Axis MF Balanced Advantage Fund February 2025 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of Baroda BNP Paribas Arbitrage Fund Reg Adhoc IDCW

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
27-02-2025 11.7548
25-02-2025 11.7439
24-02-2025 11.7387
21-02-2025 11.745
20-02-2025 11.7437
19-02-2025 11.7415
18-02-2025 11.7402
17-02-2025 11.7313
14-02-2025 11.7306
13-02-2025 11.7266
12-02-2025 11.7258
11-02-2025 11.7239
10-02-2025 11.72
07-02-2025 11.7201
06-02-2025 11.7152
05-02-2025 11.7133
04-02-2025 11.71
03-02-2025 11.7054
31-01-2025 11.7026
30-01-2025 11.6952
29-01-2025 11.6979
28-01-2025 11.692
27-01-2025 11.6932
24-01-2025 11.6934
23-01-2025 11.6798
22-01-2025 11.6794
21-01-2025 11.6818
20-01-2025 11.6765
17-01-2025 11.6744
16-01-2025 11.6704
15-01-2025 11.6713
14-01-2025 11.6637
13-01-2025 11.6694
10-01-2025 11.669
09-01-2025 11.6546
08-01-2025 11.6585
07-01-2025 11.6585
06-01-2025 11.6595
03-01-2025 11.6536
02-01-2025 11.6416
01-01-2025 11.6406
31-12-2024 11.6357
30-12-2024 11.6204
27-12-2024 11.6308
26-12-2024 11.6284
24-12-2024 11.621
23-12-2024 11.6236
20-12-2024 11.6247
19-12-2024 11.6091
18-12-2024 11.6125
17-12-2024 11.6077
16-12-2024 11.6055
13-12-2024 11.6016
12-12-2024 11.5977
11-12-2024 11.5951
10-12-2024 11.5922
09-12-2024 11.5973
06-12-2024 11.5892
05-12-2024 11.5956
04-12-2024 11.5928
03-12-2024 11.5898
02-12-2024 11.5762
29-11-2024 11.5726
28-11-2024 11.5691
27-11-2024 11.5713
26-11-2024 11.5773
25-11-2024 11.5702
22-11-2024 11.5718
21-11-2024 11.5689
19-11-2024 11.5683
18-11-2024 11.5587
14-11-2024 11.559
13-11-2024 11.5497
12-11-2024 11.5541
11-11-2024 11.5452
08-11-2024 11.5497
07-11-2024 11.5385
06-11-2024 11.5315
05-11-2024 11.535
04-11-2024 11.5309
31-10-2024 11.5149
30-10-2024 11.5129
29-10-2024 11.5149
28-10-2024 11.518
25-10-2024 11.5258
24-10-2024 11.5109
23-10-2024 11.5092
22-10-2024 11.5142
21-10-2024 11.5094
18-10-2024 11.4914
17-10-2024 11.4983
16-10-2024 11.4868
15-10-2024 11.4933
14-10-2024 11.4895
11-10-2024 11.4888
10-10-2024 11.4819
09-10-2024 11.4778
08-10-2024 11.4672
07-10-2024 11.4634
04-10-2024 11.4683
03-10-2024 11.4506
01-10-2024 11.4496
30-09-2024 11.4538
27-09-2024 11.4431
26-09-2024 11.4412
25-09-2024 11.4492
24-09-2024 11.4498
23-09-2024 11.4499
20-09-2024 11.451
19-09-2024 11.4382
18-09-2024 11.4419
17-09-2024 11.4374
16-09-2024 11.4339
13-09-2024 11.4387
12-09-2024 11.4391
11-09-2024 11.4374
10-09-2024 11.4304
09-09-2024 11.4283
06-09-2024 11.4341
05-09-2024 11.4169
04-09-2024 11.4224
03-09-2024 11.415
02-09-2024 11.4111
30-08-2024 11.4048
29-08-2024 11.3843
28-08-2024 11.3932
27-08-2024 11.3909
26-08-2024 11.3842
23-08-2024 11.3875
22-08-2024 11.3735
21-08-2024 11.3706
20-08-2024 11.3737
19-08-2024 11.3688
16-08-2024 11.3674
14-08-2024 11.3689
13-08-2024 11.3705
12-08-2024 11.3606
09-08-2024 11.3541
08-08-2024 11.357
07-08-2024 11.3433
06-08-2024 11.3474
05-08-2024 11.3469
02-08-2024 11.3502
01-08-2024 11.3348
31-07-2024 11.3276
30-07-2024 11.3271
29-07-2024 11.3272
26-07-2024 11.3259
25-07-2024 11.3223
24-07-2024 11.322
23-07-2024 11.319
22-07-2024 11.32
19-07-2024 11.3217
18-07-2024 11.3059
16-07-2024 11.3007
15-07-2024 11.2975
12-07-2024 11.3058
11-07-2024 11.2912
10-07-2024 11.293
09-07-2024 11.2891
08-07-2024 11.2827
05-07-2024 11.2818
04-07-2024 11.2822
03-07-2024 11.2747
02-07-2024 11.2734
01-07-2024 11.2651
28-06-2024 11.2653
27-06-2024 11.2659
26-06-2024 11.2563
25-06-2024 11.2591
24-06-2024 11.2484
21-06-2024 11.2515
20-06-2024 11.2461
19-06-2024 11.2461
18-06-2024 11.2386
14-06-2024 11.2417
13-06-2024 11.2336
12-06-2024 11.2335
11-06-2024 11.2288
10-06-2024 11.2381
07-06-2024 11.2245
06-06-2024 11.2162
05-06-2024 11.2261
04-06-2024 11.2334
03-06-2024 11.1935
31-05-2024 11.1898
30-05-2024 11.1879
29-05-2024 11.1774
28-05-2024 11.1719
27-05-2024 11.1717
24-05-2024 11.1793
23-05-2024 11.1794
22-05-2024 11.1748
21-05-2024 11.1656
17-05-2024 11.1663
16-05-2024 11.1538
15-05-2024 11.1535
14-05-2024 11.1492
13-05-2024 11.1433
10-05-2024 11.1454
09-05-2024 11.1385
08-05-2024 11.1345
07-05-2024 11.1379
06-05-2024 11.127
03-05-2024 11.1175
02-05-2024 11.1076
30-04-2024 11.1206
29-04-2024 11.1086
26-04-2024 11.1043
25-04-2024 11.1015
24-04-2024 11.1116
23-04-2024 11.1093
22-04-2024 11.1037
19-04-2024 11.1093
18-04-2024 11.1031
16-04-2024 11.1022
15-04-2024 11.0961
12-04-2024 11.0908
10-04-2024 11.0902
09-04-2024 11.0861
08-04-2024 11.0879
05-04-2024 11.0824
04-04-2024 11.0705
03-04-2024 11.0656
02-04-2024 11.054
01-04-2024 11.0535
31-03-2024 11.0455
28-03-2024 11.0438
27-03-2024 11.0382

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