UTI MF Multi Asset Allocation Fund 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of SBI Nifty Next 50 ETF

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
27-02-2025 621.7132
25-02-2025 627.479
24-02-2025 632.1322
21-02-2025 639.6842
20-02-2025 645.7358
19-02-2025 636.376
18-02-2025 628.9011
17-02-2025 628.7309
14-02-2025 629.905
13-02-2025 644.4269
12-02-2025 643.0168
11-02-2025 643.0307
10-02-2025 659.5352
07-02-2025 671.8097
06-02-2025 671.6304
05-02-2025 676.6638
04-02-2025 672.2595
03-02-2025 662.0657
01-02-2025 671.1864
31-01-2025 667.2116
30-01-2025 657.264
29-01-2025 656.6894
28-01-2025 643.688
27-01-2025 641.7707
24-01-2025 660.3934
23-01-2025 671.0186
22-01-2025 664.3158
21-01-2025 669.9958
20-01-2025 687.9566
17-01-2025 687.3952
16-01-2025 682.2252
15-01-2025 672.4499
14-01-2025 666.579
13-01-2025 649.6451
10-01-2025 678.9706
09-01-2025 692.7066
08-01-2025 701.6394
07-01-2025 707.3063
06-01-2025 707.9188
03-01-2025 731.1081
02-01-2025 730.1707
01-01-2025 721.1342
31-12-2024 718.3924
30-12-2024 719.1656
27-12-2024 724.3064
26-12-2024 730.7349
24-12-2024 727.4786
23-12-2024 727.2432
20-12-2024 725.2824
19-12-2024 745.5847
18-12-2024 752.1778
17-12-2024 762.0823
16-12-2024 772.2991
13-12-2024 770.3048
12-12-2024 771.5389
11-12-2024 773.7538
10-12-2024 771.6904
09-12-2024 767.5933
06-12-2024 771.1083
05-12-2024 765.2691
04-12-2024 762.7149
03-12-2024 758.9782
02-12-2024 751.3116
30-11-2024 746.6967
29-11-2024 746.6984
28-11-2024 741.7112
27-11-2024 740.986
26-11-2024 733.988
25-11-2024 732.0948
22-11-2024 717.9054
21-11-2024 704.7024
19-11-2024 715.3639
18-11-2024 712.1264
14-11-2024 711.4663
13-11-2024 708.1788
12-11-2024 722.3982
11-11-2024 738.4759
08-11-2024 736.3767
07-11-2024 745.2501
06-11-2024 753.1634
05-11-2024 736.3667
04-11-2024 732.3682
31-10-2024 737.5825
30-10-2024 741.2719
29-10-2024 744.1222
28-10-2024 738.7676
25-10-2024 735.4127
24-10-2024 747.0478
23-10-2024 747.6672
22-10-2024 750.5595
21-10-2024 772.9935
18-10-2024 783.5778
17-10-2024 780.6179
16-10-2024 798.4566
15-10-2024 800.1651
14-10-2024 797.9731
11-10-2024 795.1006
10-10-2024 794.0458
09-10-2024 795.4161
08-10-2024 786.8704
07-10-2024 768.8049
04-10-2024 787.1251
03-10-2024 795.8624
01-10-2024 815.2363
30-09-2024 813.2418
27-09-2024 820.8228
26-09-2024 813.6043
25-09-2024 807.5948
24-09-2024 810.5876
23-09-2024 809.5759
20-09-2024 796.666
19-09-2024 785.4728
18-09-2024 790.916
17-09-2024 794.3324
16-09-2024 796.4853
13-09-2024 796.1073
12-09-2024 796.3088
11-09-2024 784.8182
10-09-2024 788.8494
09-09-2024 787.118
06-09-2024 785.9576
05-09-2024 796.7615
04-09-2024 796.392
03-09-2024 796.004
02-09-2024 795.1835
31-08-2024 794.5944
30-08-2024 794.5951
29-08-2024 790.3905
28-08-2024 792.3558
27-08-2024 789.8967
26-08-2024 789.0533
23-08-2024 785.2089
22-08-2024 787.8523
21-08-2024 782.7398
20-08-2024 780.4749
19-08-2024 774.1514
16-08-2024 769.6518
14-08-2024 755.8904
13-08-2024 755.375
12-08-2024 764.0533
09-08-2024 767.0508
08-08-2024 757.4997
07-08-2024 763.5546
06-08-2024 741.2616
05-08-2024 748.1485
02-08-2024 773.2739
01-08-2024 783.212
31-07-2024 788.4049
30-07-2024 782.2564
29-07-2024 783.0286
26-07-2024 773.6599
25-07-2024 760.9844
24-07-2024 757.1391
23-07-2024 754.8206
22-07-2024 761.4643
19-07-2024 751.8734
18-07-2024 770.2456
16-07-2024 778.7574
15-07-2024 783.4445
12-07-2024 776.7751
11-07-2024 780.166
10-07-2024 778.4673
09-07-2024 778.113
08-07-2024 774.3831
05-07-2024 773.5271
04-07-2024 768.2866
03-07-2024 764.5606
02-07-2024 756.3828
01-07-2024 760.4856
30-06-2024 753.4018
28-06-2024 753.4062
27-06-2024 751.2623
26-06-2024 750.1941
25-06-2024 751.512
24-06-2024 754.475
21-06-2024 748.8999
20-06-2024 754.2017
19-06-2024 753.1993
18-06-2024 761.7141
14-06-2024 756.9504
13-06-2024 745.8658
12-06-2024 739.1179
11-06-2024 733.6092
10-06-2024 734.3054
07-06-2024 728.8174
06-06-2024 718.2689
05-06-2024 703.6612
04-06-2024 674.0687
03-06-2024 743.4726
31-05-2024 710.9469
30-05-2024 709.1126
29-05-2024 716.6063
28-05-2024 721.6051
27-05-2024 727.8193
24-05-2024 726.7392
23-05-2024 724.4958
22-05-2024 719.3248
21-05-2024 718.2227
17-05-2024 706.268
16-05-2024 698.0101
15-05-2024 690.8924
14-05-2024 687.3281
13-05-2024 677.1966
10-05-2024 672.7807
09-05-2024 667.2784
08-05-2024 681.7297
07-05-2024 672.8207
06-05-2024 683.3463
03-05-2024 692.1199
02-05-2024 694.5862
30-04-2024 682.9287
29-04-2024 678.5909
26-04-2024 674.8789
25-04-2024 670.3553
24-04-2024 665.8638
23-04-2024 660.8274
22-04-2024 659.6209
19-04-2024 651.2528
18-04-2024 652.3212
16-04-2024 653.0452
15-04-2024 652.5283
12-04-2024 663.6862
10-04-2024 666.4019
09-04-2024 660.8133
08-04-2024 662.9151
05-04-2024 659.7928
04-04-2024 654.1432
03-04-2024 656.9257
02-04-2024 655.1405
01-04-2024 648.6224
31-03-2024 637.9945
28-03-2024 637.9937
27-03-2024 630.2767

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