Axis MF Balanced Advantage Fund February 2025 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of UTI Nifty Alpha Low Volatility 30 Index Fund Reg Gr

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
27-02-2025 8.8018
25-02-2025 8.8776
24-02-2025 8.8979
21-02-2025 8.9784
20-02-2025 9.0862
19-02-2025 9.0594
18-02-2025 9.0816
17-02-2025 9.111
14-02-2025 9.1059
13-02-2025 9.2291
12-02-2025 9.2259
11-02-2025 9.2414
10-02-2025 9.4021
07-02-2025 9.4788
06-02-2025 9.5007
05-02-2025 9.5158
04-02-2025 9.5176
03-02-2025 9.4396
31-01-2025 9.4651
30-01-2025 9.4134
29-01-2025 9.3572
28-01-2025 9.2228
27-01-2025 9.2768
24-01-2025 9.4327
23-01-2025 9.5245
22-01-2025 9.4075
21-01-2025 9.3723
20-01-2025 9.4775
17-01-2025 9.4607
16-01-2025 9.4336
15-01-2025 9.4112
14-01-2025 9.4209
13-01-2025 9.4284
10-01-2025 9.6506
09-01-2025 9.7339
08-01-2025 9.7496
07-01-2025 9.8314
06-01-2025 9.8362
03-01-2025 9.9657
02-01-2025 10.0558
01-01-2025 9.9057
31-12-2024 9.8829
30-12-2024 9.8755
27-12-2024 9.9462
26-12-2024 9.9331
24-12-2024 9.9167
23-12-2024 9.9168
20-12-2024 9.8825
19-12-2024 10.0388
18-12-2024 10.0713
17-12-2024 10.0994
16-12-2024 10.2627
13-12-2024 10.2878
12-12-2024 10.2044
11-12-2024 10.2682
10-12-2024 10.2289
09-12-2024 10.2401
06-12-2024 10.2987
05-12-2024 10.2726
04-12-2024 10.2093
03-12-2024 10.2272

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