Pradip Chakrabarty Articles

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Infrastructure is said to be the tangible aspects such as roads, railways, transportation, electricity and so on which are indispensible to the day to day functioning of an economy. The state of the infrastructure is...Read More

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The new government on Thursday unveiled its first budget of structural reforms aimed at reviving growth, developing Infrastructure and thus winning praise from investors. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said he would...Read More

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Yesterday we did a similar article From one market peak to another: How your SIPs are doing requested by some of our advisor friends. In the last article we covered SIP returns of some popular open ended schemes across...Read More

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Many of our advisor friends requested us to do this article just because the markets have been scaling new highs almost daily during the last 7 – 10 days. The Sensex closed at 23871.23 after hitting the all time...Read More

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The Companies Act 2013 passed by the Parliament received the assent of the President of India on 29th August 2013. The Act consolidates and amends the law relating to companies.The Companies Act 2013 was notified...Read More

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We all know Mutual fund are one of the best investment options not only for your long term wealth creation and financial planning goals but also ideal for your short term needs. But, today we will not discuss about...Read More

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Most of us rely on our Tax Consultant, and CA or maybe TRP (Tax return preparer) for filing our annual ITRs (Income Tax Return) tax returns/ refund dues and also in case we receive some notice form...Read More

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Do not forget as it is the last date for online filling of ITR for the FY 2011-12. The IT (Income Tax) Department provides an extended time for filing late ITR (Income Tax Return) till 2...Read More

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In our previous article we discussed the benefits of start investing early for wealth creation and we also discussed how it is possible using 'power of compounding'. Now, let's understand how Compound Interest...Read More

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As with anything else in life, start investing from early age has great benefits. The earlier you start the better are the chances for creating wealth as you get more return for more time on your investments. However...Read More
