Motilal Oswal Active Momentum Fund NFO 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of UTI Medium Duration Fund Reg Quarterly IDCW

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
27-02-2025 13.6351
25-02-2025 13.6342
24-02-2025 13.6306
21-02-2025 13.6226
20-02-2025 13.6267
18-02-2025 13.6204
17-02-2025 13.6111
14-02-2025 13.6043
13-02-2025 13.6011
12-02-2025 13.6039
11-02-2025 13.6038
10-02-2025 13.5961
07-02-2025 13.5955
06-02-2025 13.608
05-02-2025 13.6057
04-02-2025 13.6029
03-02-2025 13.6023
31-01-2025 13.5837
30-01-2025 13.5851
29-01-2025 13.5832
28-01-2025 13.5845
27-01-2025 13.5804
24-01-2025 13.5597
23-01-2025 13.5485
22-01-2025 13.552
21-01-2025 13.5426
20-01-2025 13.5325
17-01-2025 13.5242
16-01-2025 13.5243
15-01-2025 13.5048
14-01-2025 13.4922
13-01-2025 13.4874
10-01-2025 13.512
09-01-2025 13.5095
08-01-2025 13.5098
07-01-2025 13.5155
06-01-2025 13.5094
03-01-2025 13.4962
02-01-2025 13.4937
01-01-2025 13.4898
31-12-2024 13.4908
30-12-2024 13.4825
27-12-2024 13.4762
26-12-2024 13.4753
24-12-2024 13.4743
23-12-2024 13.4706
20-12-2024 13.4638
19-12-2024 13.465
18-12-2024 13.4755
17-12-2024 13.4667
16-12-2024 13.4733
13-12-2024 13.4691
12-12-2024 13.4614
11-12-2024 13.4634
10-12-2024 13.4682
09-12-2024 13.4611
06-12-2024 13.4487
05-12-2024 13.4668
04-12-2024 13.4606
03-12-2024 13.4519
02-12-2024 13.4482
29-11-2024 13.4212
28-11-2024 13.4025
27-11-2024 13.3968
26-11-2024 13.3911
25-11-2024 13.3903
22-11-2024 13.3766
21-11-2024 13.3795
19-11-2024 13.3799
18-11-2024 13.3729
14-11-2024 13.3633
13-11-2024 13.3702
12-11-2024 13.3726
11-11-2024 13.3764
08-11-2024 13.3745
07-11-2024 13.3636
06-11-2024 13.3605
05-11-2024 13.3612
04-11-2024 13.3568
31-10-2024 13.3491
30-10-2024 13.3513
29-10-2024 13.3442
28-10-2024 13.3372
25-10-2024 13.3423
24-10-2024 13.3451
23-10-2024 13.3419
22-10-2024 13.3367
21-10-2024 13.3356
18-10-2024 13.3336
17-10-2024 13.342
16-10-2024 13.3413
15-10-2024 13.3415
14-10-2024 13.3344
11-10-2024 13.3262
10-10-2024 13.3259
09-10-2024 13.3265
08-10-2024 13.3098
07-10-2024 13.2952
04-10-2024 13.2959
03-10-2024 13.3105
01-10-2024 13.3205
30-09-2024 13.3098
27-09-2024 13.3035
26-09-2024 13.3089
25-09-2024 13.2957
24-09-2024 13.2855
23-09-2024 13.2827
20-09-2024 13.2765
19-09-2024 13.2748
17-09-2024 13.2603
16-09-2024 13.2627
13-09-2024 13.2441
12-09-2024 13.2328
11-09-2024 13.2245
10-09-2024 13.2138
09-09-2024 13.2103
06-09-2024 13.2038
05-09-2024 13.2006
04-09-2024 13.1977
03-09-2024 13.1793
02-09-2024 13.1737
30-08-2024 13.1726
29-08-2024 13.1709
28-08-2024 13.1687
27-08-2024 13.1679
26-08-2024 13.168
23-08-2024 13.1581
22-08-2024 13.1552
21-08-2024 13.1509
20-08-2024 13.1475
19-08-2024 13.1429
16-08-2024 13.1352
14-08-2024 13.1346
13-08-2024 13.1268
12-08-2024 13.1245
09-08-2024 13.1181
08-08-2024 13.1171
07-08-2024 13.1173
06-08-2024 13.1147
05-08-2024 13.1151
02-08-2024 13.093
01-08-2024 13.0864
31-07-2024 13.0804
30-07-2024 13.0761
29-07-2024 13.0778
26-07-2024 13.0657
25-07-2024 13.0556
24-07-2024 13.0477
23-07-2024 13.043
22-07-2024 13.0414
19-07-2024 13.0358
18-07-2024 13.0322
16-07-2024 13.0259
15-07-2024 13.0175
12-07-2024 13.0095
11-07-2024 13.0084
10-07-2024 13.006
09-07-2024 13.0001
08-07-2024 12.9965
05-07-2024 12.9876
04-07-2024 12.9848
03-07-2024 12.9825
02-07-2024 12.9768
01-07-2024 12.9719
28-06-2024 12.9708
27-06-2024 12.9689
26-06-2024 12.9685
25-06-2024 12.9703
24-06-2024 12.9724
21-06-2024 12.964
20-06-2024 12.9576
19-06-2024 12.9553
18-06-2024 12.9501
14-06-2024 12.9438
13-06-2024 12.9411
12-06-2024 12.9311
11-06-2024 12.9296
10-06-2024 12.9232
07-06-2024 12.9194
06-06-2024 12.9173
05-06-2024 12.9092
04-06-2024 12.8988
03-06-2024 12.9351
31-05-2024 12.9152
30-05-2024 12.9067
29-05-2024 12.9038
28-05-2024 12.9083
27-05-2024 12.9101
24-05-2024 12.9056
22-05-2024 12.8971
21-05-2024 12.8824
17-05-2024 12.8669
16-05-2024 12.8705
15-05-2024 12.8608
14-05-2024 12.8527
13-05-2024 12.8493
10-05-2024 12.84
09-05-2024 12.8349
08-05-2024 12.8327
07-05-2024 12.8341
06-05-2024 12.8373
03-05-2024 12.8174
02-05-2024 12.8085
30-04-2024 12.7929
29-04-2024 12.7891
26-04-2024 12.784
25-04-2024 12.7811
24-04-2024 12.7812
23-04-2024 12.7831
22-04-2024 12.7696
19-04-2024 12.7574
18-04-2024 12.7754
16-04-2024 12.7695
15-04-2024 12.7778
12-04-2024 12.7662
10-04-2024 12.7864
08-04-2024 12.7687
05-04-2024 12.7798
04-04-2024 12.7816
03-04-2024 12.7736
02-04-2024 12.7722
31-03-2024 12.7831
28-03-2024 12.7783
27-03-2024 12.7608

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