Latest Saving, Investing & Mutual Fund Articles

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With increasing application of payments digitization for different types of transactions in the financial services domain, online transactions in the mutual fund industry is increasingly gaining currency. Based on our interaction with both...Read More

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In a Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP), investor can regularly withdraw a fixed amount of money on a fixed date or dates from a mutual fund scheme. The amount to be withdrawn and the frequency of withdrawals (e.g. weekly, fortnightly...Read More

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High volatility in stock market poses dilemma for many investors. Investors with long investment horizons and high risk tolerance may want to invest irrespective of market levels. Some investors may wait for the market to correct...Read More

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Large and Midcap market segment refers to the top 250 companies by market capitalization. The top 100 companies by market capitalization are large cap companies, while the next 150 companies are classified as midcaps. Mutual...Read More

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10,000 crore AUM is an important landmark for equity mutual fund schemes and Mirae Asset India Equity Fund has recently crossed this landmark. Popularity of this fund among Indian mutual fund investors comes on back of strong performance...Read More

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Midcap and small cap funds were the preferred investment choices for retail investors from 2014 to 2017. Many investors got superlative returns from their small and midcap mutual funds during this period. However, 2018 has...Read More

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2018 has been a harsh year for midcap mutual funds. The Nifty Midcap 100 index has fallen nearly 16% on a year to date basis. Midcap equity mutual funds actually fared better than the midcap benchmark, but even midcap...Read More

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In the first part of this post, “Why you should get serious about retirement planning and start investing in mutual funds”, we had discussed that without serious thought and planning from an early stage of your career, retirement...Read More

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Retirement planning is one of the most important life goals for any family. Unfortunately, in our country, most people do not take retirement planning very seriously until it is too late. In the absence of a sufficiently large retirement...Read More

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While November 2018 was, thankfully, a quieter period compared to the previous two months, we can't deny that for the last three months, and actually much of the year, we have seen a constant state of flux. Credit downgrades...Read More
