Most Popular Saving, Investing & Mutual Fund Articles

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In the last 2 articles in this series we had discussed that IT and Healthcare sector funds had outperformed the market over the last one to two year periods. In this article, we turn our attention to Banking...Read More

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Ask anyone, ‘what financial freedom is?’ they will tell you it is having the financial power and not being answerable to anyone. It is a time when you can say, ‘this is my money and I want to do (anything I wish) with this’ and actually doing...Read More

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Buying a house is a major aspiration for most families. Enticed with the idea of owning a house and seeing their assets rapidly appreciate in value, countless Indians have invested a large part of their savings in real estate. Many cities and suburbs have...Read More

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The last 5 years have been difficult for retail investors. Many investors saw significant value erosion in their equity assets and now that the Indian market has crossed the historical highs again, retail investors have...Read More

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Over the last ten years, real estate in India has given good returns. Enticed with the idea of owning a house and seeing their assets rapidly appreciate in value, countless Indians have invested a large part of...Read More

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Shiva trilogy is one such series that has taken India by storm. It is also one of the fastest selling book series in the history of Indian publishing. One of the ideas highlighted in the book is that good and evil...Read More

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In our last few posts in this series we had discussed how SIPs in best diversified equity funds, best mid and small cap funds, best ELSS Funds, best thematic funds and best large cap funds have created wealth for the investors in the long term...Read More

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When one talks about medical or health insurance, many prospective policy takers believe that they are sufficiently covered by their organisation and / or by their children’s place of employment. However, with spiralling cost of healthcare, one has...Read More

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It is often said that the fundamental difference between the rich and the poor is: rich invest their money and spend what is left of it. The poor spend and invest what is left of it. You might already know which of these...Read More

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The future of our children is probably the biggest concern for most parents. Many parents start saving for their children’s education and marriage, soon after the child is born. This is, of course, the right thing...Read More
