UTI MF Multi Asset Allocation Fund 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of SBI Credit Risk Reg Gr

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
27-02-2025 44.121
25-02-2025 44.1191
24-02-2025 44.1495
21-02-2025 44.1242
20-02-2025 44.1098
18-02-2025 44.1007
17-02-2025 44.0945
14-02-2025 44.0694
13-02-2025 44.0602
12-02-2025 44.04
11-02-2025 44.0338
10-02-2025 44.0218
07-02-2025 44.0175
06-02-2025 44.0435
05-02-2025 44.0286
04-02-2025 44.0053
03-02-2025 43.9654
31-01-2025 43.9275
30-01-2025 43.9253
29-01-2025 43.9138
28-01-2025 43.9126
27-01-2025 43.9124
24-01-2025 43.8613
23-01-2025 43.8428
22-01-2025 43.8399
21-01-2025 43.8225
20-01-2025 43.796
17-01-2025 43.7692
16-01-2025 43.7537
15-01-2025 43.715
14-01-2025 43.7015
13-01-2025 43.6915
10-01-2025 43.7196
09-01-2025 43.7112
08-01-2025 43.7134
07-01-2025 43.7189
06-01-2025 43.6986
03-01-2025 43.672
02-01-2025 43.6631
01-01-2025 43.6547
31-12-2024 43.6543
30-12-2024 43.6278
27-12-2024 43.5987
26-12-2024 43.5759
24-12-2024 43.582
23-12-2024 43.5799
20-12-2024 43.5552
19-12-2024 43.5278
18-12-2024 43.5551
17-12-2024 43.546
16-12-2024 43.5463
13-12-2024 43.5213
12-12-2024 43.5116
11-12-2024 43.5149
10-12-2024 43.5145
09-12-2024 43.5012
06-12-2024 43.472
05-12-2024 43.4966
04-12-2024 43.4868
03-12-2024 43.4552
02-12-2024 43.4482
30-11-2024 43.4022
29-11-2024 43.3949
28-11-2024 43.3525
27-11-2024 43.3458
26-11-2024 43.3378
25-11-2024 43.3343
22-11-2024 43.3009
21-11-2024 43.2874
19-11-2024 43.2767
18-11-2024 43.2655
14-11-2024 43.23
13-11-2024 43.2383
12-11-2024 43.239
11-11-2024 43.2348
08-11-2024 43.217
07-11-2024 43.1606
06-11-2024 43.1478
05-11-2024 43.1425
04-11-2024 43.1399
31-10-2024 43.1298
30-10-2024 43.1039
29-10-2024 43.0915
28-10-2024 43.0593
25-10-2024 43.0476
24-10-2024 43.0461
23-10-2024 43.0309
22-10-2024 43.0069
21-10-2024 43.0062
18-10-2024 43.0001
17-10-2024 43.0069
16-10-2024 43.011
15-10-2024 43.0086
14-10-2024 42.9914
11-10-2024 42.9609
10-10-2024 42.9471
09-10-2024 42.938
08-10-2024 42.895
07-10-2024 42.8688
04-10-2024 42.8633
03-10-2024 42.8858
01-10-2024 42.8933
30-09-2024 42.8695
27-09-2024 42.8193
26-09-2024 42.8328
25-09-2024 42.8108
24-09-2024 42.7948
23-09-2024 42.7953
20-09-2024 42.7852
19-09-2024 42.7623
17-09-2024 42.7853
16-09-2024 42.7855
13-09-2024 42.747
12-09-2024 42.7195
11-09-2024 42.704
10-09-2024 42.6848
09-09-2024 42.6804
06-09-2024 42.66
05-09-2024 42.6497
04-09-2024 42.6435
03-09-2024 42.629
02-09-2024 42.6214
31-08-2024 42.6134
30-08-2024 42.606
29-08-2024 42.603
28-08-2024 42.6004
27-08-2024 42.5933
26-08-2024 42.5869
23-08-2024 42.5638
22-08-2024 42.5598
21-08-2024 42.5495
20-08-2024 42.5441
19-08-2024 42.5319
16-08-2024 42.506
14-08-2024 42.5005
13-08-2024 42.4852
12-08-2024 42.4794
09-08-2024 42.458
08-08-2024 42.4062
07-08-2024 42.4081
06-08-2024 42.3967
05-08-2024 42.4002
02-08-2024 42.3498
01-08-2024 42.3345
31-07-2024 42.3228
30-07-2024 42.3134
29-07-2024 42.3146
26-07-2024 42.2889
25-07-2024 42.2756
24-07-2024 42.2607
23-07-2024 42.247
22-07-2024 42.2434
19-07-2024 42.2185
18-07-2024 42.2028
16-07-2024 42.192
15-07-2024 42.1657
12-07-2024 42.1389
11-07-2024 42.1329
10-07-2024 42.1243
09-07-2024 42.1146
08-07-2024 42.1066
05-07-2024 42.0786
04-07-2024 42.069
03-07-2024 42.0643
02-07-2024 42.0528
01-07-2024 42.0384
30-06-2024 42.0362
28-06-2024 42.0214
27-06-2024 42.0126
26-06-2024 42.0073
25-06-2024 42.0096
24-06-2024 41.9969
21-06-2024 41.9699
20-06-2024 41.9527
19-06-2024 41.9461
18-06-2024 41.9313
14-06-2024 41.9004
13-06-2024 41.8915
12-06-2024 41.866
11-06-2024 41.8597
10-06-2024 41.8405
07-06-2024 41.6321
06-06-2024 41.6222
05-06-2024 41.6018
04-06-2024 41.5749
03-06-2024 41.6428
31-05-2024 41.788
30-05-2024 41.7756
29-05-2024 41.7709
28-05-2024 41.7677
27-05-2024 41.7725
24-05-2024 41.7437
22-05-2024 41.5775
21-05-2024 41.5517
17-05-2024 41.5136
16-05-2024 41.5162
15-05-2024 41.4992
14-05-2024 41.481
13-05-2024 41.4612
10-05-2024 41.4334
09-05-2024 41.4214
08-05-2024 41.4185
07-05-2024 41.4101
06-05-2024 41.4059
03-05-2024 41.3598
02-05-2024 41.3416
30-04-2024 41.3144
29-04-2024 41.3133
26-04-2024 41.2912
25-04-2024 41.2837
24-04-2024 41.2799
23-04-2024 41.2827
22-04-2024 41.269
19-04-2024 41.2276
18-04-2024 41.2443
16-04-2024 41.2344
15-04-2024 41.2308
12-04-2024 41.2077
10-04-2024 41.224
08-04-2024 41.1989
05-04-2024 41.1944
04-04-2024 41.1876
03-04-2024 41.1769
02-04-2024 41.1717
31-03-2024 41.1767
28-03-2024 41.1559
27-03-2024 41.1059

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