 1 lakh in Nippon India Small Cap Fund at the time of its inception (September 2010), the value of your investment would have grown to nearly Rs 6.6 lakhs (as on 21st May 2021). The CAGR returns of this scheme since inception is 19.3%. If you had invested with a monthly SIP of Rs 10,000 in this scheme the value of...Read More

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Most retail investors in India invest only in domestic equity, hybrid or debt funds. However, interest in international investments has been growing in the recent past. As per AMFI data, total AUM in Fund-of-Funds Overseas was only Rs 2,734 Crores as on 31st March 2020. In the last one year ending 31st March 2021, AUM in Fund-of-Funds...Read More

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Nifty Next 50 Index comprises of the 51st to 100th largest companies by free float market capitalization on the National Stock Exchange (NSE). According to SEBI, the top 100 companies by market capitalization are categorized as large cap companies. Nifty 50 (top 50 companies by free float market capitalization)...Read More

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One question which we often see in Quora and other social media platforms is, “In what proportion should I invest in large cap, midcap and small cap funds”. Your financial advisor may have recommended a mix of large cap, multicap, midcap and small cap funds, but you should try to understand the basis of...Read More

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Fixed maturity plans are close ended debt mutual fund schemes which invest in different debt securities like commercial papers, certificates of deposits, non-convertible debentures, G-Secs, SDLs etc. Since FMPs are close ended schemes, they can be bought from the Asset Management Company (AMC) only during the New Funds Offer...Read More

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We are living in the technology era. In the last 20 – 25 years, technology has been the biggest driver of change in businesses, industries and the global economy. The Top 5 companies by market capitalization in S&P 500 index (the index of the largest 500 companies in the US) are all technology companies e.g. Apple, Microsoft, Amazon...Read More

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We have just entered the new financial year FY 2021-22. This is a good time for investors to take stock of their investment portfolio and make an investment plan for the year. Many investors are worried about the second COVID wave in India. Though COVID-19 vaccine has been rolled out for the general public in a phased manner...Read More

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Section 80C of Income Tax Act 1961 allows investors to claim up to Rs 150,000 deduction from their gross taxable incomes by investing in eligible schemes. You can save up to Rs 46,800 in taxes (for investors in the highest tax bracket) by investing in 80C schemes. Some of the most popular tax saving investments under Section...Read More
