SBI MF Balanced Advantage Fund Oct 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of SBI Consumption Opportunities Reg Gr

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
27-02-2025 284.4033
25-02-2025 286.44
24-02-2025 285.7511
21-02-2025 286.881
20-02-2025 288.9817
19-02-2025 288.2652
18-02-2025 285.581
17-02-2025 288.58
14-02-2025 290.0058
13-02-2025 293.985
12-02-2025 295.3655
11-02-2025 296.5838
10-02-2025 304.3003
07-02-2025 307.1337
06-02-2025 308.0867
05-02-2025 311.2762
04-02-2025 314.7458
03-02-2025 314.3668
31-01-2025 305.5413
30-01-2025 302.5397
29-01-2025 304.0519
28-01-2025 299.6686
27-01-2025 300.0672
24-01-2025 305.8149
23-01-2025 308.9497
22-01-2025 305.9934
21-01-2025 307.8179
20-01-2025 311.5624
17-01-2025 311.6754
16-01-2025 311.6211
15-01-2025 312.1171
14-01-2025 310.3333
13-01-2025 308.4578
10-01-2025 319.2288
09-01-2025 323.5468
08-01-2025 325.1052
07-01-2025 328.6546
06-01-2025 326.8836
03-01-2025 334.4826
02-01-2025 334.5408
01-01-2025 329.6647
31-12-2024 326.6358
30-12-2024 324.5814
27-12-2024 325.6647
26-12-2024 324.1203
24-12-2024 323.7298
23-12-2024 322.6391
20-12-2024 325.4173
19-12-2024 330.9348
18-12-2024 331.685
17-12-2024 331.4295
16-12-2024 332.9677
13-12-2024 332.7635
12-12-2024 331.136
11-12-2024 333.7083
10-12-2024 331.5977
09-12-2024 330.1576
06-12-2024 331.2374
05-12-2024 329.085
04-12-2024 328.563
03-12-2024 329.811
02-12-2024 328.0915
30-11-2024 327.7482
29-11-2024 327.7641
28-11-2024 326.1023
27-11-2024 325.2276
26-11-2024 323.1742
25-11-2024 321.445
22-11-2024 317.7464
21-11-2024 313.8669
19-11-2024 316.2447
18-11-2024 316.1743
14-11-2024 316.4226
13-11-2024 315.2686
12-11-2024 320.4854
11-11-2024 325.3708
08-11-2024 328.629
07-11-2024 329.9471
06-11-2024 332.0472
05-11-2024 327.1901
04-11-2024 326.689
31-10-2024 326.9187
30-10-2024 325.7745
29-10-2024 325.4972
28-10-2024 326.7323
25-10-2024 326.3065
24-10-2024 329.9024
23-10-2024 333.8773
22-10-2024 335.6084
21-10-2024 342.7021
18-10-2024 345.7273
17-10-2024 346.7184
16-10-2024 352.3503
15-10-2024 352.174
14-10-2024 351.8502
11-10-2024 349.7692
10-10-2024 349.5516
09-10-2024 347.6493
08-10-2024 344.6923
07-10-2024 339.5631
04-10-2024 345.5959
03-10-2024 349.8468
01-10-2024 353.4556
30-09-2024 354.2475
27-09-2024 355.2342
26-09-2024 355.7696
25-09-2024 354.607
24-09-2024 354.9815
23-09-2024 355.4002
20-09-2024 353.2839
19-09-2024 349.8648
18-09-2024 348.515
17-09-2024 349.755
16-09-2024 349.1421
13-09-2024 350.9186
12-09-2024 349.8222
11-09-2024 346.2122
10-09-2024 345.3086
09-09-2024 342.0877
06-09-2024 340.8669
05-09-2024 340.8736
04-09-2024 338.9508
03-09-2024 338.9676
02-09-2024 338.4704
31-08-2024 339.0216
30-08-2024 339.0377
29-08-2024 337.1332
28-08-2024 337.4556
27-08-2024 338.1776
26-08-2024 338.3391
23-08-2024 337.7777
22-08-2024 337.7225
21-08-2024 334.451
20-08-2024 329.6719
19-08-2024 330.4053
16-08-2024 329.4816
14-08-2024 324.227
13-08-2024 324.8934
12-08-2024 325.023
09-08-2024 324.1318
08-08-2024 322.1086
07-08-2024 324.0723
06-08-2024 319.829
05-08-2024 319.6632
02-08-2024 327.1062
01-08-2024 328.8432
31-07-2024 329.8494
30-07-2024 329.0572
29-07-2024 327.8971
26-07-2024 326.6692
25-07-2024 324.2012
24-07-2024 324.2509
23-07-2024 319.7423
22-07-2024 316.638
19-07-2024 315.4738
18-07-2024 319.7599
16-07-2024 321.0005
15-07-2024 319.2998
12-07-2024 318.3791
11-07-2024 317.9978
10-07-2024 315.9545
09-07-2024 316.3455
08-07-2024 313.8674
05-07-2024 313.7133
04-07-2024 310.192
03-07-2024 309.4382
02-07-2024 308.8534
01-07-2024 309.5573
30-06-2024 306.3575
28-06-2024 306.3864
27-06-2024 306.2848
26-06-2024 305.5964
25-06-2024 306.1784
24-06-2024 306.3891
21-06-2024 304.6985
20-06-2024 304.1654
19-06-2024 304.0622
18-06-2024 306.8425
14-06-2024 304.584
13-06-2024 303.6343
12-06-2024 303.9062
11-06-2024 303.7362
10-06-2024 302.0597
07-06-2024 299.817
06-06-2024 295.5452
05-06-2024 293.3298
04-06-2024 281.7457
03-06-2024 286.6424
31-05-2024 284.0528
30-05-2024 283.068
29-05-2024 287.0668
28-05-2024 285.5708
27-05-2024 285.4429
24-05-2024 285.4438
23-05-2024 287.3369
22-05-2024 286.1186
21-05-2024 285.6632
17-05-2024 286.008
16-05-2024 284.4799
15-05-2024 281.4237
14-05-2024 280.5436
13-05-2024 279.5692
10-05-2024 280.6338
09-05-2024 278.7825
08-05-2024 283.2806
07-05-2024 283.0951
06-05-2024 282.8479
03-05-2024 284.1348
02-05-2024 285.8292
30-04-2024 285.4177
29-04-2024 284.7597
26-04-2024 284.6436
25-04-2024 284.512
24-04-2024 283.731
23-04-2024 282.3236
22-04-2024 280.3076
19-04-2024 277.2584
18-04-2024 276.3918
16-04-2024 276.2458
15-04-2024 275.6139
12-04-2024 278.6283
10-04-2024 279.9745
09-04-2024 277.5712
08-04-2024 278.3451
05-04-2024 275.6615
04-04-2024 274.8568
03-04-2024 276.0018
02-04-2024 273.7269
01-04-2024 272.6685
31-03-2024 269.5657
28-03-2024 269.6023
27-03-2024 267.9088

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