Axis MF Balanced Advantage Fund February 2025 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of Bandhan BSE Sensex ETF

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
27-02-2025 801.4799
25-02-2025 801.4088
24-02-2025 799.8456
21-02-2025 809.0402
20-02-2025 813.5994
19-02-2025 815.7772
18-02-2025 816.0879
17-02-2025 816.4187
14-02-2025 815.8292
13-02-2025 817.9829
12-02-2025 818.3383
11-02-2025 819.1014
10-02-2025 830.0106
07-02-2025 835.9041
06-02-2025 837.8427
05-02-2025 840.0301
04-02-2025 843.3834
03-02-2025 828.4107
01-02-2025 831.8476
31-01-2025 831.8023
30-01-2025 823.7871
29-01-2025 821.3735
28-01-2025 814.6289
27-01-2025 808.9134
24-01-2025 817.7567
23-01-2025 821.296
22-01-2025 820.0502
21-01-2025 814.0021
20-01-2025 827.2246
17-01-2025 822.3942
16-01-2025 826.7218
15-01-2025 823.317
14-01-2025 820.9148
13-01-2025 819.112
10-01-2025 830.3698
09-01-2025 832.9795
08-01-2025 838.6446
07-01-2025 839.203
06-01-2025 836.7077
03-01-2025 850.2075
02-01-2025 857.9292
01-01-2025 842.567
31-12-2024 838.6403
30-12-2024 839.8134
27-12-2024 844.6626
26-12-2024 842.2512
24-12-2024 842.2729
23-12-2024 843.0033
20-12-2024 837.6959
19-12-2024 850.2305
18-12-2024 860.5403
17-12-2024 865.9171
16-12-2024 877.2957
13-12-2024 881.436
12-12-2024 872.4347
11-12-2024 874.9707
10-12-2024 874.8101
09-12-2024 874.8051
06-12-2024 876.9778
05-12-2024 877.599
04-12-2024 868.9607
03-12-2024 867.7912
02-12-2024 861.4085
30-11-2024 856.6656
29-11-2024 856.6736
28-11-2024 848.5723
27-11-2024 861.2942
26-11-2024 858.8475
25-11-2024 859.989
22-11-2024 849.4009
21-11-2024 828.4522
19-11-2024 832.9791
18-11-2024 830.4155
14-11-2024 833.0289
13-11-2024 834.0337
12-11-2024 844.5564
11-11-2024 853.3338
08-11-2024 853.2596
07-11-2024 853.8665
06-11-2024 862.8137
05-11-2024 853.0325
04-11-2024 845.6207
31-10-2024 852.1513
30-10-2024 857.8642
29-10-2024 862.4348
28-10-2024 857.8418
25-10-2024 851.4234
24-10-2024 858.5001
23-10-2024 858.6905
22-10-2024 860.1914
21-10-2024 870.0177
18-10-2024 870.8318
17-10-2024 868.4181
16-10-2024 873.711
15-10-2024 877.1221
14-10-2024 878.7589
11-10-2024 872.4589
10-10-2024 874.9194
09-10-2024 873.3913
08-10-2024 875.2058
07-10-2024 868.9585
04-10-2024 875.8167
03-10-2024 884.4673
01-10-2024 903.3832
30-09-2024 903.7513
27-09-2024 917.3723
26-09-2024 920.2138
25-09-2024 913.1134
24-09-2024 910.3903
23-09-2024 910.563
20-09-2024 906.4871
19-09-2024 891.9863
18-09-2024 889.4703
17-09-2024 890.8778
16-09-2024 889.9135
13-09-2024 888.9037
12-09-2024 889.6716
11-09-2024 874.2994
10-09-2024 878.5579
09-09-2024 874.7066
06-09-2024 870.7195
05-09-2024 881.5943
04-09-2024 883.2218
03-09-2024 885.4008
02-09-2024 885.46
31-08-2024 883.397
30-08-2024 883.4066
29-08-2024 880.9387
28-08-2024 877.1258
27-08-2024 876.3434
26-08-2024 876.2114
23-08-2024 869.7231
22-08-2024 869.3818
21-08-2024 867.8209
20-08-2024 866.738
19-08-2024 862.7191
16-08-2024 862.5576
14-08-2024 848.2942
13-08-2024 846.7039
12-08-2024 854.0831
09-08-2024 854.0628
08-08-2024 845.3482
07-08-2024 851.5439
06-08-2024 841.9086
05-08-2024 843.6881
02-08-2024 867.3506
01-08-2024 876.6185
31-07-2024 875.2941
30-07-2024 872.2739
29-07-2024 871.15
26-07-2024 870.9353
25-07-2024 857.1901
24-07-2024 858.3594
23-07-2024 861.3478
22-07-2024 862.0178
19-07-2024 863.1464
18-07-2024 870.7279
16-07-2024 864.0701
15-07-2024 863.4922
12-07-2024 861.9742
11-07-2024 855.2798
10-07-2024 855.5825
09-07-2024 860.1392
08-07-2024 855.9381
05-07-2024 856.3501
04-07-2024 856.7499
03-07-2024 856.0887
02-07-2024 850.2994
01-07-2024 850.6792
30-06-2024 845.9674
28-06-2024 845.9856
27-06-2024 848.1267
26-06-2024 842.0426
25-06-2024 835.4502
24-06-2024 827.8783
21-06-2024 826.5076
20-06-2024 829.038
19-06-2024 827.2331
18-06-2024 826.8522
14-06-2024 823.6051
13-06-2024 821.4837
12-06-2024 819.3189
11-06-2024 817.7363
10-06-2024 817.9342
07-06-2024 820.1211
06-06-2024 802.9299
05-06-2024 795.5832
04-06-2024 771.1155
03-06-2024 817.1274
31-05-2024 790.5039
30-05-2024 789.0461
29-05-2024 795.6163
28-05-2024 802.7224
27-05-2024 805.0688
24-05-2024 805.305
23-05-2024 805.3955
22-05-2024 792.678
21-05-2024 789.3512
17-05-2024 788.9979
16-05-2024 786.3176
15-05-2024 778.8626
14-05-2024 780.1241
13-05-2024 776.6388
10-05-2024 775.4799
09-05-2024 771.3452
08-05-2024 782.6518
07-05-2024 783.1418
06-05-2024 787.051
03-05-2024 786.8979
02-05-2024 794.7026
30-04-2024 793.3528
29-04-2024 795.3713
26-04-2024 785.3886
25-04-2024 791.8599
24-04-2024 786.6928
23-04-2024 785.4854
22-04-2024 784.5362
19-04-2024 778.6085
18-04-2024 772.2513
16-04-2024 777.1078
15-04-2024 781.9642
12-04-2024 790.9767
10-04-2024 799.4283
09-04-2024 795.6688
08-04-2024 796.3052
05-04-2024 791.0791
04-04-2024 790.8659
03-04-2024 787.1393
02-04-2024 787.4417
01-04-2024 788.6236
31-03-2024 784.7716
28-03-2024 784.7896
27-03-2024 777.8337

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