SBI MF Balanced Advantage Fund Oct 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of UTI Ultra Short Duration Fund Reg Fortnightly IDCW

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
27-02-2025 1319.6494
25-02-2025 1322.9153
24-02-2025 1322.7297
21-02-2025 1321.9236
20-02-2025 1321.6426
18-02-2025 1321.1825
17-02-2025 1320.9568
14-02-2025 1320.2608
13-02-2025 1320.055
12-02-2025 1319.7715
11-02-2025 1319.4853
10-02-2025 1322.7199
07-02-2025 1322.1972
06-02-2025 1322.1136
05-02-2025 1321.6496
04-02-2025 1321.319
03-02-2025 1320.9799
31-01-2025 1320.2795
30-01-2025 1320.0253
29-01-2025 1319.8181
28-01-2025 1319.4932
27-01-2025 1323.2465
24-01-2025 1322.5021
23-01-2025 1322.3137
22-01-2025 1322.1118
21-01-2025 1321.9021
20-01-2025 1321.6281
17-01-2025 1320.9196
16-01-2025 1320.6239
15-01-2025 1320.323
14-01-2025 1319.9685
13-01-2025 1319.8124
10-01-2025 1323.1128
09-01-2025 1322.7197
08-01-2025 1322.6938
07-01-2025 1322.6386
06-01-2025 1322.4561
03-01-2025 1321.7959
02-01-2025 1321.6476
01-01-2025 1321.3479
31-12-2024 1321.0023
30-12-2024 1320.2672
27-12-2024 1319.529
26-12-2024 1322.1138
24-12-2024 1321.7392
23-12-2024 1321.6186
20-12-2024 1321.0934
19-12-2024 1320.8801
18-12-2024 1320.7535
17-12-2024 1320.544
16-12-2024 1320.3513
13-12-2024 1319.6159
12-12-2024 1319.5225
11-12-2024 1319.4369
10-12-2024 1322.9308
09-12-2024 1322.7124
06-12-2024 1322.0373
05-12-2024 1321.7668
04-12-2024 1321.4173
03-12-2024 1321.1036
02-12-2024 1320.8723
29-11-2024 1320.0889
28-11-2024 1319.8539
27-11-2024 1319.6609
26-11-2024 1319.4565
25-11-2024 1322.4519
22-11-2024 1321.7629
21-11-2024 1321.5287
19-11-2024 1321.1035
18-11-2024 1320.8409
14-11-2024 1319.9484
13-11-2024 1319.6853
12-11-2024 1319.4729
11-11-2024 1323.456
08-11-2024 1322.7467
07-11-2024 1322.5083
06-11-2024 1322.2329
05-11-2024 1321.9875
04-11-2024 1321.708
31-10-2024 1320.7045
30-10-2024 1320.4209
29-10-2024 1320.1885
28-10-2024 1319.9153
25-10-2024 1322.8203
24-10-2024 1322.5427
23-10-2024 1322.2783
22-10-2024 1321.9791
21-10-2024 1321.812
18-10-2024 1321.1861
17-10-2024 1320.9858
16-10-2024 1320.7386
15-10-2024 1320.5413
14-10-2024 1320.3251
11-10-2024 1319.6162
10-10-2024 1323.6902
09-10-2024 1323.4299
08-10-2024 1323.0676
07-10-2024 1322.77
04-10-2024 1322.0727
03-10-2024 1321.7693
01-10-2024 1321.2652
30-09-2024 1320.9087
27-09-2024 1319.8443
26-09-2024 1319.5419
25-09-2024 1322.9129
24-09-2024 1322.6959
23-09-2024 1322.4679
20-09-2024 1321.763
19-09-2024 1321.5065
17-09-2024 1320.9262
16-09-2024 1320.6486
13-09-2024 1319.9557
12-09-2024 1319.651
11-09-2024 1319.457
10-09-2024 1323.2809
09-09-2024 1323.0885
06-09-2024 1322.3785
05-09-2024 1322.185
04-09-2024 1321.9407
03-09-2024 1321.0546
02-09-2024 1320.801
30-08-2024 1320.0608
29-08-2024 1319.8831
28-08-2024 1319.6961
27-08-2024 1319.4624
26-08-2024 1322.6151
23-08-2024 1321.9532
22-08-2024 1321.7325
21-08-2024 1321.4499
20-08-2024 1321.1607
19-08-2024 1320.8882
16-08-2024 1320.1066
14-08-2024 1319.6283
13-08-2024 1319.4123
12-08-2024 1323.3638
09-08-2024 1322.6909
08-08-2024 1322.5134
07-08-2024 1322.2823
06-08-2024 1322.0487
05-08-2024 1321.8414
02-08-2024 1321.1205
01-08-2024 1320.8841
31-07-2024 1320.6334
30-07-2024 1320.4209
29-07-2024 1320.1994
26-07-2024 1319.4942
25-07-2024 1322.9318
24-07-2024 1322.7092
23-07-2024 1322.4634
22-07-2024 1322.2019
19-07-2024 1321.4883
18-07-2024 1321.2309
16-07-2024 1320.7326
15-07-2024 1320.5208
12-07-2024 1319.7822
11-07-2024 1319.5247
10-07-2024 1323.3175
09-07-2024 1323.0786
08-07-2024 1322.8576
05-07-2024 1322.1894
04-07-2024 1321.93
03-07-2024 1321.7126
02-07-2024 1321.4126
01-07-2024 1320.9639
28-06-2024 1320.056
27-06-2024 1319.6017
26-06-2024 1319.3992
25-06-2024 1322.9515
24-06-2024 1322.7803
21-06-2024 1322.0872
20-06-2024 1321.8263
19-06-2024 1321.5535
18-06-2024 1321.3622
14-06-2024 1320.3945
13-06-2024 1320.1176
12-06-2024 1319.8722
11-06-2024 1319.5699
10-06-2024 1322.4724
07-06-2024 1321.7
06-06-2024 1321.431
05-06-2024 1321.093
04-06-2024 1320.8967
03-06-2024 1320.923
31-05-2024 1320.1696
30-05-2024 1319.9287
29-05-2024 1319.6565
28-05-2024 1319.4278
27-05-2024 1323.4327
24-05-2024 1322.8193
22-05-2024 1322.3331
21-05-2024 1322.1121
17-05-2024 1321.0011
16-05-2024 1320.7566
15-05-2024 1320.5108
14-05-2024 1320.2834
13-05-2024 1319.9347
10-05-2024 1322.5964
09-05-2024 1322.3973
08-05-2024 1322.2243
07-05-2024 1322.0636
06-05-2024 1321.7887
03-05-2024 1321.0631
02-05-2024 1320.7521
30-04-2024 1320.1903
29-04-2024 1320.0388
26-04-2024 1319.4452
25-04-2024 1322.4698
24-04-2024 1322.4002
23-04-2024 1322.2146
22-04-2024 1321.9234
19-04-2024 1321.275
18-04-2024 1321.1434
16-04-2024 1320.6997
15-04-2024 1320.4347
12-04-2024 1319.6937
10-04-2024 1324.8218
08-04-2024 1323.9854
05-04-2024 1323.3037
04-04-2024 1322.9802
03-04-2024 1322.5838
02-04-2024 1322.3225
31-03-2024 1321.3856
28-03-2024 1320.6627
27-03-2024 1319.4944

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