Motilal Oswal Active Momentum Fund NFO 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of UTI MidCap Gr

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
27-02-2025 255.4517
25-02-2025 258.4129
24-02-2025 259.9103
21-02-2025 262.2932
20-02-2025 264.7701
19-02-2025 262.3775
18-02-2025 259.6733
17-02-2025 259.6442
14-02-2025 260.0014
13-02-2025 265.4798
12-02-2025 265.7071
11-02-2025 266.7428
10-02-2025 274.598
07-02-2025 280.3101
06-02-2025 280.4668
05-02-2025 283.1395
04-02-2025 281.528
03-02-2025 279.4171
31-01-2025 281.6627
30-01-2025 278.2663
29-01-2025 279.2461
28-01-2025 272.6143
27-01-2025 274.7346
24-01-2025 282.0321
23-01-2025 287.0993
22-01-2025 281.0731
21-01-2025 284.8171
20-01-2025 289.8195
17-01-2025 289.0143
16-01-2025 289.2532
15-01-2025 286.1819
14-01-2025 284.8629
13-01-2025 280.5047
10-01-2025 292.3144
09-01-2025 297.4295
08-01-2025 299.827
07-01-2025 303.0726
06-01-2025 300.9388
03-01-2025 307.1029
02-01-2025 308.6305
01-01-2025 305.6348
31-12-2024 304.0538
30-12-2024 303.8483
27-12-2024 303.3353
26-12-2024 302.9815
24-12-2024 302.5957
23-12-2024 302.1238
20-12-2024 302.6096
19-12-2024 309.5633
18-12-2024 310.3941
17-12-2024 312.2495
16-12-2024 314.6621
13-12-2024 313.0168
12-12-2024 314.1849
11-12-2024 316.1215
10-12-2024 315.4404
09-12-2024 313.9771
06-12-2024 312.5049
05-12-2024 311.8789
04-12-2024 311.4424
03-12-2024 310.0032
02-12-2024 308.223
29-11-2024 305.4568
28-11-2024 303.8301
27-11-2024 304.1278
26-11-2024 302.6417
25-11-2024 301.187
22-11-2024 296.8408
21-11-2024 293.0863
19-11-2024 294.3738
18-11-2024 291.9622
14-11-2024 292.739
13-11-2024 292.3032
12-11-2024 298.7624
11-11-2024 301.3052
08-11-2024 303.08
07-11-2024 306.1576
06-11-2024 307.5416
05-11-2024 301.8337
04-11-2024 300.3411
31-10-2024 302.5101
30-10-2024 302.8598
29-10-2024 301.9181
28-10-2024 300.6461
25-10-2024 301.5846
24-10-2024 306.107
23-10-2024 306.9543
22-10-2024 304.5958
21-10-2024 311.647
18-10-2024 316.3921
17-10-2024 316.2642
16-10-2024 320.0733
15-10-2024 319.8418
14-10-2024 318.5187
11-10-2024 317.1828
10-10-2024 316.3588
09-10-2024 318.1191
08-10-2024 315.2949
07-10-2024 309.8953
04-10-2024 315.5484
03-10-2024 317.6002
01-10-2024 324.2136
30-09-2024 323.1493
27-09-2024 323.9459
26-09-2024 322.5227
25-09-2024 323.0174
24-09-2024 324.4912
23-09-2024 324.0214
20-09-2024 322.3399
19-09-2024 320.0689
18-09-2024 319.4981
17-09-2024 322.6039
16-09-2024 323.3035
13-09-2024 324.1547
12-09-2024 322.3785
11-09-2024 319.7863
10-09-2024 320.9261
09-09-2024 318.504
06-09-2024 319.2801
05-09-2024 322.236
04-09-2024 320.9886
03-09-2024 321.8221
02-09-2024 320.866
30-08-2024 320.8775
29-08-2024 318.4029
28-08-2024 318.7816
27-08-2024 318.211
26-08-2024 316.963
23-08-2024 315.4419
22-08-2024 316.4226
21-08-2024 314.5971
20-08-2024 312.2106
19-08-2024 310.1592
16-08-2024 309.2372
14-08-2024 303.3455
13-08-2024 305.4645
12-08-2024 307.6017
09-08-2024 307.2361
08-08-2024 304.8998
07-08-2024 306.0348
06-08-2024 299.3497
05-08-2024 300.6466
02-08-2024 310.4496
01-08-2024 313.2184
31-07-2024 314.7141
30-07-2024 314.1724
29-07-2024 312.0517
26-07-2024 308.6318
25-07-2024 303.8326
24-07-2024 304.196
23-07-2024 301.8153
22-07-2024 302.1959
19-07-2024 300.1112
18-07-2024 305.7182
16-07-2024 307.148
15-07-2024 307.0254
12-07-2024 305.5143
11-07-2024 304.3098
10-07-2024 304.1818
09-07-2024 304.5746
08-07-2024 302.6308
05-07-2024 302.9795
04-07-2024 301.9501
03-07-2024 300.6553
02-07-2024 298.4449
01-07-2024 299.438
28-06-2024 296.0972
27-06-2024 295.0908
26-06-2024 295.1968
25-06-2024 295.3613
24-06-2024 294.9943
21-06-2024 293.9069
20-06-2024 295.3331
19-06-2024 294.683
18-06-2024 296.9981
14-06-2024 293.2425
13-06-2024 290.6864
12-06-2024 287.8979
11-06-2024 285.5314
10-06-2024 283.8631
07-06-2024 281.8155
06-06-2024 277.3939
05-06-2024 271.6334
04-06-2024 262.6213
03-06-2024 276.7651
31-05-2024 270.3647
30-05-2024 269.812
29-05-2024 272.6777
28-05-2024 273.4114
27-05-2024 275.5413
24-05-2024 275.4507
23-05-2024 275.146
22-05-2024 273.9696
21-05-2024 272.8359
17-05-2024 271.5074
16-05-2024 268.1097
15-05-2024 265.1979
14-05-2024 262.9794
13-05-2024 261.8236
10-05-2024 260.3297
09-05-2024 257.9275
08-05-2024 262.0978
07-05-2024 260.8794
06-05-2024 264.3119
03-05-2024 264.3893
02-05-2024 265.4747
30-04-2024 264.792
29-04-2024 263.5022
26-04-2024 262.713
25-04-2024 261.6016
24-04-2024 260.3923
23-04-2024 258.3439
22-04-2024 257.4026
19-04-2024 256.187
18-04-2024 256.9436
16-04-2024 257.7011
15-04-2024 258.0326
12-04-2024 260.8316
10-04-2024 262.1195
09-04-2024 260.991
08-04-2024 261.5864
05-04-2024 260.5132
04-04-2024 258.9292
03-04-2024 258.9378
02-04-2024 257.6304
01-04-2024 255.1967
31-03-2024 250.9003
28-03-2024 250.9303
27-03-2024 249.9388

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