Sundaram MF Start An SIP Dec2024 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of UTI Low Duration Fund Reg Half-Yearly IDCW

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
27-02-2025 1359.9088
25-02-2025 1359.493
24-02-2025 1359.2168
21-02-2025 1358.3979
20-02-2025 1358.0068
18-02-2025 1357.4319
17-02-2025 1357.2449
14-02-2025 1356.5131
13-02-2025 1356.3654
12-02-2025 1356.0472
11-02-2025 1355.925
10-02-2025 1355.6001
07-02-2025 1355.3934
06-02-2025 1355.3923
05-02-2025 1354.7049
04-02-2025 1354.1273
03-02-2025 1353.7434
31-01-2025 1352.8198
30-01-2025 1352.6043
29-01-2025 1352.2401
28-01-2025 1351.8585
27-01-2025 1351.6023
24-01-2025 1350.8991
23-01-2025 1350.6523
22-01-2025 1350.4382
21-01-2025 1350.1496
20-01-2025 1349.7368
17-01-2025 1348.9912
16-01-2025 1348.6454
15-01-2025 1348.2353
14-01-2025 1347.7686
13-01-2025 1347.6545
10-01-2025 1347.3235
09-01-2025 1346.9765
08-01-2025 1347.0353
07-01-2025 1346.9844
06-01-2025 1346.7025
03-01-2025 1345.9585
02-01-2025 1345.7006
01-01-2025 1345.4149
31-12-2024 1345.0569
30-12-2024 1344.2892
27-12-2024 1343.4884
26-12-2024 1343.0207
24-12-2024 1342.5927
23-12-2024 1342.1953
20-12-2024 1341.6742
19-12-2024 1341.776
18-12-2024 1341.9164
17-12-2024 1341.6757
16-12-2024 1341.4907
13-12-2024 1340.74
12-12-2024 1340.7319
11-12-2024 1340.6729
10-12-2024 1340.582
09-12-2024 1340.2095
06-12-2024 1339.6801
05-12-2024 1339.4357
04-12-2024 1339.0821
03-12-2024 1338.644
02-12-2024 1338.3846
29-11-2024 1337.2504
28-11-2024 1336.908
27-11-2024 1336.6714
26-11-2024 1336.6423
25-11-2024 1336.4425
22-11-2024 1335.6416
21-11-2024 1335.4456
19-11-2024 1335.0045
18-11-2024 1334.7913
14-11-2024 1333.7825
13-11-2024 1333.5762
12-11-2024 1333.3844
11-11-2024 1333.177
08-11-2024 1332.4483
07-11-2024 1332.043
06-11-2024 1331.6635
05-11-2024 1331.4461
04-11-2024 1331.2833
31-10-2024 1330.2697
30-10-2024 1330.0091
29-10-2024 1329.7837
28-10-2024 1329.4051
25-10-2024 1328.8245
24-10-2024 1328.5002
23-10-2024 1328.0989
22-10-2024 1327.7186
21-10-2024 1327.6478
18-10-2024 1327.1746
17-10-2024 1327.1081
16-10-2024 1326.8412
15-10-2024 1326.7065
14-10-2024 1326.5078
11-10-2024 1325.7734
10-10-2024 1325.1408
09-10-2024 1324.8492
08-10-2024 1324.0713
07-10-2024 1323.6811
04-10-2024 1323.1366
03-10-2024 1322.8793
01-10-2024 1322.2598
30-09-2024 1321.8388
27-09-2024 1320.7317
26-09-2024 1320.4679
25-09-2024 1320.0649
24-09-2024 1319.716
23-09-2024 1319.4751
20-09-2024 1318.7867
19-09-2024 1318.4332
17-09-2024 1317.696
16-09-2024 1317.5189
13-09-2024 1316.7081
12-09-2024 1316.2974
11-09-2024 1316.1128
10-09-2024 1315.7802
09-09-2024 1315.5702
06-09-2024 1314.969
05-09-2024 1314.7383
04-09-2024 1314.4706
03-09-2024 1312.733
02-09-2024 1312.4587
30-08-2024 1311.7332
29-08-2024 1311.6264
28-08-2024 1311.3595
27-08-2024 1311.0876
26-08-2024 1310.8856
23-08-2024 1310.1655
22-08-2024 1309.9453
21-08-2024 1309.693
20-08-2024 1309.4176
19-08-2024 1308.9766
16-08-2024 1308.151
14-08-2024 1307.7275
13-08-2024 1307.5017
12-08-2024 1307.2256
09-08-2024 1306.5463
08-08-2024 1306.3411
07-08-2024 1306.1487
06-08-2024 1305.9003
05-08-2024 1305.7745
02-08-2024 1304.8624
01-08-2024 1304.5571
31-07-2024 1304.18
30-07-2024 1303.9855
29-07-2024 1303.7667
26-07-2024 1302.98
25-07-2024 1302.7009
24-07-2024 1302.2368
23-07-2024 1301.9522
22-07-2024 1301.7521
19-07-2024 1301.0675
18-07-2024 1300.8456
16-07-2024 1300.2582
15-07-2024 1299.908
12-07-2024 1299.1898
11-07-2024 1298.9143
10-07-2024 1298.5799
09-07-2024 1298.3438
08-07-2024 1298.0868
05-07-2024 1297.3114
04-07-2024 1297.0557
03-07-2024 1296.7048
02-07-2024 1296.3461
01-07-2024 1295.857
28-06-2024 1294.9435
27-06-2024 1294.4912
26-06-2024 1294.4013
25-06-2024 1294.3742
24-06-2024 1294.1154
21-06-2024 1293.4257
20-06-2024 1293.1602
19-06-2024 1292.8503
18-06-2024 1292.6243
14-06-2024 1291.6054
13-06-2024 1291.3566
12-06-2024 1291.0775
11-06-2024 1290.7628
10-06-2024 1290.393
07-06-2024 1289.5469
06-06-2024 1289.3032
05-06-2024 1288.8385
04-06-2024 1288.6974
03-06-2024 1288.9301
31-05-2024 1288.0388
30-05-2024 1287.888
29-05-2024 1287.5605
28-05-2024 1287.3414
27-05-2024 1287.2061
24-05-2024 1286.6356
22-05-2024 1286.1142
21-05-2024 1285.8337
17-05-2024 1284.6822
16-05-2024 1284.48
15-05-2024 1284.1487
14-05-2024 1283.8786
13-05-2024 1283.5051
10-05-2024 1282.7079
09-05-2024 1282.5389
08-05-2024 1282.4191
07-05-2024 1282.2801
06-05-2024 1282.0695
03-05-2024 1281.2011
02-05-2024 1280.807
30-04-2024 1280.174
29-04-2024 1279.9376
26-04-2024 1279.4116
25-04-2024 1279.1767
24-04-2024 1279.0477
23-04-2024 1278.981
22-04-2024 1278.6415
19-04-2024 1277.8273
18-04-2024 1277.9614
16-04-2024 1277.4031
15-04-2024 1277.2066
12-04-2024 1276.4501
10-04-2024 1276.2015
08-04-2024 1275.437
05-04-2024 1274.9076
04-04-2024 1274.6714
03-04-2024 1274.3891
02-04-2024 1274.0548
31-03-2024 1273.221
28-03-2024 1272.4944
27-03-2024 1271.1966

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