Nippon India MF Large Cap Fund 2025 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of ICICI Pru Savings Wly IDCW

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
27-02-2025 105.4785
25-02-2025 105.4477
24-02-2025 105.5826
21-02-2025 105.5145
20-02-2025 105.4916
18-02-2025 105.4409
17-02-2025 105.5853
14-02-2025 105.5251
13-02-2025 105.5153
12-02-2025 105.4803
11-02-2025 105.4583
10-02-2025 105.6123
07-02-2025 105.561
06-02-2025 105.5548
05-02-2025 105.5024
04-02-2025 105.4595
03-02-2025 105.5786
31-01-2025 105.5118
30-01-2025 105.4946
29-01-2025 105.477
28-01-2025 105.4529
27-01-2025 105.5476
24-01-2025 105.4871
23-01-2025 105.4818
22-01-2025 105.4638
21-01-2025 105.4521
20-01-2025 105.6084
17-01-2025 105.548
16-01-2025 105.5235
15-01-2025 105.4742
14-01-2025 105.4388
13-01-2025 105.5207
10-01-2025 105.4897
09-01-2025 105.4683
08-01-2025 105.454
07-01-2025 105.4482
06-01-2025 105.6094
03-01-2025 105.552
02-01-2025 105.5364
01-01-2025 105.5183
31-12-2024 105.4873
30-12-2024 105.5554
27-12-2024 105.4971
26-12-2024 105.4696
24-12-2024 105.4357
23-12-2024 105.5405
20-12-2024 105.4964
19-12-2024 105.4909
18-12-2024 105.4869
17-12-2024 105.4649
16-12-2024 105.5291
13-12-2024 105.4722
12-12-2024 105.4533
11-12-2024 105.4437
10-12-2024 105.4361
09-12-2024 105.571
06-12-2024 105.5228
05-12-2024 105.5013
04-12-2024 105.4802
03-12-2024 105.4588
02-12-2024 105.5575
29-11-2024 105.4869
28-11-2024 105.462
27-11-2024 105.4571
26-11-2024 105.4385
25-11-2024 105.5376
22-11-2024 105.4812
21-11-2024 105.4676
19-11-2024 105.4435
18-11-2024 105.6041
14-11-2024 105.5178
13-11-2024 105.4889
12-11-2024 105.4632
11-11-2024 105.5909
08-11-2024 105.5287
07-11-2024 105.4948
06-11-2024 105.4729
05-11-2024 105.4485
04-11-2024 105.6026
31-10-2024 105.5091
30-10-2024 105.4835
29-10-2024 105.4616
28-10-2024 105.5788
25-10-2024 105.5211
24-10-2024 105.4967
23-10-2024 105.4755
22-10-2024 105.4426
21-10-2024 105.5546
18-10-2024 105.5035
17-10-2024 105.4801
16-10-2024 105.4625
15-10-2024 105.4483
14-10-2024 105.6618
11-10-2024 105.5968
10-10-2024 105.5361
09-10-2024 105.4995
08-10-2024 105.4525
07-10-2024 105.6125
04-10-2024 105.5505
03-10-2024 105.519
01-10-2024 105.4715
30-09-2024 105.61
27-09-2024 105.5347
26-09-2024 105.5116
25-09-2024 105.4921
24-09-2024 105.4526
23-09-2024 105.5886
20-09-2024 105.5218
19-09-2024 105.4954
17-09-2024 105.4439
16-09-2024 105.573
13-09-2024 105.5106
12-09-2024 105.4784
11-09-2024 105.4663
10-09-2024 105.4496
09-09-2024 105.5662
06-09-2024 105.5135
05-09-2024 105.4882
04-09-2024 105.472
03-09-2024 105.4519
02-09-2024 105.5559
30-08-2024 105.4966
29-08-2024 105.484
28-08-2024 105.4704
27-08-2024 105.4468
26-08-2024 105.5988
23-08-2024 105.5459
22-08-2024 105.5271
21-08-2024 105.4901
20-08-2024 105.4593
19-08-2024 105.5742
16-08-2024 105.503
14-08-2024 105.4647
13-08-2024 105.4525
12-08-2024 105.5513
09-08-2024 105.4889
08-08-2024 105.4775
07-08-2024 105.4551
06-08-2024 105.4376
05-08-2024 105.6009
02-08-2024 105.5272
01-08-2024 105.4932
31-07-2024 105.4601
30-07-2024 105.4519
29-07-2024 105.6313
26-07-2024 105.5602
25-07-2024 105.504
24-07-2024 105.4744
23-07-2024 105.449
22-07-2024 105.5899
19-07-2024 105.5242
18-07-2024 105.5017
16-07-2024 105.4596
15-07-2024 105.5927
12-07-2024 105.5278
11-07-2024 105.507
10-07-2024 105.4756
09-07-2024 105.4529
08-07-2024 105.6179
05-07-2024 105.5515
04-07-2024 105.5293
03-07-2024 105.4985
02-07-2024 105.4676
01-07-2024 105.5853
28-06-2024 105.5157
27-06-2024 105.4807
26-06-2024 105.4634
25-06-2024 105.4503
24-06-2024 105.5642
21-06-2024 105.5045
20-06-2024 105.4822
19-06-2024 105.4625
18-06-2024 105.6382
14-06-2024 105.5357
13-06-2024 105.5097
12-06-2024 105.4831
11-06-2024 105.4611
10-06-2024 105.5499
07-06-2024 105.487
06-06-2024 105.4584
05-06-2024 105.4144
04-06-2024 105.3877
03-06-2024 105.5724
31-05-2024 105.491
30-05-2024 105.4655
29-05-2024 105.4549
28-05-2024 105.442
27-05-2024 105.566
24-05-2024 105.5083
22-05-2024 105.4668
21-05-2024 105.6409
17-05-2024 105.5436
16-05-2024 105.5189
15-05-2024 105.4978
14-05-2024 105.4699
13-05-2024 105.519
10-05-2024 105.4713
09-05-2024 105.4518
08-05-2024 105.4438
07-05-2024 105.4371
06-05-2024 105.5673
03-05-2024 105.4948
02-05-2024 105.4806
30-04-2024 105.4494
29-04-2024 105.5894
26-04-2024 105.5305
25-04-2024 105.5169
24-04-2024 105.4994
23-04-2024 105.4739
22-04-2024 105.572
19-04-2024 105.4997
18-04-2024 105.4973
16-04-2024 105.4532
15-04-2024 105.5819
12-04-2024 105.5151
10-04-2024 105.4849
08-04-2024 105.6012
05-04-2024 105.5475
04-04-2024 105.5125
03-04-2024 105.4913
02-04-2024 105.6928
31-03-2024 105.6201
28-03-2024 105.5591
27-03-2024 105.4616

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