SBI MF Balanced Advantage Fund Oct 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of Axis Banking & PSU Debt Reg Gr

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
27-02-2025 2547.8734
25-02-2025 2548.8888
24-02-2025 2548.3
21-02-2025 2546.9143
20-02-2025 2546.3122
18-02-2025 2545.6127
17-02-2025 2544.8084
14-02-2025 2543.7089
13-02-2025 2543.1181
12-02-2025 2543.2005
11-02-2025 2543.6967
10-02-2025 2542.7975
07-02-2025 2542.9025
06-02-2025 2544.2501
05-02-2025 2542.983
04-02-2025 2540.7229
03-02-2025 2540.4573
31-01-2025 2537.6858
30-01-2025 2537.5388
29-01-2025 2536.6569
28-01-2025 2536.5438
27-01-2025 2535.8959
24-01-2025 2532.8369
23-01-2025 2532.3412
22-01-2025 2532.8232
21-01-2025 2531.318
20-01-2025 2529.8025
17-01-2025 2528.0499
16-01-2025 2527.6327
15-01-2025 2524.3681
14-01-2025 2522.6806
13-01-2025 2521.9561
10-01-2025 2524.5747
09-01-2025 2524.1273
08-01-2025 2524.6564
07-01-2025 2524.9296
06-01-2025 2523.9733
03-01-2025 2522.0573
02-01-2025 2521.3813
01-01-2025 2521.1305
31-12-2024 2520.9475
30-12-2024 2519.5305
27-12-2024 2518.1081
26-12-2024 2517.1961
24-12-2024 2516.2756
23-12-2024 2516.6147
20-12-2024 2515.1054
19-12-2024 2515.1229
18-12-2024 2516.8191
17-12-2024 2516.1304
16-12-2024 2516.4492
13-12-2024 2515.5556
12-12-2024 2515.5615
11-12-2024 2515.8178
10-12-2024 2515.8774
09-12-2024 2515.0045
06-12-2024 2513.5895
05-12-2024 2515.093
04-12-2024 2513.9474
03-12-2024 2512.2292
02-12-2024 2511.3507
30-11-2024 2507.9472
29-11-2024 2507.5013
28-11-2024 2505.345
27-11-2024 2504.5313
26-11-2024 2504.268
25-11-2024 2503.6013
22-11-2024 2501.931
21-11-2024 2502.1648
19-11-2024 2502.2192
18-11-2024 2501.4702
14-11-2024 2499.6079
13-11-2024 2500.178
12-11-2024 2500.1784
11-11-2024 2499.8626
08-11-2024 2498.76
07-11-2024 2497.4894
06-11-2024 2496.5732
05-11-2024 2496.4943
04-11-2024 2496.2889
31-10-2024 2494.742
30-10-2024 2494.2707
29-10-2024 2492.7467
28-10-2024 2491.8416
25-10-2024 2491.9686
24-10-2024 2491.6331
23-10-2024 2490.5744
22-10-2024 2489.4091
21-10-2024 2490.2782
18-10-2024 2490.0926
17-10-2024 2490.7221
16-10-2024 2490.7109
15-10-2024 2490.5667
14-10-2024 2489.756
11-10-2024 2488.1977
10-10-2024 2487.5828
09-10-2024 2487.3041
08-10-2024 2484.1012
07-10-2024 2482.3861
04-10-2024 2482.1514
03-10-2024 2483.4575
01-10-2024 2483.3886
30-09-2024 2481.5905
27-09-2024 2480.2459
26-09-2024 2480.6643
25-09-2024 2479.3899
24-09-2024 2478.3648
23-09-2024 2477.703
20-09-2024 2476.063
19-09-2024 2475.1673
17-09-2024 2472.429
16-09-2024 2472.5313
13-09-2024 2470.2736
12-09-2024 2469.0136
11-09-2024 2468.4408
10-09-2024 2466.8228
09-09-2024 2466.5635
06-09-2024 2465.6846
05-09-2024 2465.3037
04-09-2024 2465.023
03-09-2024 2464.162
02-09-2024 2463.3586
31-08-2024 2462.8342
30-08-2024 2462.3873
29-08-2024 2462.3011
28-08-2024 2461.3811
27-08-2024 2460.8595
26-08-2024 2460.1485
23-08-2024 2459.0594
22-08-2024 2458.6685
21-08-2024 2457.8012
20-08-2024 2457.4821
19-08-2024 2456.6583
16-08-2024 2455.1828
14-08-2024 2454.4457
13-08-2024 2453.697
12-08-2024 2452.7182
09-08-2024 2451.9159
08-08-2024 2451.7078
07-08-2024 2451.5211
06-08-2024 2450.8038
05-08-2024 2451.1165
02-08-2024 2448.478
01-08-2024 2447.4725
31-07-2024 2446.4202
30-07-2024 2446.4529
29-07-2024 2446.4316
26-07-2024 2444.1541
25-07-2024 2442.7062
24-07-2024 2441.0048
23-07-2024 2440.2223
22-07-2024 2440.4443
19-07-2024 2439.4507
18-07-2024 2438.8579
16-07-2024 2437.4314
15-07-2024 2435.8394
12-07-2024 2433.824
11-07-2024 2433.6388
10-07-2024 2433.2093
09-07-2024 2432.7917
08-07-2024 2432.0127
05-07-2024 2430.3599
04-07-2024 2429.4794
03-07-2024 2428.3241
02-07-2024 2427.6434
01-07-2024 2426.6024
28-06-2024 2425.4928
27-06-2024 2425.0004
26-06-2024 2424.9246
25-06-2024 2425.503
24-06-2024 2425.001
21-06-2024 2423.5919
20-06-2024 2422.6629
19-06-2024 2422.0715
18-06-2024 2421.1443
14-06-2024 2420.1142
13-06-2024 2419.7088
12-06-2024 2418.6437
11-06-2024 2418.0623
10-06-2024 2417.3206
07-06-2024 2415.8629
06-06-2024 2415.0333
05-06-2024 2413.1353
04-06-2024 2411.7759
03-06-2024 2415.8915
31-05-2024 2413.5684
30-05-2024 2413.007
29-05-2024 2412.6408
28-05-2024 2412.7471
27-05-2024 2412.8063
24-05-2024 2412.2115
22-05-2024 2410.8665
21-05-2024 2409.6763
17-05-2024 2407.5147
16-05-2024 2407.5096
15-05-2024 2406.0723
14-05-2024 2404.4946
13-05-2024 2403.7325
10-05-2024 2402.8311
09-05-2024 2401.696
08-05-2024 2401.8533
07-05-2024 2402.2723
06-05-2024 2401.6978
03-05-2024 2399.5826
02-05-2024 2399.0469
30-04-2024 2397.5608
29-04-2024 2397.1235
26-04-2024 2396.0668
25-04-2024 2395.6726
24-04-2024 2395.3639
23-04-2024 2395.2119
22-04-2024 2395.0895
19-04-2024 2393.2614
18-04-2024 2394.5211
16-04-2024 2393.3863
15-04-2024 2393.5928
12-04-2024 2391.4702
10-04-2024 2392.114
08-04-2024 2391.0261
05-04-2024 2391.3915
04-04-2024 2391.0996
03-04-2024 2390.945
02-04-2024 2389.8341
31-03-2024 2388.0476
28-03-2024 2386.7808
27-03-2024 2383.646

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