Motilal Oswal Active Momentum Fund NFO 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of Invesco India Corp Bond Gr

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
27-02-2025 3069.2674
25-02-2025 3069.5962
24-02-2025 3069.0768
21-02-2025 3067.1378
20-02-2025 3066.8228
18-02-2025 3066.3905
17-02-2025 3065.7094
14-02-2025 3064.1376
13-02-2025 3063.6576
12-02-2025 3063.6117
11-02-2025 3064.4168
10-02-2025 3063.216
07-02-2025 3063.4209
06-02-2025 3066.2554
05-02-2025 3064.4117
04-02-2025 3061.6281
03-02-2025 3060.7285
31-01-2025 3057.1176
30-01-2025 3057.0887
29-01-2025 3056.3588
28-01-2025 3056.2697
27-01-2025 3055.7905
24-01-2025 3051.5515
23-01-2025 3050.435
22-01-2025 3050.3151
21-01-2025 3048.7059
20-01-2025 3046.6583
17-01-2025 3043.9635
16-01-2025 3044.1032
15-01-2025 3039.0448
14-01-2025 3036.9066
13-01-2025 3036.3609
10-01-2025 3042.0782
09-01-2025 3041.8067
08-01-2025 3041.4092
07-01-2025 3042.0212
06-01-2025 3040.297
03-01-2025 3037.9612
02-01-2025 3036.7509
01-01-2025 3036.3131
31-12-2024 3036.7791
30-12-2024 3034.4268
27-12-2024 3032.5438
26-12-2024 3032.2348
24-12-2024 3032.1479
23-12-2024 3032.5421
20-12-2024 3030.1002
19-12-2024 3030.6528
18-12-2024 3033.0686
17-12-2024 3032.1219
16-12-2024 3032.9397
13-12-2024 3031.7323
12-12-2024 3031.403
11-12-2024 3032.1166
10-12-2024 3032.4339
09-12-2024 3031.0138
06-12-2024 3028.1004
05-12-2024 3032.0362
04-12-2024 3030.7607
03-12-2024 3028.2683
02-12-2024 3026.9577
29-11-2024 3021.602
28-11-2024 3017.0465
27-11-2024 3016.5142
26-11-2024 3015.7158
25-11-2024 3015.667
22-11-2024 3012.9118
21-11-2024 3014.012
19-11-2024 3014.1154
18-11-2024 3012.4735
14-11-2024 3009.8448
13-11-2024 3011.344
12-11-2024 3011.9839
11-11-2024 3012.1784
08-11-2024 3010.6589
07-11-2024 3008.7902
06-11-2024 3007.8718
05-11-2024 3007.5165
04-11-2024 3006.9782
31-10-2024 3005.2411
30-10-2024 3005.4475
29-10-2024 3003.6741
28-10-2024 3002.4245
25-10-2024 3002.946
24-10-2024 3002.9502
23-10-2024 3001.719
22-10-2024 3000.0223
21-10-2024 3000.5905
18-10-2024 3000.8154
17-10-2024 3002.2968
16-10-2024 3003.0124
15-10-2024 3003.4052
14-10-2024 3002.0234
11-10-2024 2998.98
10-10-2024 2998.4495
09-10-2024 2998.0194
08-10-2024 2993.0968
07-10-2024 2990.0444
04-10-2024 2990.3774
03-10-2024 2994.4519
01-10-2024 2995.802
30-09-2024 2993.3379
27-09-2024 2990.8232
26-09-2024 2992.4028
25-09-2024 2989.577
24-09-2024 2987.6745
23-09-2024 2986.4453
20-09-2024 2984.8212
19-09-2024 2984.0919
17-09-2024 2980.0937
16-09-2024 2980.5709
13-09-2024 2976.6499
12-09-2024 2974.089
11-09-2024 2972.7578
10-09-2024 2970.5557
09-09-2024 2969.9162
06-09-2024 2968.1182
05-09-2024 2967.8357
04-09-2024 2967.0026
03-09-2024 2965.8768
02-09-2024 2964.8604
30-08-2024 2964.2138
29-08-2024 2963.9663
28-08-2024 2963.6011
27-08-2024 2962.3181
26-08-2024 2961.7538
23-08-2024 2959.6148
22-08-2024 2958.9521
21-08-2024 2958.5047
20-08-2024 2957.7212
19-08-2024 2956.05
16-08-2024 2954.016
14-08-2024 2953.6622
13-08-2024 2952.1523
12-08-2024 2951.7821
09-08-2024 2950.2909
08-08-2024 2949.7491
07-08-2024 2949.8829
06-08-2024 2948.8637
05-08-2024 2948.8605
02-08-2024 2945.0124
01-08-2024 2943.4725
31-07-2024 2942.1741
30-07-2024 2941.7886
29-07-2024 2942.4512
26-07-2024 2939.4784
25-07-2024 2937.0542
24-07-2024 2935.3371
23-07-2024 2933.9561
22-07-2024 2933.4834
19-07-2024 2932.02
18-07-2024 2931.1312
16-07-2024 2929.8022
15-07-2024 2928.123
12-07-2024 2926.2873
11-07-2024 2925.2602
10-07-2024 2924.6612
09-07-2024 2923.4808
08-07-2024 2922.8147
05-07-2024 2920.6975
04-07-2024 2919.9524
03-07-2024 2919.0357
02-07-2024 2918.3062
01-07-2024 2917.2546
28-06-2024 2915.9371
27-06-2024 2915.1047
26-06-2024 2914.8473
25-06-2024 2915.3077
24-06-2024 2915.1513
21-06-2024 2913.5872
20-06-2024 2912.3511
19-06-2024 2912.0496
18-06-2024 2910.7726
14-06-2024 2908.6295
13-06-2024 2907.7704
12-06-2024 2906.0299
11-06-2024 2905.2533
10-06-2024 2903.9079
07-06-2024 2902.5239
06-06-2024 2901.5205
05-06-2024 2899.1753
04-06-2024 2897.5285
03-06-2024 2904.6968
31-05-2024 2900.9351
30-05-2024 2900.0196
29-05-2024 2899.4826
28-05-2024 2899.2715
27-05-2024 2899.8056
24-05-2024 2898.0497
22-05-2024 2896.7358
21-05-2024 2894.1685
17-05-2024 2890.9571
16-05-2024 2890.8608
15-05-2024 2888.6231
14-05-2024 2886.8685
13-05-2024 2885.6458
10-05-2024 2883.7373
09-05-2024 2882.8694
08-05-2024 2882.3672
07-05-2024 2882.3989
06-05-2024 2882.4421
03-05-2024 2878.4313
02-05-2024 2876.9604
30-04-2024 2874.6878
29-04-2024 2874.512
26-04-2024 2872.9547
25-04-2024 2872.8409
24-04-2024 2872.8198
23-04-2024 2872.8692
22-04-2024 2871.142
19-04-2024 2868.0392
18-04-2024 2870.7789
16-04-2024 2869.2984
15-04-2024 2870.5341
12-04-2024 2868.4392
10-04-2024 2871.9592
08-04-2024 2868.8343
05-04-2024 2869.6882
04-04-2024 2870.2785
03-04-2024 2869.3463
02-04-2024 2868.6647
31-03-2024 2868.9
28-03-2024 2867.4563
27-03-2024 2863.5381

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