Most Popular Saving, Investing & Mutual Fund Articles

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Regular Advisorkhoj readers know that we give a lot of importance to performance consistency when evaluating mutual fund scheme. Performance consistency across mixed market conditions is particularly important for focused equity funds which invest in relatively small number (less than 30 stocks) of high...Read More

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The very word "social" brings to one’s mind the web of societal relations that comprises our society. The word "media" brings to one’s mind the medium through which we can reach out to the masses. Hence, the...Read More

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Multi-Asset funds are hybrid mutual fund schemes which invest in different asset classes like equity, fixed income, gold etc. The fund manager decides the proportional allocation to each asset class based on the market conditions with the objective of balancing risks and returns. Multi-asset...Read More

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We have stated a number of times in our blog that your fund selection should always be based on your investment goals and risk appetite, not on stock market conditions. The stock market moves up and down, but your financial goals...Read More

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Health insurance is a critical financial need in this age of ever increasing healthcare expenses. However, as cost of healthcare and the accessibility to better and more expensive hospital facilities in India is...Read More

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Travelling is liked by everyone, whether it is a child for whom travelling means a break from studies or adults who seek sun, the joy of travelling is universal. Undertaking a vacation entails relaxation, a break from the monotony of daily life, a break from the...Read More

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Growing up is a lot of fun when you’re young but it doesn’t seem so wonderful when you are an adult with responsibilities! You start working and earning an income in your early 20s, and you become responsible for running your home. A few years later...Read More

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The most important part of investing for one’s goals is asset allocation in accordance with the investor’s risk appetite. Most investors are not able to get this right; either they take too much risk or they take too little risk - both are harmful...Read More

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We have discussed a number of times in our blogs that asset allocation is one of the most important aspects of financial planning and investing. Asset allocation is the most significant attribution factor of your overall portfolio returns; selection of...Read More

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In the past few years I was always the happy-go-lucky kind of guy. Having being educated from a good institute, I got a job easily and was doing well for myself. Then marriage happened and I learned what responsibility is. Family planning was the...Read More
