SBI MF Balanced Advantage Fund Oct 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of ABSL Savings Wly IDCW Reg

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
27-02-2025 100.358
25-02-2025 100.3347
24-02-2025 100.322
21-02-2025 100.3932
20-02-2025 100.3714
18-02-2025 100.3373
17-02-2025 100.3211
14-02-2025 100.3986
13-02-2025 100.3869
12-02-2025 100.3653
11-02-2025 100.3474
10-02-2025 100.321
07-02-2025 100.4547
06-02-2025 100.4433
05-02-2025 100.4198
04-02-2025 100.3737
03-02-2025 100.3449
31-01-2025 100.4211
30-01-2025 100.4053
29-01-2025 100.3908
28-01-2025 100.3612
27-01-2025 100.3351
24-01-2025 100.4096
23-01-2025 100.3974
22-01-2025 100.3805
21-01-2025 100.3674
20-01-2025 100.3515
17-01-2025 100.434
16-01-2025 100.404
15-01-2025 100.3775
14-01-2025 100.3489
13-01-2025 100.348
10-01-2025 100.4167
09-01-2025 100.3957
08-01-2025 100.389
07-01-2025 100.3809
06-01-2025 100.3713
03-01-2025 100.5077
02-01-2025 100.4945
01-01-2025 100.4661
31-12-2024 100.4348
30-12-2024 100.3787
27-12-2024 100.4029
26-12-2024 100.3844
24-12-2024 100.345
23-12-2024 100.344
20-12-2024 100.4819
19-12-2024 100.4553
18-12-2024 100.4303
17-12-2024 100.4085
16-12-2024 100.3815
13-12-2024 100.435
12-12-2024 100.4229
11-12-2024 100.3933
10-12-2024 100.3752
09-12-2024 100.3716
06-12-2024 100.4807
05-12-2024 100.4562
04-12-2024 100.4279
03-12-2024 100.3861
02-12-2024 100.3766
29-11-2024 100.4405
28-11-2024 100.417
27-11-2024 100.4081
26-11-2024 100.3875
25-11-2024 100.3692
22-11-2024 100.3802
21-11-2024 100.362
19-11-2024 100.3338
18-11-2024 100.5161
14-11-2024 100.4365
13-11-2024 100.4146
12-11-2024 100.3941
11-11-2024 100.3708
08-11-2024 100.4016
07-11-2024 100.3755
06-11-2024 100.3515
05-11-2024 100.3332
04-11-2024 100.5083
31-10-2024 100.4286
30-10-2024 100.4056
29-10-2024 100.3901
28-10-2024 100.3684
25-10-2024 100.4656
24-10-2024 100.4364
23-10-2024 100.4091
22-10-2024 100.3819
21-10-2024 100.3697
18-10-2024 100.456
17-10-2024 100.4338
16-10-2024 100.4114
15-10-2024 100.4005
14-10-2024 100.3792
11-10-2024 100.4776
10-10-2024 100.4419
09-10-2024 100.4172
08-10-2024 100.3871
07-10-2024 100.3683
04-10-2024 100.5177
03-10-2024 100.48
01-10-2024 100.4362
30-09-2024 100.3966
27-09-2024 100.4485
26-09-2024 100.425
25-09-2024 100.3972
24-09-2024 100.3757
23-09-2024 100.3637
20-09-2024 100.4684
19-09-2024 100.4393
17-09-2024 100.392
16-09-2024 100.3726
13-09-2024 100.4479
12-09-2024 100.4233
11-09-2024 100.4052
10-09-2024 100.3805
09-09-2024 100.3655
06-09-2024 100.437
05-09-2024 100.4206
04-09-2024 100.4032
03-09-2024 100.3946
02-09-2024 100.373
30-08-2024 100.4318
29-08-2024 100.4182
28-08-2024 100.3999
27-08-2024 100.3802
26-08-2024 100.3608
23-08-2024 100.4762
22-08-2024 100.4523
21-08-2024 100.4303
20-08-2024 100.4035
19-08-2024 100.3745
16-08-2024 100.437
14-08-2024 100.3989
13-08-2024 100.3861
12-08-2024 100.3744
09-08-2024 100.4215
08-08-2024 100.4035
07-08-2024 100.3813
06-08-2024 100.3677
05-08-2024 100.3554
02-08-2024 100.4452
01-08-2024 100.4237
31-07-2024 100.4054
30-07-2024 100.3918
29-07-2024 100.3707
26-07-2024 100.4585
25-07-2024 100.4325
24-07-2024 100.415
23-07-2024 100.3939
22-07-2024 100.3723
19-07-2024 100.4491
18-07-2024 100.4274
16-07-2024 100.3903
15-07-2024 100.3752
12-07-2024 100.4355
11-07-2024 100.4193
10-07-2024 100.3986
09-07-2024 100.3797
08-07-2024 100.3622
05-07-2024 100.4885
04-07-2024 100.4681
03-07-2024 100.4512
02-07-2024 100.4251
01-07-2024 100.3871
30-06-2024 100.4836
28-06-2024 100.4447
27-06-2024 100.406
26-06-2024 100.3936
25-06-2024 100.381
24-06-2024 100.37
21-06-2024 100.463
20-06-2024 100.4427
19-06-2024 100.4179
18-06-2024 100.3954
14-06-2024 100.4645
13-06-2024 100.444
12-06-2024 100.4259
11-06-2024 100.402
10-06-2024 100.3798
07-06-2024 100.4134
06-06-2024 100.3913
05-06-2024 100.3658
04-06-2024 100.3592
03-06-2024 100.3699
31-05-2024 100.4378
30-05-2024 100.4182
29-05-2024 100.3963
28-05-2024 100.3762
27-05-2024 100.3641
24-05-2024 100.4636
22-05-2024 100.4129
21-05-2024 100.4011
17-05-2024 100.4565
16-05-2024 100.4333
15-05-2024 100.4169
14-05-2024 100.3981
13-05-2024 100.3654
10-05-2024 100.439
09-05-2024 100.4239
08-05-2024 100.4069
07-05-2024 100.3918
06-05-2024 100.3669
03-05-2024 100.4177
02-05-2024 100.3996
30-04-2024 100.3664
29-04-2024 100.3532
26-04-2024 100.4337
25-04-2024 100.4184
24-04-2024 100.4004
23-04-2024 100.3828
22-04-2024 100.3705
19-04-2024 100.4556
18-04-2024 100.4363
16-04-2024 100.4052
15-04-2024 100.3713
12-04-2024 100.4932
10-04-2024 100.4344
08-04-2024 100.3795
05-04-2024 100.5364
04-04-2024 100.5106
03-04-2024 100.4942
02-04-2024 100.4605
31-03-2024 100.3742
28-03-2024 100.4972
27-03-2024 100.3747

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