UTI MF Multi Asset Allocation Fund 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of Trust CorpoRate Bond Fund Reg GR

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
27-02-2025 1152.3992
25-02-2025 1152.2532
24-02-2025 1153.275
21-02-2025 1150.6773
20-02-2025 1151.1292
18-02-2025 1150.7051
17-02-2025 1149.9742
14-02-2025 1149.4507
13-02-2025 1148.7031
12-02-2025 1150.5177
11-02-2025 1149.4516
10-02-2025 1148.9229
07-02-2025 1149.8428
06-02-2025 1150.8891
05-02-2025 1151.5786
04-02-2025 1148.0725
03-02-2025 1151.4088
31-01-2025 1147.1892
30-01-2025 1148.8927
29-01-2025 1148.1445
28-01-2025 1147.9779
27-01-2025 1147.7084
24-01-2025 1144.5245
23-01-2025 1144.3315
22-01-2025 1147.4015
21-01-2025 1147.003
20-01-2025 1145.8892
17-01-2025 1143.8373
16-01-2025 1146.5703
15-01-2025 1144.7997
14-01-2025 1143.9352
13-01-2025 1143.893
10-01-2025 1146.2048
09-01-2025 1144.3643
08-01-2025 1145.1704
07-01-2025 1144.8767
06-01-2025 1144.5671
03-01-2025 1144.266
02-01-2025 1143.7472
01-01-2025 1143.946
31-12-2024 1143.1749
30-12-2024 1143.0815
27-12-2024 1142.2315
26-12-2024 1142.1437
24-12-2024 1141.9256
23-12-2024 1142.3082
20-12-2024 1141.4633
19-12-2024 1141.0827
18-12-2024 1141.7989
17-12-2024 1141.5475
16-12-2024 1142.2142
13-12-2024 1141.826
12-12-2024 1141.328
11-12-2024 1141.6983
10-12-2024 1141.8352
09-12-2024 1141.2386
06-12-2024 1140.4616
05-12-2024 1142.5136
04-12-2024 1141.8246
03-12-2024 1141.029
02-12-2024 1138.0894
29-11-2024 1138.0861
28-11-2024 1136.6304
27-11-2024 1136.6046
26-11-2024 1136.4264
25-11-2024 1136.7521
22-11-2024 1136.6041
21-11-2024 1135.2386
19-11-2024 1136.2067
18-11-2024 1134.469
14-11-2024 1134.6783
13-11-2024 1135.0219
12-11-2024 1135.1523
11-11-2024 1134.9145
08-11-2024 1132.1567
07-11-2024 1134.2027
06-11-2024 1133.7144
05-11-2024 1133.4092
04-11-2024 1133.4875
31-10-2024 1132.9051
30-10-2024 1132.6182
29-10-2024 1132.3773
28-10-2024 1131.8787
25-10-2024 1132.0001
24-10-2024 1132.0821
23-10-2024 1131.476
22-10-2024 1130.8997
21-10-2024 1130.5637
18-10-2024 1130.7486
17-10-2024 1131.4945
16-10-2024 1131.6852
15-10-2024 1131.6788
14-10-2024 1131.2534
11-10-2024 1130.067
10-10-2024 1130.9791
09-10-2024 1129.9025
08-10-2024 1128.2616
07-10-2024 1127.1468
04-10-2024 1127.1096
03-10-2024 1128.2101
01-10-2024 1128.6457
30-09-2024 1128.1936
27-09-2024 1127.1509
26-09-2024 1127.9629
25-09-2024 1126.818
24-09-2024 1126.5583
23-09-2024 1125.8223
20-09-2024 1125.137
19-09-2024 1124.7143
17-09-2024 1123.1177
16-09-2024 1123.1569
13-09-2024 1121.9244
12-09-2024 1120.9406
11-09-2024 1120.4017
10-09-2024 1119.8169
09-09-2024 1119.3502
06-09-2024 1118.7469
05-09-2024 1118.656
04-09-2024 1118.1371
03-09-2024 1117.7381
02-09-2024 1117.4017
30-08-2024 1117.3241
29-08-2024 1117.2187
28-08-2024 1117.1597
27-08-2024 1116.775
26-08-2024 1116.1746
23-08-2024 1115.6961
22-08-2024 1115.5014
21-08-2024 1115.2885
20-08-2024 1115.1713
19-08-2024 1114.4533
16-08-2024 1113.5305
14-08-2024 1113.4382
13-08-2024 1112.8038
12-08-2024 1112.8284
09-08-2024 1112.22
08-08-2024 1112.2141
07-08-2024 1112.1524
06-08-2024 1111.9396
05-08-2024 1112.0322
02-08-2024 1110.4178
01-08-2024 1109.7088
31-07-2024 1109.2902
30-07-2024 1109.229
29-07-2024 1109.4825
26-07-2024 1108.3285
25-07-2024 1107.4733
24-07-2024 1106.6194
23-07-2024 1106.28
22-07-2024 1106.3022
19-07-2024 1105.717
18-07-2024 1105.5036
16-07-2024 1104.9487
15-07-2024 1104.2754
12-07-2024 1103.5601
11-07-2024 1103.2605
10-07-2024 1102.9582
09-07-2024 1102.4118
08-07-2024 1102.2262
05-07-2024 1101.5098
04-07-2024 1101.0537
03-07-2024 1100.5396
02-07-2024 1100.2174
01-07-2024 1099.6304
28-06-2024 1099.3278
27-06-2024 1098.9708
26-06-2024 1099.0062
25-06-2024 1099.3607
24-06-2024 1099.311
21-06-2024 1098.74
20-06-2024 1098.1332
19-06-2024 1098.216
18-06-2024 1097.6322
14-06-2024 1096.8885
13-06-2024 1096.7976
12-06-2024 1096.3386
11-06-2024 1096.0395
10-06-2024 1095.5293
07-06-2024 1094.9929
06-06-2024 1094.6263
05-06-2024 1093.3997
04-06-2024 1092.8731
03-06-2024 1095.6756
31-05-2024 1094.4472
30-05-2024 1093.8515
29-05-2024 1093.7071
28-05-2024 1093.7304
27-05-2024 1093.9746
24-05-2024 1093.1501
22-05-2024 1092.9112
21-05-2024 1092.0177
17-05-2024 1090.8323
16-05-2024 1090.8885
15-05-2024 1089.9694
14-05-2024 1089.5309
13-05-2024 1089.1755
10-05-2024 1088.295
09-05-2024 1088.2688
08-05-2024 1088.3598
07-05-2024 1088.1074
06-05-2024 1088.0691
03-05-2024 1086.7146
02-05-2024 1085.8728
30-04-2024 1085.0025
29-04-2024 1084.7326
26-04-2024 1084.1731
25-04-2024 1083.9694
24-04-2024 1084.0761
23-04-2024 1084.1892
22-04-2024 1083.8294
19-04-2024 1082.6358
18-04-2024 1083.5314
16-04-2024 1082.827
15-04-2024 1083.1881
12-04-2024 1082.15
10-04-2024 1083.4551
08-04-2024 1082.5007
05-04-2024 1082.9803
04-04-2024 1083.2118
03-04-2024 1082.9003
02-04-2024 1082.409
31-03-2024 1082.8954
28-03-2024 1082.3582
27-03-2024 1080.6959

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