Most Popular Saving, Investing & Mutual Fund Articles

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Small and Midcap equity mutual funds have been among the top performing mutual funds across all categories in the last few years. Small and Midcap funds have outperformed large cap funds both in terms of trailing returns and annual returns...Read More

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National Pension Scheme (NPS) is a scheme launched by the Government of Indian in January 2004. The scheme aimed at creating cash flow for the senior citizens post their retirement. India like most other developing...Read More

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Equity Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS) is the best tax saving (Section 80C) investment option for investors looking to create long term wealth. In our blog, we have discussed the benefits of ELSS a number of times (please see our post, ELSS is...Read More

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An effective way to save tax, as advised by tax consultants, is to form a Hindu Undivided Family. The principle of taxation of Hindu Undivided Family is based on the concept of joint family in India, where the assets...Read More

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It is tax planning season now and Equity Linked Saving Schemes (ELSS) should be one of the top investment choices for investors. Some investors have a notion, that while ELSS is a good tax saving investment...Read More

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In 2007 legendary investor Warren Buffet made a million dollar wager against a hedge fund manager that a simple S&P 500 index fund would outperform a selection of actively managed funds over a 10 year period. The bet’s timeline...Read More

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In our previous article, we had discussed how personal financial planning can help you meet your short term, medium term and long term financial goals. Developing an effective financial plan and executing...Read More

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For a greater part of this year, equity markets across the globe have been extremely volatile. In fact over the last one month, volatility has spiked to a level that has not been seen in the last few years. Long term investors...Read More

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Health insurance is very well established in most of the developed countries, but in India it is still in nascent stage. As per the last National Sample Survey (NSS), more than 80% of India’s population is not covered under any health insurance scheme...Read More

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Nowadays, conversation of any importance always centers the young generation. It is solely because 60% of the population in India is young guns and they are making a difference to the economy. They are believed to be the major contributors to the...Read More
