Axis MF Balanced Advantage Fund February 2025 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of Edelweiss Arbitrage Reg Gr

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 18.9369
24-02-2025 18.9284
21-02-2025 18.9401
20-02-2025 18.9317
19-02-2025 18.9295
18-02-2025 18.9305
17-02-2025 18.9112
14-02-2025 18.9165
13-02-2025 18.9088
12-02-2025 18.9031
11-02-2025 18.9003
10-02-2025 18.8982
07-02-2025 18.8959
06-02-2025 18.8903
05-02-2025 18.887
04-02-2025 18.882
03-02-2025 18.8756
31-01-2025 18.8686
30-01-2025 18.8513
29-01-2025 18.8576
28-01-2025 18.8455
27-01-2025 18.8478
24-01-2025 18.8435
23-01-2025 18.8254
22-01-2025 18.8227
21-01-2025 18.8224
20-01-2025 18.8178
17-01-2025 18.8139
16-01-2025 18.8069
15-01-2025 18.8049
14-01-2025 18.7919
13-01-2025 18.7991
10-01-2025 18.7994
09-01-2025 18.7769
08-01-2025 18.7792
07-01-2025 18.7827
06-01-2025 18.782
03-01-2025 18.7681
02-01-2025 18.7531
01-01-2025 18.7511
31-12-2024 18.7429
30-12-2024 18.7262
27-12-2024 18.7277
26-12-2024 18.7244
24-12-2024 18.7154
23-12-2024 18.7189
20-12-2024 18.7126
19-12-2024 18.6931
18-12-2024 18.6985
17-12-2024 18.6832
16-12-2024 18.6796
13-12-2024 18.676
12-12-2024 18.6694
11-12-2024 18.6638
10-12-2024 18.6685
09-12-2024 18.6642
06-12-2024 18.6508
05-12-2024 18.6637
04-12-2024 18.6572
03-12-2024 18.6546
02-12-2024 18.6294
29-11-2024 18.6203
28-11-2024 18.6162
27-11-2024 18.6241
26-11-2024 18.6297
25-11-2024 18.6184
22-11-2024 18.6255
21-11-2024 18.6245
19-11-2024 18.62
18-11-2024 18.6066
14-11-2024 18.6001
13-11-2024 18.5862
12-11-2024 18.5945
11-11-2024 18.5828
08-11-2024 18.5841
07-11-2024 18.5654
06-11-2024 18.5557
05-11-2024 18.5627
04-11-2024 18.554
31-10-2024 18.5262
30-10-2024 18.5246
29-10-2024 18.5243
28-10-2024 18.5226
25-10-2024 18.5177
24-10-2024 18.4994
23-10-2024 18.5019
22-10-2024 18.5051
21-10-2024 18.5111
18-10-2024 18.4716
17-10-2024 18.4786
16-10-2024 18.4714
15-10-2024 18.4761
14-10-2024 18.4662
11-10-2024 18.4665
10-10-2024 18.4597
09-10-2024 18.462
08-10-2024 18.4436
07-10-2024 18.4311
04-10-2024 18.4372
03-10-2024 18.405
01-10-2024 18.4077
30-09-2024 18.4088
27-09-2024 18.3946
26-09-2024 18.4033
25-09-2024 18.4132
24-09-2024 18.4062
23-09-2024 18.4064
20-09-2024 18.4039
19-09-2024 18.3834
18-09-2024 18.3936
17-09-2024 18.3869
16-09-2024 18.3763
13-09-2024 18.3826
12-09-2024 18.379
11-09-2024 18.3792
10-09-2024 18.3714
09-09-2024 18.3652
06-09-2024 18.3681
05-09-2024 18.3459
04-09-2024 18.3476
03-09-2024 18.3411
02-09-2024 18.3394
30-08-2024 18.3191
29-08-2024 18.3104
28-08-2024 18.3254
27-08-2024 18.3243
26-08-2024 18.3141
23-08-2024 18.3164
22-08-2024 18.3053
21-08-2024 18.2954
20-08-2024 18.3011
19-08-2024 18.2925
16-08-2024 18.2891
14-08-2024 18.285
13-08-2024 18.2868
12-08-2024 18.2757
09-08-2024 18.2633
08-08-2024 18.2712
07-08-2024 18.2448
06-08-2024 18.2519
05-08-2024 18.2514
02-08-2024 18.259
01-08-2024 18.2326
31-07-2024 18.2193
30-07-2024 18.2212
29-07-2024 18.2223
26-07-2024 18.2214
25-07-2024 18.2131
24-07-2024 18.2132
23-07-2024 18.2086
22-07-2024 18.2075
19-07-2024 18.2128
18-07-2024 18.1857
16-07-2024 18.1817
15-07-2024 18.171
12-07-2024 18.183
11-07-2024 18.164
10-07-2024 18.1655
09-07-2024 18.1566
08-07-2024 18.1512
05-07-2024 18.1452
04-07-2024 18.1453
03-07-2024 18.1392
02-07-2024 18.133
01-07-2024 18.1182
30-06-2024 18.1151
28-06-2024 18.1139
27-06-2024 18.1153
26-06-2024 18.112
25-06-2024 18.1162
24-06-2024 18.1017
21-06-2024 18.1063
20-06-2024 18.094
19-06-2024 18.0947
18-06-2024 18.0817
14-06-2024 18.0871
13-06-2024 18.0754
12-06-2024 18.0703
11-06-2024 18.0652
10-06-2024 18.0807
07-06-2024 18.0628
06-06-2024 18.0478
05-06-2024 18.064
04-06-2024 18.0688
03-06-2024 18.0057
31-05-2024 18.0039
30-05-2024 18.0021
29-05-2024 17.9784
28-05-2024 17.972
27-05-2024 17.9744
24-05-2024 17.9818
23-05-2024 17.9805
22-05-2024 17.9734
21-05-2024 17.9605
17-05-2024 17.9688
16-05-2024 17.9529
15-05-2024 17.9455
14-05-2024 17.9315
13-05-2024 17.9266
10-05-2024 17.9331
09-05-2024 17.9222
08-05-2024 17.9137
07-05-2024 17.9225
06-05-2024 17.9073
03-05-2024 17.8875
02-05-2024 17.8724
30-04-2024 17.8973
29-04-2024 17.8804
26-04-2024 17.8707
25-04-2024 17.8679
24-04-2024 17.8843
23-04-2024 17.8834
22-04-2024 17.8744
19-04-2024 17.8898
18-04-2024 17.8748
16-04-2024 17.8674
15-04-2024 17.8565
12-04-2024 17.8498
10-04-2024 17.8447
09-04-2024 17.8386
08-04-2024 17.8397
05-04-2024 17.8333
04-04-2024 17.8194
03-04-2024 17.8077
02-04-2024 17.7851
01-04-2024 17.7874
31-03-2024 17.7769
28-03-2024 17.7759
27-03-2024 17.7639

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