Mirae Asset MF Great Consumer Fund 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of LIC MF ELSS Tax Saver Reg Gr

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
27-02-2025 137.2307
25-02-2025 138.0286
24-02-2025 138.2119
21-02-2025 139.6932
20-02-2025 140.2398
19-02-2025 139.6551
18-02-2025 138.4846
17-02-2025 139.1765
14-02-2025 139.5576
13-02-2025 141.5865
12-02-2025 141.5504
11-02-2025 141.7882
10-02-2025 145.1133
07-02-2025 146.8521
06-02-2025 147.2567
05-02-2025 148.5195
04-02-2025 148.4589
03-02-2025 146.505
31-01-2025 145.9672
30-01-2025 144.2741
29-01-2025 144.763
28-01-2025 143.024
27-01-2025 143.1198
24-01-2025 145.8554
23-01-2025 147.44
22-01-2025 146.7256
21-01-2025 146.4502
20-01-2025 148.2453
17-01-2025 147.4281
16-01-2025 148.7538
15-01-2025 148.1612
14-01-2025 148.2649
13-01-2025 147.9582
10-01-2025 151.9434
09-01-2025 153.5524
08-01-2025 154.8441
07-01-2025 155.1481
06-01-2025 154.3491
03-01-2025 157.059
02-01-2025 157.1564
01-01-2025 153.9508
31-12-2024 152.9179
30-12-2024 152.5161
27-12-2024 153.9709
26-12-2024 153.3981
24-12-2024 152.6675
23-12-2024 152.427
20-12-2024 151.3204
19-12-2024 154.2028
18-12-2024 155.5842
17-12-2024 156.574
16-12-2024 158.0817
13-12-2024 157.7081
12-12-2024 156.8425
11-12-2024 157.3095
10-12-2024 156.5632
09-12-2024 156.0919
06-12-2024 156.2501
05-12-2024 156.1014
04-12-2024 155.0271
03-12-2024 154.2931
02-12-2024 153.1359
29-11-2024 152.0826
28-11-2024 151.7478
27-11-2024 153.2375
26-11-2024 152.632
25-11-2024 152.1225
22-11-2024 149.7748
21-11-2024 147.422
19-11-2024 148.5436
18-11-2024 147.4209
14-11-2024 147.5761
13-11-2024 146.8216
12-11-2024 149.4245
11-11-2024 151.4323
08-11-2024 150.7167
07-11-2024 151.9945
06-11-2024 152.9955
05-11-2024 150.5763
04-11-2024 149.7863
31-10-2024 150.7181
30-10-2024 150.6946
29-10-2024 151.106
28-10-2024 149.6664
25-10-2024 149.1771
24-10-2024 150.7049
23-10-2024 151.4677
22-10-2024 151.0822
21-10-2024 154.03
18-10-2024 155.7204
17-10-2024 155.2776
16-10-2024 157.1819
15-10-2024 158.3139
14-10-2024 158.2565
11-10-2024 158.1153
10-10-2024 157.6208
09-10-2024 157.3311
08-10-2024 155.7996
07-10-2024 152.9785
04-10-2024 155.719
03-10-2024 157.27
01-10-2024 159.8593
30-09-2024 158.799
27-09-2024 160.1394
26-09-2024 160.5157
25-09-2024 159.589
24-09-2024 159.5571
23-09-2024 159.7613
20-09-2024 159.1316
19-09-2024 156.9685
18-09-2024 157.522
17-09-2024 158.006
16-09-2024 157.4869
13-09-2024 157.6424
12-09-2024 157.282
11-09-2024 155.2203
10-09-2024 155.8211
09-09-2024 154.8441
06-09-2024 154.6172
05-09-2024 155.8748
04-09-2024 155.5254
03-09-2024 155.2379
02-09-2024 155.0261
30-08-2024 155.1064
29-08-2024 154.1921
28-08-2024 154.863
27-08-2024 154.6792
26-08-2024 154.0633
23-08-2024 153.2961
22-08-2024 153.6154
21-08-2024 152.6014
20-08-2024 151.75
19-08-2024 150.9403
16-08-2024 151.0429
14-08-2024 148.8935
13-08-2024 148.7257
12-08-2024 150.5328
09-08-2024 149.9879
08-08-2024 148.0946
07-08-2024 148.9058
06-08-2024 146.2646
05-08-2024 147.598
02-08-2024 151.4617
01-08-2024 152.7214
31-07-2024 153.0019
30-07-2024 152.0694
29-07-2024 152.2315
26-07-2024 151.4504
25-07-2024 149.2897
24-07-2024 150.0645
23-07-2024 149.4217
22-07-2024 149.4612
19-07-2024 148.6557
18-07-2024 151.0317
16-07-2024 151.3832
15-07-2024 151.3148
12-07-2024 150.754
11-07-2024 150.8022
10-07-2024 150.6754
09-07-2024 151.2244
08-07-2024 150.4665
05-07-2024 151.1428
04-07-2024 150.696
03-07-2024 150.0879
02-07-2024 148.5432
01-07-2024 148.5863
28-06-2024 147.323
27-06-2024 147.0414
26-06-2024 146.5553
25-06-2024 146.238
24-06-2024 145.9813
21-06-2024 145.1701
20-06-2024 145.7335
19-06-2024 144.8506
18-06-2024 144.6232
14-06-2024 143.6154
13-06-2024 141.7342
12-06-2024 140.8
11-06-2024 140.1547
10-06-2024 139.6555
07-06-2024 139.3901
06-06-2024 137.3668
05-06-2024 135.5835
04-06-2024 131.7884
03-06-2024 139.0284
31-05-2024 135.1147
30-05-2024 135.0416
29-05-2024 135.8628
28-05-2024 137.1205
27-05-2024 137.9302
24-05-2024 137.5766
23-05-2024 137.2315
22-05-2024 135.7913
21-05-2024 136.2863
17-05-2024 135.6889
16-05-2024 134.2608
15-05-2024 133.051
14-05-2024 132.452
13-05-2024 131.2964
10-05-2024 130.433
09-05-2024 129.4521
08-05-2024 131.5826
07-05-2024 131.3552
06-05-2024 132.5259
03-05-2024 132.6892
02-05-2024 133.1423
30-04-2024 132.2364
29-04-2024 131.6887
26-04-2024 130.3235
25-04-2024 130.5859
24-04-2024 129.5572
23-04-2024 129.416
22-04-2024 128.8614
19-04-2024 127.5727
18-04-2024 126.6218
16-04-2024 127.1495
15-04-2024 127.5493
12-04-2024 129.356
10-04-2024 130.4626
09-04-2024 129.8944
08-04-2024 130.1543
05-04-2024 129.7978
04-04-2024 129.5751
03-04-2024 128.8987
02-04-2024 128.4288
01-04-2024 128.1407
31-03-2024 127.1427
28-03-2024 127.1625
27-03-2024 126.0466

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