PGIM ELSS Tax Saver Fund Jan 2025 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of UTI Gilt Fund with 10 year Constant Duration Reg Flexi IDCW

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
27-02-2025 12.1536
25-02-2025 12.1552
24-02-2025 12.1544
21-02-2025 12.1427
20-02-2025 12.1443
18-02-2025 12.1511
17-02-2025 12.1435
14-02-2025 12.1331
13-02-2025 12.1318
12-02-2025 12.1418
11-02-2025 12.1399
10-02-2025 12.1217
07-02-2025 12.1231
06-02-2025 12.1522
05-02-2025 12.1469
04-02-2025 12.1389
03-02-2025 12.141
31-01-2025 12.121
30-01-2025 12.1309
29-01-2025 12.1276
28-01-2025 12.1282
27-01-2025 12.1316
24-01-2025 12.0958
23-01-2025 12.0799
22-01-2025 12.0887
21-01-2025 12.0737
20-01-2025 12.0535
17-01-2025 12.0362
16-01-2025 12.0507
15-01-2025 12.0032
14-01-2025 11.9856
13-01-2025 11.9749
10-01-2025 12.0298
09-01-2025 12.0289
08-01-2025 12.026
07-01-2025 12.0372
06-01-2025 12.0261
03-01-2025 12.0075
02-01-2025 12.0016
01-01-2025 12.0043
31-12-2024 12.0175
30-12-2024 12.0001
27-12-2024 11.9851
26-12-2024 11.9888
24-12-2024 11.9942
23-12-2024 11.9944
20-12-2024 11.9781
19-12-2024 11.9783
18-12-2024 12.0034
17-12-2024 11.994
16-12-2024 12.0058
13-12-2024 12.0038
12-12-2024 11.9935
11-12-2024 12.0046
10-12-2024 12.0118
09-12-2024 12.0056
06-12-2024 11.979
05-12-2024 12.0191
04-12-2024 12.0165
03-12-2024 11.996
02-12-2024 11.9969
29-11-2024 11.9641
28-11-2024 11.9228
27-11-2024 11.9149
26-11-2024 11.9011
25-11-2024 11.9037
22-11-2024 11.8792
21-11-2024 11.8866
19-11-2024 11.8946
18-11-2024 11.8858
14-11-2024 11.8717
13-11-2024 11.8918
12-11-2024 11.897
11-11-2024 11.9023
08-11-2024 11.9015
07-11-2024 11.8899
06-11-2024 11.8841
05-11-2024 11.884
04-11-2024 11.8827
31-10-2024 11.8694
30-10-2024 11.8787
29-10-2024 11.8618
28-10-2024 11.8474
25-10-2024 11.8557
24-10-2024 11.8702
23-10-2024 11.8707
22-10-2024 11.8585
21-10-2024 11.853
18-10-2024 11.8656
17-10-2024 11.8836
16-10-2024 11.8902
15-10-2024 11.8945
14-10-2024 11.8825
11-10-2024 11.8724
10-10-2024 11.8811
09-10-2024 11.8872
08-10-2024 11.8548
07-10-2024 11.8225
04-10-2024 11.8287
03-10-2024 11.8739
01-10-2024 11.906
30-09-2024 11.8859
27-09-2024 11.8739
26-09-2024 11.9018
25-09-2024 11.8815
24-09-2024 11.8617
23-09-2024 11.8547
20-09-2024 11.8517
19-09-2024 11.853
17-09-2024 11.8301
16-09-2024 11.8434
13-09-2024 11.8113
12-09-2024 11.7976
11-09-2024 11.7796
10-09-2024 11.7578
09-09-2024 11.7524
06-09-2024 11.746
05-09-2024 11.7442
04-09-2024 11.7404
03-09-2024 11.7278
02-09-2024 11.7209
30-08-2024 11.7251
29-08-2024 11.724
28-08-2024 11.7234
27-08-2024 11.7216
26-08-2024 11.7274
23-08-2024 11.7142
22-08-2024 11.7174
21-08-2024 11.7139
20-08-2024 11.711
19-08-2024 11.7019
16-08-2024 11.6915
14-08-2024 11.6933
13-08-2024 11.6731
12-08-2024 11.6716
09-08-2024 11.6663
08-08-2024 11.6665
07-08-2024 11.6752
06-08-2024 11.6653
05-08-2024 11.6712
02-08-2024 11.6371
01-08-2024 11.6217
31-07-2024 11.6144
30-07-2024 11.6071
29-07-2024 11.619
26-07-2024 11.6004
25-07-2024 11.588
24-07-2024 11.5736
23-07-2024 11.568
22-07-2024 11.5661
19-07-2024 11.5618
18-07-2024 11.5582
16-07-2024 11.5538
15-07-2024 11.5409
12-07-2024 11.5299
11-07-2024 11.531
10-07-2024 11.5328
09-07-2024 11.5219
08-07-2024 11.5193
05-07-2024 11.5092
04-07-2024 11.5053
03-07-2024 11.5026
02-07-2024 11.4943
01-07-2024 11.4883
28-06-2024 11.4874
27-06-2024 11.4891
26-06-2024 11.4896
25-06-2024 11.4989
24-06-2024 11.5048
21-06-2024 11.496
20-06-2024 11.4874
19-06-2024 11.4884
18-06-2024 11.4793
14-06-2024 11.4702
13-06-2024 11.4691
12-06-2024 11.4477
11-06-2024 11.4444
10-06-2024 11.4297
07-06-2024 11.4351
06-06-2024 11.4346
05-06-2024 11.4195
04-06-2024 11.4029
03-06-2024 11.4756
31-05-2024 11.4383
30-05-2024 11.4236
29-05-2024 11.4179
28-05-2024 11.4274
27-05-2024 11.4386
24-05-2024 11.4235
22-05-2024 11.4194
21-05-2024 11.3884
17-05-2024 11.3675
16-05-2024 11.3799
15-05-2024 11.3699
14-05-2024 11.3514
13-05-2024 11.3426
10-05-2024 11.3283
09-05-2024 11.3194
08-05-2024 11.3139
07-05-2024 11.3165
06-05-2024 11.3304
03-05-2024 11.2935
02-05-2024 11.2812
30-04-2024 11.2532
29-04-2024 11.2509
26-04-2024 11.2432
25-04-2024 11.2386
24-04-2024 11.2491
23-04-2024 11.2608
22-04-2024 11.2415
19-04-2024 11.2122
18-04-2024 11.2421
16-04-2024 11.2286
15-04-2024 11.2395
12-04-2024 11.2294
10-04-2024 11.2728
08-04-2024 11.241
05-04-2024 11.2631
04-04-2024 11.2773
03-04-2024 11.2679
02-04-2024 11.2634
31-03-2024 11.3023
28-03-2024 11.2985
27-03-2024 11.2785

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