UTI MF Multi Asset Allocation Fund 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of Trust Banking & PSU Reg Annual IDCW

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
27-02-2025 1111.3402
25-02-2025 1111.3419
24-02-2025 1111.1582
21-02-2025 1110.6554
20-02-2025 1110.4498
18-02-2025 1109.797
17-02-2025 1109.6303
14-02-2025 1109.2284
13-02-2025 1109.1707
12-02-2025 1108.7417
11-02-2025 1109.2581
10-02-2025 1109.0617
07-02-2025 1109.3905
06-02-2025 1109.8912
05-02-2025 1109.2007
04-02-2025 1108.1608
03-02-2025 1107.7449
31-01-2025 1106.7265
30-01-2025 1106.6165
29-01-2025 1106.3246
28-01-2025 1106.0189
27-01-2025 1105.5751
24-01-2025 1104.4985
23-01-2025 1104.22
22-01-2025 1104.0954
21-01-2025 1103.8559
20-01-2025 1103.552
17-01-2025 1102.8456
16-01-2025 1102.3378
15-01-2025 1101.0299
14-01-2025 1100.2725
13-01-2025 1100.2263
10-01-2025 1101.6045
09-01-2025 1101.5819
08-01-2025 1101.4241
07-01-2025 1101.4382
06-01-2025 1100.683
03-01-2025 1100.0686
02-01-2025 1099.7673
01-01-2025 1099.6445
31-12-2024 1099.4666
30-12-2024 1098.8124
27-12-2024 1098.5055
26-12-2024 1097.9843
24-12-2024 1097.827
23-12-2024 1098.269
20-12-2024 1097.5395
19-12-2024 1097.5353
18-12-2024 1098.0888
17-12-2024 1097.9763
16-12-2024 1097.9857
13-12-2024 1097.4423
12-12-2024 1097.5504
11-12-2024 1097.7975
10-12-2024 1097.882
09-12-2024 1097.6159
06-12-2024 1097.1686
05-12-2024 1097.5944
04-12-2024 1096.8683
03-12-2024 1096.5695
02-12-2024 1095.8958
29-11-2024 1094.5951
28-11-2024 1093.5386
27-11-2024 1093.7388
26-11-2024 1093.5793
25-11-2024 1093.5919
22-11-2024 1092.9331
21-11-2024 1093.1742
19-11-2024 1093.0789
18-11-2024 1092.4987
14-11-2024 1091.4967
13-11-2024 1091.6787
12-11-2024 1091.7223
11-11-2024 1091.5851
08-11-2024 1090.8558
07-11-2024 1090.6957
06-11-2024 1090.3238
05-11-2024 1090.1692
04-11-2024 1090.1151
31-10-2024 1089.529
30-10-2024 1089.013
29-10-2024 1088.9304
28-10-2024 1088.5436
25-10-2024 1088.7699
24-10-2024 1088.3983
23-10-2024 1087.922
22-10-2024 1087.4863
21-10-2024 1087.9891
18-10-2024 1087.8656
17-10-2024 1088.1587
16-10-2024 1088.3037
15-10-2024 1088.2804
14-10-2024 1088.0797
11-10-2024 1086.8626
10-10-2024 1086.4141
09-10-2024 1085.8067
08-10-2024 1084.6965
07-10-2024 1083.7777
04-10-2024 1083.8587
03-10-2024 1084.5607
01-10-2024 1084.2406
30-09-2024 1084.0478
27-09-2024 1083.3314
26-09-2024 1083.2967
25-09-2024 1082.5377
24-09-2024 1082.757
23-09-2024 1082.0497
20-09-2024 1081.3019
19-09-2024 1080.9324
17-09-2024 1079.682
16-09-2024 1079.4194
13-09-2024 1078.6754
12-09-2024 1077.9103
11-09-2024 1077.7184
10-09-2024 1077.4713
09-09-2024 1076.9809
06-09-2024 1076.4551
05-09-2024 1076.2543
04-09-2024 1075.8199
03-09-2024 1075.595
02-09-2024 1075.3533
30-08-2024 1075.0599
29-08-2024 1074.9616
28-08-2024 1074.8634
27-08-2024 1074.4319
26-08-2024 1073.4287
23-08-2024 1073.1846
22-08-2024 1073.1128
21-08-2024 1072.8793
20-08-2024 1072.799
19-08-2024 1072.223
16-08-2024 1071.3561
14-08-2024 1071.2733
13-08-2024 1070.9015
12-08-2024 1071.0008
09-08-2024 1070.4314
08-08-2024 1070.3072
07-08-2024 1070.1401
06-08-2024 1069.9872
05-08-2024 1069.9377
02-08-2024 1068.8599
01-08-2024 1068.3357
31-07-2024 1068.0807
30-07-2024 1068.054
29-07-2024 1068.0474
26-07-2024 1067.2887
25-07-2024 1066.5966
24-07-2024 1065.9203
23-07-2024 1065.5499
22-07-2024 1065.4952
19-07-2024 1064.9709
18-07-2024 1064.7843
16-07-2024 1064.2587
15-07-2024 1063.7019
12-07-2024 1063.0601
11-07-2024 1062.7135
10-07-2024 1062.3596
09-07-2024 1062.0506
08-07-2024 1061.905
05-07-2024 1061.2598
04-07-2024 1060.894
03-07-2024 1060.4506
02-07-2024 1060.1194
01-07-2024 1059.5377
28-06-2024 1059.1292
27-06-2024 1058.6416
26-06-2024 1058.6989
25-06-2024 1058.8587
24-06-2024 1058.7259
21-06-2024 1058.1956
20-06-2024 1057.8619
19-06-2024 1057.7777
18-06-2024 1057.3567
14-06-2024 1056.6177
13-06-2024 1056.6525
12-06-2024 1056.4562
11-06-2024 1056.1974
10-06-2024 1055.9456
07-06-2024 1055.0417
06-06-2024 1054.6623
05-06-2024 1053.4255
04-06-2024 1053.2342
03-06-2024 1054.9941
31-05-2024 1054.1513
30-05-2024 1053.7953
29-05-2024 1053.767
28-05-2024 1053.6207
27-05-2024 1053.711
24-05-2024 1053.1265
22-05-2024 1052.7579
21-05-2024 1052.2225
17-05-2024 1051.3975
16-05-2024 1051.257
15-05-2024 1050.6653
14-05-2024 1050.2936
13-05-2024 1049.9169
10-05-2024 1049.2577
09-05-2024 1049.2618
08-05-2024 1049.2313
07-05-2024 1049.0956
06-05-2024 1048.825
03-05-2024 1047.9739
02-05-2024 1047.5239
30-04-2024 1047.2183
29-04-2024 1047.0431
26-04-2024 1046.4501
25-04-2024 1046.402
24-04-2024 1046.5113
23-04-2024 1046.4888
22-04-2024 1046.1367
19-04-2024 1045.3136
18-04-2024 1045.4193
16-04-2024 1045.1943
15-04-2024 1044.7482
12-04-2024 1044.1403
10-04-2024 1043.8888
08-04-2024 1043.326
05-04-2024 1042.7483
04-04-2024 1042.1453
03-04-2024 1041.874
02-04-2024 1041.6219
31-03-2024 1040.8526
28-03-2024 1040.2751
27-03-2024 1039.71

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