Bandhan MF Small Cap Fund 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of UTI Dynamic Bond Reg Annual Div

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
27-02-2025 13.6187
25-02-2025 13.6219
24-02-2025 13.6216
21-02-2025 13.6124
20-02-2025 13.6112
18-02-2025 13.6194
17-02-2025 13.6123
14-02-2025 13.6015
13-02-2025 13.5959
12-02-2025 13.6023
11-02-2025 13.6014
10-02-2025 13.5885
07-02-2025 13.598
06-02-2025 13.628
05-02-2025 13.6163
04-02-2025 13.6032
03-02-2025 13.6041
31-01-2025 13.5968
30-01-2025 13.608
29-01-2025 13.6041
28-01-2025 13.6101
27-01-2025 13.6176
24-01-2025 13.5916
23-01-2025 13.5782
22-01-2025 13.5791
21-01-2025 13.5575
20-01-2025 13.5278
17-01-2025 13.5132
16-01-2025 13.5204
15-01-2025 13.4879
14-01-2025 13.4801
13-01-2025 13.4732
10-01-2025 13.5274
09-01-2025 13.5301
08-01-2025 13.5332
07-01-2025 13.5393
06-01-2025 13.5181
03-01-2025 13.5048
02-01-2025 13.5
01-01-2025 13.5009
31-12-2024 13.5135
30-12-2024 13.4964
27-12-2024 13.4839
26-12-2024 13.4801
24-12-2024 13.4873
23-12-2024 13.4939
20-12-2024 13.4835
19-12-2024 13.4881
18-12-2024 13.5176
17-12-2024 13.5112
16-12-2024 13.5227
13-12-2024 13.5198
12-12-2024 13.506
11-12-2024 13.5072
10-12-2024 13.5127
09-12-2024 13.5015
06-12-2024 13.4811
05-12-2024 13.5243
04-12-2024 13.5141
03-12-2024 13.49
02-12-2024 13.4911
29-11-2024 13.4522
28-11-2024 13.425
27-11-2024 13.4217
26-11-2024 13.4132
25-11-2024 13.4147
22-11-2024 13.3941
21-11-2024 13.3974
19-11-2024 13.4055
18-11-2024 13.4002
14-11-2024 13.3871
13-11-2024 13.4031
12-11-2024 13.4075
11-11-2024 13.4115
08-11-2024 13.4056
07-11-2024 13.3955
06-11-2024 13.3887
05-11-2024 13.3916
04-11-2024 13.394
31-10-2024 13.3836
30-10-2024 13.3898
29-10-2024 13.3798
28-10-2024 13.3691
25-10-2024 13.3792
24-10-2024 13.3886
23-10-2024 13.3864
22-10-2024 13.3767
21-10-2024 13.379
18-10-2024 13.3804
17-10-2024 13.3969
16-10-2024 13.4021
15-10-2024 13.4028
14-10-2024 13.3954
11-10-2024 13.3788
10-10-2024 13.3769
09-10-2024 13.3791
08-10-2024 13.3546
07-10-2024 13.3325
04-10-2024 13.3389
03-10-2024 13.3706
01-10-2024 13.389
30-09-2024 13.3726
27-09-2024 13.3567
26-09-2024 13.3805
25-09-2024 13.362
24-09-2024 13.3428
23-09-2024 13.3342
20-09-2024 13.3266
19-09-2024 13.3277
17-09-2024 13.3057
16-09-2024 13.3163
13-09-2024 13.2926
12-09-2024 13.2811
11-09-2024 13.2698
10-09-2024 13.2502
09-09-2024 13.2438
06-09-2024 13.2378
05-09-2024 13.2354
04-09-2024 13.2324
03-09-2024 13.2091
02-09-2024 13.2006
30-08-2024 13.1998
29-08-2024 13.1994
28-08-2024 13.1978
27-08-2024 13.1987
26-08-2024 13.2037
23-08-2024 13.195
22-08-2024 13.1974
21-08-2024 13.1949
20-08-2024 13.1935
19-08-2024 13.1776
16-08-2024 13.1627
14-08-2024 13.1633
13-08-2024 13.1464
12-08-2024 13.1444
09-08-2024 13.1391
08-08-2024 13.1378
07-08-2024 13.1449
06-08-2024 13.1357
05-08-2024 13.1369
02-08-2024 13.1108
01-08-2024 13.0994
31-07-2024 13.0925
30-07-2024 13.0887
29-07-2024 13.097
26-07-2024 13.0853
25-07-2024 13.0794
24-07-2024 13.0641
23-07-2024 13.0535
22-07-2024 13.0461
19-07-2024 13.044
18-07-2024 13.044
16-07-2024 13.0353
15-07-2024 13.0168
12-07-2024 13.0113
11-07-2024 13.0111
10-07-2024 13.0099
09-07-2024 13.0017
08-07-2024 12.9953
05-07-2024 12.9854
04-07-2024 12.9811
03-07-2024 12.9783
02-07-2024 12.9707
01-07-2024 12.9662
28-06-2024 12.971
27-06-2024 12.9653
26-06-2024 12.9679
25-06-2024 12.9747
24-06-2024 12.9819
21-06-2024 12.9749
20-06-2024 12.9679
19-06-2024 12.9669
18-06-2024 12.9583
14-06-2024 12.9474
13-06-2024 12.9453
12-06-2024 12.9246
11-06-2024 12.9198
10-06-2024 12.9053
07-06-2024 12.9088
06-06-2024 12.9105
05-06-2024 12.8985
04-06-2024 12.8876
03-06-2024 12.9583
31-05-2024 12.9218
30-05-2024 12.9097
29-05-2024 12.9025
28-05-2024 12.91
27-05-2024 12.9221
24-05-2024 12.9073
22-05-2024 12.9004
21-05-2024 12.8744
17-05-2024 12.8558
16-05-2024 12.8663
15-05-2024 12.8555
14-05-2024 12.841
13-05-2024 12.8323
10-05-2024 12.8198
09-05-2024 12.8083
08-05-2024 12.8017
07-05-2024 12.8051
06-05-2024 12.8178
03-05-2024 12.7825
02-05-2024 12.7692
30-04-2024 12.7442
29-04-2024 12.7438
26-04-2024 12.7361
25-04-2024 12.728
24-04-2024 12.7364
23-04-2024 12.7466
22-04-2024 12.7273
19-04-2024 12.7017
18-04-2024 12.7289
16-04-2024 12.7157
15-04-2024 12.7286
12-04-2024 12.7219
10-04-2024 12.7554
08-04-2024 12.7356
05-04-2024 12.7547
04-04-2024 12.7662
03-04-2024 12.7554
02-04-2024 12.7555
31-03-2024 12.7917
28-03-2024 12.7876
27-03-2024 12.7564

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