Motilal Oswal Active Momentum Fund NFO 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of Nippon India Arbitrage IDCW

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
27-02-2025 15.5648
25-02-2025 15.5535
24-02-2025 15.546
21-02-2025 15.5555
20-02-2025 15.5506
19-02-2025 15.5476
18-02-2025 15.5486
17-02-2025 15.5336
14-02-2025 15.5357
13-02-2025 15.5301
12-02-2025 15.5252
11-02-2025 15.5219
10-02-2025 15.5201
07-02-2025 15.5187
06-02-2025 15.512
05-02-2025 15.5102
04-02-2025 15.5051
03-02-2025 15.4985
31-01-2025 15.4939
30-01-2025 15.482
29-01-2025 15.4888
28-01-2025 15.477
27-01-2025 15.4796
24-01-2025 15.4753
23-01-2025 15.4597
22-01-2025 15.4611
21-01-2025 15.4624
20-01-2025 15.457
17-01-2025 15.456
16-01-2025 15.4508
15-01-2025 15.4493
14-01-2025 15.4373
13-01-2025 15.4475
10-01-2025 15.4453
09-01-2025 15.4263
08-01-2025 15.4294
07-01-2025 15.4314
06-01-2025 15.4307
03-01-2025 15.4216
02-01-2025 15.4088
01-01-2025 15.4066
31-12-2024 15.3997
30-12-2024 15.3834
27-12-2024 15.3886
26-12-2024 15.3852
24-12-2024 15.3768
23-12-2024 15.3819
20-12-2024 15.3781
19-12-2024 15.3599
18-12-2024 15.365
17-12-2024 15.3524
16-12-2024 15.3521
13-12-2024 15.3491
12-12-2024 15.3425
11-12-2024 15.3383
10-12-2024 15.341
09-12-2024 15.3388
06-12-2024 15.3289
05-12-2024 15.3398
04-12-2024 15.3358
03-12-2024 15.3321
02-12-2024 15.3107
29-11-2024 15.3072
28-11-2024 15.3003
27-11-2024 15.3076
26-11-2024 15.3135
25-11-2024 15.3038
22-11-2024 15.3116
21-11-2024 15.3094
19-11-2024 15.3034
18-11-2024 15.2913
14-11-2024 15.2877
13-11-2024 15.2739
12-11-2024 15.2821
11-11-2024 15.2721
08-11-2024 15.2736
07-11-2024 15.259
06-11-2024 15.251
05-11-2024 15.258
04-11-2024 15.2489
31-10-2024 15.2292
30-10-2024 15.2305
29-10-2024 15.23
28-10-2024 15.2293
25-10-2024 15.2251
24-10-2024 15.2119
23-10-2024 15.2111
22-10-2024 15.2113
21-10-2024 15.2187
18-10-2024 15.1853
17-10-2024 15.194
16-10-2024 15.1864
15-10-2024 15.1899
14-10-2024 15.1835
11-10-2024 15.1824
10-10-2024 15.1764
09-10-2024 15.1792
08-10-2024 15.1635
07-10-2024 15.1504
04-10-2024 15.1585
03-10-2024 15.1322
01-10-2024 15.1337
30-09-2024 15.1361
27-09-2024 15.1239
26-09-2024 15.1304
25-09-2024 15.1376
24-09-2024 15.1301
23-09-2024 15.1349
20-09-2024 15.1311
19-09-2024 15.1143
18-09-2024 15.1229
17-09-2024 15.1177
16-09-2024 15.1082
13-09-2024 15.1141
12-09-2024 15.1106
11-09-2024 15.1106
10-09-2024 15.1056
09-09-2024 15.1009
06-09-2024 15.1024
05-09-2024 15.0855
04-09-2024 15.0864
03-09-2024 15.0816
02-09-2024 15.0804
30-08-2024 15.0629
29-08-2024 15.056
28-08-2024 15.0693
27-08-2024 15.0661
26-08-2024 15.0594
23-08-2024 15.0605
22-08-2024 15.0507
21-08-2024 15.044
20-08-2024 15.0467
19-08-2024 15.0417
16-08-2024 15.0371
14-08-2024 15.0343
13-08-2024 15.0373
12-08-2024 15.0261
09-08-2024 15.0167
08-08-2024 15.0217
07-08-2024 15.0036
06-08-2024 15.01
05-08-2024 15.0078
02-08-2024 15.012
01-08-2024 14.9929
31-07-2024 14.9814
30-07-2024 14.983
29-07-2024 14.9843
26-07-2024 14.9828
25-07-2024 14.9762
24-07-2024 14.9768
23-07-2024 14.9737
22-07-2024 14.9737
19-07-2024 14.9748
18-07-2024 14.9545
16-07-2024 14.9521
15-07-2024 14.9407
12-07-2024 14.95
11-07-2024 14.9325
10-07-2024 14.9349
09-07-2024 14.9279
08-07-2024 14.9265
05-07-2024 14.9193
04-07-2024 14.919
03-07-2024 14.9151
02-07-2024 14.9103
01-07-2024 14.8981
28-06-2024 14.8954
27-06-2024 14.8958
26-06-2024 14.8921
25-06-2024 14.8955
24-06-2024 14.8847
21-06-2024 14.8887
20-06-2024 14.8804
19-06-2024 14.8771
18-06-2024 14.8703
14-06-2024 14.87
13-06-2024 14.8636
12-06-2024 14.8581
11-06-2024 14.8527
10-06-2024 14.8666
07-06-2024 14.8511
06-06-2024 14.841
05-06-2024 14.8537
04-06-2024 14.8562
03-06-2024 14.8099
31-05-2024 14.8046
30-05-2024 14.8066
29-05-2024 14.7875
28-05-2024 14.7806
27-05-2024 14.785
24-05-2024 14.7893
23-05-2024 14.7881
22-05-2024 14.7833
21-05-2024 14.7729
17-05-2024 14.7785
16-05-2024 14.7663
15-05-2024 14.7615
14-05-2024 14.7494
13-05-2024 14.7451
10-05-2024 14.7489
09-05-2024 14.7421
08-05-2024 14.736
07-05-2024 14.7442
06-05-2024 14.7327
03-05-2024 14.7147
02-05-2024 14.701
30-04-2024 14.722
29-04-2024 14.7106
26-04-2024 14.7
25-04-2024 14.6968
24-04-2024 14.7098
23-04-2024 14.7106
22-04-2024 14.7016
19-04-2024 14.7134
18-04-2024 14.7011
16-04-2024 14.693
15-04-2024 14.6869
12-04-2024 14.6797
10-04-2024 14.6751
09-04-2024 14.6719
08-04-2024 14.67
05-04-2024 14.6671
04-04-2024 14.6548
03-04-2024 14.644
02-04-2024 14.6277
01-04-2024 14.6266
31-03-2024 14.6204
28-03-2024 14.6196
27-03-2024 14.6095

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