Life Insurance Articles

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Retirement is something which is a looming eventuality for every middle-aged individual. While in the young adult stage of our lives, wearebusy planning for our children’s stable future and acquiring assets, the middle ages is the stage when...Read More

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Mr. Sharma’s family was left bereaved when Mr. Sharma lost his life in a fatal accident. The emotional loss incurred was unsurmountable but the family was tension-free when it came to the underlying financial loss. Mr. Sharma was the sole bread-winner of the...Read More

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Life Insurance – an instrument which is favored by some due to the inherent tax benefits while others endorse the importance of having a life insurance cover. Though life insurance companies and also the regulatory body IRDA (Insurance Regulatory...Read More

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About less than a decade ago, buying and selling a product online was quite unthinkable. However, in today’s era where e-Tailing is more popular with the youth than retailing, CDs shops and bookstores are shutting down by the dozens, screen...Read More

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Before purchasing any financial product there are a few basic questions that an investor should ask oneself such as; does the asset fit in his risk reward matrix and investment needs; what is the financial goal for which you are purchasing this...Read More

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Growing up is a lot of fun when you’re young but it doesn’t seem so wonderful when you are an adult with responsibilities! You start working and earning an income in your early 20s, and you become responsible for running your home. A few years later...Read More

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When we talk about retirement different sentiments arise in our minds. Some of us feel tensed about meeting the post retirement related expenses while some of us feel that retirement would set us free from the daily humdrum of working life. Retirement holds...Read More

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When it comes to ice-creams, plain vanilla is the most basic flavor up on which other ice-cream variants are developed. So, whether you buy an ice-cream sundae or a banana split, vanilla forms anessential part of the combinations. Similarly, when...Read More

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A term which made sense to me when I saw its importance exemplified in front of my eyes. Up until that experience, I felt it was something that the friendly uncle, who turned out to be our family agent,visiting our house touted about. For me, life insurance...Read More

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The 20s are the most exciting decade of your life, but it helps if they are tinged with responsible fiscal behaviour. Most people who are about to graduate from college can barely contain their excitement. They are in the first years of the swinging...Read More
