Life Insurance Articles

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When we hear about Health Insurance, we think of an insurance plan which generally covers the cost of treatment when you are admitted in the hospital. The pay outs are made on actual expenses incurred in the hospital during the treatment period. These...Read More

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Term Life Insurance plans in India are the most basic, effective and important Insurance Plan for an individual. Term Insurance Plans are basically protection plans and designed to protect your family against unforeseen circumstances by providing...Read More

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A recent research on retirement planning conducted by Reliance capital asset management in association with IMRB international reveals shocking data on the percentage of people actually planning for retirement in India. With an increase in the...Read More

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The true meaning of the word Life Insurance made sense to me when my neighbour Raghu suddenly expired one morning. Raghu met with a sudden heart attack and declared dead on arrival at hospital. His family had no clues as to what to do in a...Read More

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Youth is that period of our lives when we are free from almost all responsibilities. We graduate from college, land a good job and become financially free. The next step, which is also the most obvious one, is settling down. After marriage, we own a...Read More

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In the past few years I was always the happy-go-lucky kind of guy. Having being educated from a good institute, I got a job easily and was doing well for myself. Then marriage happened and I learned what responsibility is. Family planning was the...Read More

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When life goes well, everything seems possible. No obstacle is too difficult to surmount, no challenge seems too big. But that is only when life goes well. When it doesn’t, the slightest difficulty assumes mammoth proportions. Every problem...Read More

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Experts, philosophers and even our wise elders said the same thing – ‘Change is the only constant’. With time, everything changes and evolves. The same can also be said in the context of life insurance plans. Where earlier traditional plans like Whole Life...Read More

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Term Life Insurance – the most basic and yet the most effective and important insurance plan for everyone. Experts recommend it, critics heap praises on its importance and common men, who have benefitted from the plan swear by its...Read More

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Life Insurance, in all its manifestations, seems a technical concept to many of us and thus we choose to overlook the nitty - grittiness of an insurance plan even when we are investing in the same. Call it the lack of awareness or the technical jargon used in the...Read More
