Bandhan MF Small Cap Fund 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of TRUSTMF Short Duration Reg Gr

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
27-02-2025 1208.7795
25-02-2025 1208.7883
24-02-2025 1208.3544
21-02-2025 1207.4325
20-02-2025 1206.9931
18-02-2025 1206.9203
17-02-2025 1206.6655
14-02-2025 1206.0752
13-02-2025 1206.0287
12-02-2025 1205.7633
11-02-2025 1205.9385
10-02-2025 1205.5033
07-02-2025 1206.0593
06-02-2025 1206.7983
05-02-2025 1206.1118
04-02-2025 1205.276
03-02-2025 1204.916
31-01-2025 1203.4523
30-01-2025 1203.3
29-01-2025 1202.9503
28-01-2025 1202.9025
27-01-2025 1202.7314
24-01-2025 1201.4874
23-01-2025 1201.0423
22-01-2025 1200.9136
21-01-2025 1200.3324
20-01-2025 1199.604
17-01-2025 1199.0392
16-01-2025 1198.9406
15-01-2025 1197.4409
14-01-2025 1196.7121
13-01-2025 1196.2578
10-01-2025 1197.5025
09-01-2025 1197.5961
08-01-2025 1197.6827
07-01-2025 1197.7978
06-01-2025 1197.192
03-01-2025 1196.2757
02-01-2025 1195.9023
01-01-2025 1195.8451
31-12-2024 1195.6195
30-12-2024 1194.8732
27-12-2024 1194.2711
26-12-2024 1193.7923
24-12-2024 1193.4557
23-12-2024 1193.4545
20-12-2024 1192.7486
19-12-2024 1192.6891
18-12-2024 1193.7302
17-12-2024 1193.4506
16-12-2024 1193.7032
13-12-2024 1193.1503
12-12-2024 1193.1677
11-12-2024 1193.4767
10-12-2024 1193.6829
09-12-2024 1192.8699
06-12-2024 1192.33
05-12-2024 1193.3806
04-12-2024 1193.0294
03-12-2024 1192.2412
02-12-2024 1192.055
29-11-2024 1189.8737
28-11-2024 1188.5006
27-11-2024 1188.0263
26-11-2024 1187.8741
25-11-2024 1187.7497
22-11-2024 1187.0491
21-11-2024 1187.0624
19-11-2024 1186.8702
18-11-2024 1186.4526
14-11-2024 1185.4992
13-11-2024 1185.9662
12-11-2024 1186.1243
11-11-2024 1186.2746
08-11-2024 1185.6192
07-11-2024 1185.011
06-11-2024 1184.5637
05-11-2024 1184.4591
04-11-2024 1184.6529
31-10-2024 1183.6005
30-10-2024 1183.5722
29-10-2024 1183.3626
28-10-2024 1183.0847
25-10-2024 1182.6894
24-10-2024 1182.5504
23-10-2024 1182.3352
22-10-2024 1181.7776
21-10-2024 1182.1809
18-10-2024 1182.1014
17-10-2024 1182.5404
16-10-2024 1182.4255
15-10-2024 1182.4057
14-10-2024 1182.0325
11-10-2024 1181.133
10-10-2024 1180.7652
09-10-2024 1180.6214
08-10-2024 1179.4047
07-10-2024 1178.3244
04-10-2024 1178.3883
03-10-2024 1179.0651
01-10-2024 1179.2913
30-09-2024 1178.9355
27-09-2024 1177.9817
26-09-2024 1178.121
25-09-2024 1177.5168
24-09-2024 1177.078
23-09-2024 1176.6353
20-09-2024 1176.0812
19-09-2024 1175.8783
17-09-2024 1174.7589
16-09-2024 1174.7708
13-09-2024 1173.6955
12-09-2024 1172.9597
11-09-2024 1172.6398
10-09-2024 1172.0553
09-09-2024 1171.4645
06-09-2024 1170.8451
05-09-2024 1170.52
04-09-2024 1170.2742
03-09-2024 1169.8222
02-09-2024 1169.5839
30-08-2024 1169.1737
29-08-2024 1169.1557
28-08-2024 1169.0357
27-08-2024 1168.7879
26-08-2024 1168.1778
23-08-2024 1167.7599
22-08-2024 1167.7625
21-08-2024 1167.2651
20-08-2024 1167.2724
19-08-2024 1166.9121
16-08-2024 1166.0631
14-08-2024 1165.9881
13-08-2024 1165.3176
12-08-2024 1165.1766
09-08-2024 1164.5798
08-08-2024 1164.4266
07-08-2024 1164.498
06-08-2024 1164.0638
05-08-2024 1164.2325
02-08-2024 1162.8631
01-08-2024 1162.0923
31-07-2024 1161.7273
30-07-2024 1161.4488
29-07-2024 1161.4997
26-07-2024 1160.7633
25-07-2024 1160.0957
24-07-2024 1159.3392
23-07-2024 1158.8692
22-07-2024 1158.6099
19-07-2024 1158.2428
18-07-2024 1157.9784
16-07-2024 1157.4268
15-07-2024 1156.6773
12-07-2024 1155.7825
11-07-2024 1155.449
10-07-2024 1155.1791
09-07-2024 1154.6591
08-07-2024 1154.3992
05-07-2024 1153.6823
04-07-2024 1153.3574
03-07-2024 1153.0168
02-07-2024 1152.5669
01-07-2024 1151.9695
28-06-2024 1151.5655
27-06-2024 1151.2879
26-06-2024 1151.1922
25-06-2024 1151.4097
24-06-2024 1151.3658
21-06-2024 1150.7166
20-06-2024 1150.3745
19-06-2024 1150.197
18-06-2024 1149.8302
14-06-2024 1148.9047
13-06-2024 1148.9413
12-06-2024 1148.1353
11-06-2024 1147.9094
10-06-2024 1147.3124
07-06-2024 1146.9846
06-06-2024 1146.6892
05-06-2024 1145.925
04-06-2024 1145.1166
03-06-2024 1147.7408
31-05-2024 1146.1514
30-05-2024 1145.5194
29-05-2024 1145.1967
28-05-2024 1145.3746
27-05-2024 1145.7014
24-05-2024 1144.9507
22-05-2024 1144.6611
21-05-2024 1143.5748
17-05-2024 1142.2039
16-05-2024 1142.4434
15-05-2024 1142.107
14-05-2024 1141.5269
13-05-2024 1141.1141
10-05-2024 1140.261
09-05-2024 1139.8564
08-05-2024 1139.6312
07-05-2024 1139.6775
06-05-2024 1139.8345
03-05-2024 1138.4316
02-05-2024 1137.9256
30-04-2024 1136.9126
29-04-2024 1136.6892
26-04-2024 1136.1546
25-04-2024 1135.9167
24-04-2024 1136.0858
23-04-2024 1136.2478
22-04-2024 1135.766
19-04-2024 1134.5824
18-04-2024 1135.3701
16-04-2024 1134.7794
15-04-2024 1135.1011
12-04-2024 1134.1509
10-04-2024 1135.3746
08-04-2024 1134.3548
05-04-2024 1134.7275
04-04-2024 1134.9485
03-04-2024 1134.5444
02-04-2024 1134.118
31-03-2024 1134.5886
28-03-2024 1134.0484
27-03-2024 1132.5284

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