SBI MF Balanced Advantage Fund Oct 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of Nippon India Power & Infra Gr Gr

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
27-02-2025 290.647
25-02-2025 294.9563
24-02-2025 296.4125
21-02-2025 300.0206
20-02-2025 300.9722
19-02-2025 296.5075
18-02-2025 292.832
17-02-2025 294.5163
14-02-2025 294.5766
13-02-2025 300.8735
12-02-2025 301.0316
11-02-2025 302.0709
10-02-2025 309.4399
07-02-2025 314.6663
06-02-2025 314.9302
05-02-2025 317.9453
04-02-2025 316.3011
03-02-2025 310.2694
31-01-2025 323.8457
30-01-2025 317.1955
29-01-2025 316.1564
28-01-2025 310.1854
27-01-2025 313.3741
24-01-2025 320.985
23-01-2025 325.4003
22-01-2025 321.9319
21-01-2025 327.9771
20-01-2025 335.7207
17-01-2025 333.6669
16-01-2025 330.7154
15-01-2025 325.5935
14-01-2025 322.9677
13-01-2025 317.4469
10-01-2025 329.5723
09-01-2025 336.2307
08-01-2025 339.8572
07-01-2025 343.5829
06-01-2025 340.9167
03-01-2025 351.167
02-01-2025 352.4558
01-01-2025 348.9867
31-12-2024 347.4538
30-12-2024 344.1123
27-12-2024 347.4972
26-12-2024 348.4031
24-12-2024 348.6741
23-12-2024 349.361
20-12-2024 348.6279
19-12-2024 355.9177
18-12-2024 357.9155
17-12-2024 361.8605
16-12-2024 366.6661
13-12-2024 365.0324
12-12-2024 363.514
11-12-2024 367.0937
10-12-2024 365.8004
09-12-2024 366.7313
06-12-2024 365.7802
05-12-2024 365.3521
04-12-2024 363.7981
03-12-2024 363.2125
02-12-2024 358.9892
29-11-2024 355.9408
28-11-2024 352.1868
27-11-2024 352.9942
26-11-2024 350.0375
25-11-2024 350.8083
22-11-2024 344.0586
21-11-2024 336.0566
19-11-2024 337.8895
18-11-2024 337.1203
14-11-2024 338.0361
13-11-2024 337.3
12-11-2024 343.7313
11-11-2024 348.9684
08-11-2024 350.8038
07-11-2024 354.4143
06-11-2024 357.4598
05-11-2024 349.8353
04-11-2024 348.6957
31-10-2024 352.8252
30-10-2024 349.8181
29-10-2024 348.4686
28-10-2024 344.7422
25-10-2024 343.6016
24-10-2024 350.8745
23-10-2024 350.6629
22-10-2024 354.1746
21-10-2024 363.7326
18-10-2024 368.1833
17-10-2024 366.9364
16-10-2024 372.9404
15-10-2024 373.0329
14-10-2024 370.4382
11-10-2024 368.9099
10-10-2024 369.3571
09-10-2024 368.4457
08-10-2024 366.3768
07-10-2024 359.2833
04-10-2024 366.5307
03-10-2024 370.5728
01-10-2024 380.7553
30-09-2024 380.6329
27-09-2024 383.0425
26-09-2024 380.9013
25-09-2024 380.7545
24-09-2024 380.2941
23-09-2024 378.6607
20-09-2024 375.0706
19-09-2024 370.5905
18-09-2024 372.8159
17-09-2024 375.1155
16-09-2024 372.2888
13-09-2024 371.8782
12-09-2024 371.845
11-09-2024 364.7963
10-09-2024 366.7158
09-09-2024 362.574
06-09-2024 363.8585
05-09-2024 369.4929
04-09-2024 369.8227
03-09-2024 370.2226
02-09-2024 369.1735
30-08-2024 371.2714
29-08-2024 368.5364
28-08-2024 370.1773
27-08-2024 372.0187
26-08-2024 371.4857
23-08-2024 370.3553
22-08-2024 371.1346
21-08-2024 369.6235
20-08-2024 368.5777
19-08-2024 367.3436
16-08-2024 365.4036
14-08-2024 359.1511
13-08-2024 360.4148
12-08-2024 360.6087
09-08-2024 362.2052
08-08-2024 361.4274
07-08-2024 366.0401
06-08-2024 360.5967
05-08-2024 361.0207
02-08-2024 372.7905
01-08-2024 379.5227
31-07-2024 379.9151
30-07-2024 380.202
29-07-2024 379.5672
26-07-2024 375.7103
25-07-2024 369.484
24-07-2024 368.6371
23-07-2024 367.4005
22-07-2024 369.0043
19-07-2024 366.936
18-07-2024 376.2644
16-07-2024 378.8104
15-07-2024 378.406
12-07-2024 378.4255
11-07-2024 379.8704
10-07-2024 379.0886
09-07-2024 379.1397
08-07-2024 378.0478
05-07-2024 379.2917
04-07-2024 376.1637
03-07-2024 374.3519
02-07-2024 372.5614
01-07-2024 372.4349
28-06-2024 370.5462
27-06-2024 370.8673
26-06-2024 368.7312
25-06-2024 365.6835
24-06-2024 364.0646
21-06-2024 361.2468
20-06-2024 361.917
19-06-2024 361.8718
18-06-2024 367.7925
14-06-2024 364.5389
13-06-2024 360.4872
12-06-2024 356.6052
11-06-2024 353.8598
10-06-2024 350.6669
07-06-2024 347.6567
06-06-2024 340.0938
05-06-2024 330.6837
04-06-2024 324.9374
03-06-2024 359.2663
31-05-2024 343.807
30-05-2024 342.4217
29-05-2024 346.2612
28-05-2024 346.4477
27-05-2024 349.493
24-05-2024 350.4641
23-05-2024 350.2414
22-05-2024 347.9724
21-05-2024 345.2171
17-05-2024 342.1717
16-05-2024 334.7139
15-05-2024 329.377
14-05-2024 324.9599
13-05-2024 320.031
10-05-2024 319.673
09-05-2024 315.9593
08-05-2024 323.0613
07-05-2024 319.9833
06-05-2024 325.0234
03-05-2024 326.0237
02-05-2024 328.6438
30-04-2024 326.8156
29-04-2024 326.6129
26-04-2024 325.8192
25-04-2024 325.0236
24-04-2024 322.6495
23-04-2024 320.5096
22-04-2024 317.3963
19-04-2024 315.3436
18-04-2024 314.4177
16-04-2024 314.6956
15-04-2024 313.7533
12-04-2024 316.5284
10-04-2024 318.252
09-04-2024 316.3259
08-04-2024 316.8729
05-04-2024 315.5511
04-04-2024 315.7453
03-04-2024 315.8539
02-04-2024 315.6658
01-04-2024 313.6057
31-03-2024 309.4965
28-03-2024 309.5363
27-03-2024 306.1734

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